
Saturday 16 May 2015

Story of Tublu, excerpt 3

In Tublu's hostel, life was a little different; loud music kept escaping from almost every room, guys desperately looked for a matchbox holding cigarettes in their hands, and blistering laughter, and frequent boozing – not to mention smoking ganja (grass) – was popular. There was a huge gang of grass devotees in Tublu’s hostel. Tublu also tried it a few times, but he somehow couldn’t tune in to the frequency of grass, the way he had tuned in to nicotine and alcohol. He was scared of marijuana and was very cautious while smoking it. During their freshers’ night, one of Tublu’s favorite seniors had advised him not to develop an affinity for ganja. Even though the senior was totally drunk and was behaving like Socrates that night, Tublu took his advice seriously.

'Drink as much as you can, there’s nothing much to worry. The maximum it can do, it will damage your liver. Well, in that case you can go for a liver transplant. But this ganja fucks your brain and, someday, when each and every part of your brain is terribly fucked, what would you do? You can’t go for a bloody brain transplant, my friend,' the senior said to Tublu.

An excerpt from my debut novel, Story of Tublu. It's a contemporary fiction book, published by LiFi Publications Pvt Ltd. The story has its share of drama, that entertains; humor, that makes one reminisce; love, friendship and emotions that defines the amazing journey that is, life.

You can grab a copy from Amazon or Flipkart.


  1. Jahid, this book is not available on Kindle? I looked for it there but couldn't find it

    1. Sorry Lata ma'am, no kindle version as of now, only paperback :(

  2. That's really good. Looking forward to get hands on one of the copies soon.
    Tanishq Sharma

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Tanishq :) thanks for dropping by!!

  3. I am sure the book is a success. Would love to read it someday.

    1. Thanks Abjijit da, I'm sure you will enjoy the book :)

  4. That's a fantastic story, with some learning too...

    1. Thanks Alok, glad you liked the excerpt :)
