
Saturday 9 May 2015

The Wanderer

He is a traveller. He's from the city of Mumbai, but he doesn’t like to stay long in the same place. He’s a passionate blogger and quite active on Facebook as well. He regularly updates about his ongoing travel stories. Also, uploads some of the lively photographs captured by his lens. Travelling is not just a hobby, in fact, it is his oxygen. Everywhere he travels he gets involve with the culture, the architecture, the food, the views and the romance. He loves to take photographs of almost everything - Mother nature, human being, food, street and the list just goes on. It seems he already travelled half the globe, but this simply won’t quench his thirst, his thirst for travelling.

Mr Deepak Amembal is a wanderer. I am quite jealous of the kind of life he's living at the moment. A few months back he completed his long motorcycle trip across India along with his group. They even travelled to Bhutan and Nepal. They traveled 13000 km in 72 days. While not travelling and blogging, Deepak Sir loves to read books. He indulge in all these passions full time now that he has retired from a day job that has provided him with funds to satiate his passions. He’s an avid blogger and his blog Mumbai Daily is very popular. If you visit this blog, I'm pretty sure you will get the smell of Mumbai. Apart from Mumbai Mirror, Mr Deepak is also active on two more of his blogs, Instant Words and Pets forever.

I'm so happy that Deepak Sir read my debut fiction novel. Well, it seems he liked the book and enjoyed it wholeheartedly. I am grateful to him that he reviewed 'Story of Tublu' on his blog.

"I enjoyed reading it. It felt as if I was sitting with him for a couple of evenings as he narrated this wonderful tale. Despite it being a love story it is not mushy. The idiom is Indian, nothing fancy in the language which is day to day and practical. I also liked the fact that equal importance was given by Jahid to the girl’s thinking and actions. The pace is consistent and the end of every chapter wants you to continue to the next as soon as possible. It is refreshingly Indian in its language and laid back pace"

To read the complete review please click the below link:

 Image courtesy: Mr Deepak Amembal

Grab a copy of Story of Tublu from Amazon or Flipkart. It is a Contemporary Fiction novel, published by LiFi Publications Pvt Ltd. The book has its share of drama, that entertains; humor, that makes one reminisce; love, friendship and emotions that defines the amazing journey that is, life.


  1. Wow!! Amazing to know so much more about Deepakji :-) he's on an amazing journey which is a source of inspiration to so many of us! Thanks for sharing, Jahid :-)

    1. Yes Archana ji, Deepak sir a indeed a source of inspiration. Thanks for dropping by :)

  2. Jahid, your book is not available on Kindle?

    1. No Lata, it's not available on kindle, only hard copy :(

  3. Mr Amembal surely has a lifestyle that gives him a lot of oxygen as he travels through the green patches as shown in the picture :-)

    1. Yes Somali, Deepak ji got a lifestyle which everyone envy :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  4. well said about Deepak ji. a wanderer indeed. :)
    A Rat's Nibble

  5. I really love this post. I would love to read your book, but I can't affort it :/ (don't have a credit card for Amazon)

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post Victor. Not sure if Amazon would deliver it outside India, no kindle version either :( May be in next edition they would make it available on kindle. Thanks for you interest in my book and also for visiting out here!!

  6. I am already connected to Deepak Sir on FB and his photographs are amazing...i have read reviews about your book on some blogs...great job!

    1. Yes Alok, Deepak sir's photography is amazing. Glad to know you read about book review of my blog :)

  7. What a life. I am sure you remember the song, " Ei path jodi na sesh hoi....." starring Uttam Kumar and Suchitra Sen. I also long for such a life. But do not have the courage. Nice writing.

    1. Yes Abhijit sir, I could remember the song :) Deep within our heart we all long for such life, but don't have the courage. A big salute to Deepak sir. Glad you liked the writeup!!

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