
Wednesday 20 May 2015

My First Mobile Phone

It was the year of 2003. I just passed out of Engineering college without a job in hand. Those were the days when mobile phones were still considered a luxury. But for me it was becoming more of a necessity, particularly for the smooth processing of my job hunt. My elder brother transferred me money to get the phone. I had a few choices but I opted for Nokia 3310. Even though I was already familiar with the epic snake game which was inbuilt in all Nokia handsets those days, it was only after I had my own that I gained expertise it the game. The game was more than just time pass, it was an addiction, it was a reason for pride. I had a wonderful four years of relationship with my first mobile. It slipped from my hand many times and almost every time the battery came out. But my phone was strong enough; as soon as I reconnected the battery it came back to live instantly. During the last phase of our relationship its entire keypad turned absolutely blank and colorless, but I was so much used to my darling that I was able to text any message and was able to dial any number, without any slightest pinch of discomfort. Most of my friends already had various colorful trendy handsets by now. Well, I was also tempted for those latest sexy models and waited desperately for my phone stop working. But the wait was getting kind of never ending and ultimately one day I took the painful step and betrayed my cellular.

Over the years I had many short term relationships with various trendy models, but with my first one it was a different matter altogether. A couple of months back I ordered an exotic looking, wide screen with a high resolution camera - Asus Zenfone 6, from Amazon. I felt some negative vibrations out of it from the very first day itself . The battery drained off exponentially and the heat it generated was scary. My friends suggested to ask for a replacement. Out of laziness I delayed and by the time I realized the urgency, I learned that Amazon only give ten days window for such replacements. Without any other choice apart from visiting a service center I simply continued. Pretty soon I got used to recharge my phone three to four times a day, sometimes even more. Couple of days back the situation turned worst, my phone lied dead and no power could bring it back to life. So I went to one of the Asus service center far away from my office, they have only three in Bangalore. They kept my phone and said it would take minimum fifteen working days for the fix. 

I missed my first mobile phone and wanted to have it for the time being. The same evening I went to a shop; I couldn’t get the exact model but I’m pretty sure it is one of the cousin sisters that I have now, an old Nokia model with only the basic features of voice and text.

Grab a copy of my debut book Story of Tublu from Amazon or Flipkart. It is a Contemporary Fiction novel, published by LiFi Publications Pvt Ltd. The book has its share of drama, that entertains; humor, that makes one reminisce; love, friendship and emotions that defines the amazing journey that is, life.


  1. I like the way you compare your cell phone to a woman in your post. I also had a Blackberry cell phone for many years that I was fond of. Although it was outdated it did not break down, even if it fell, and I was upset when I recently lost it.

    1. Glad you liked it, Michelle :) Yes, we get used to our phones, it it keeps working perfectly. Sorry to know you recently lost your Blackberry!!

  2. Nokia was my first cell phone too and was as sturdy as a hammer. :)

    1. Yes, earlier Nokia models were like hammers :) Thanks for dropping by, Somali!!

  3. I bought Zenfone 5 last month. Such a waste! :(

    1. Aha, your one too :) We should go for big brands as far as mobile is concerned!!

  4. I had the same type of Nokia phone back in 2003 too! I had it for about eight years until my dad got me a new phone. I was like you in that while my friends got more advanced fancier phones, I stuck with my Nokia phone.

    1. Nice to know about your first phone, Carlyn :) Wow! you used it for 8 years. Earlier Nokia models were too good and reliable. Thanks for dropping by!!

  5. Nokia was the alpha of all phones...i remember in the early days, people took pride in dangling a 1100 from their necks...
    nice post is nice to be nostalgic about things as well!

    1. Yes, Nokia was indeed the alpha of all phones. Glad you enjoyed the post and got a bit nostalgic :) Thanks a lot for dropping by!!

  6. Hey same pinch.. I had the same phone.. It's damn bulky.. You could actually hit someone and hurt them! :P

    1. Same pinch :) Yes, it was like a hammer. Thanks for dropping by, Lancelot!!

  7. I guess 3310 was the first phone for a lot of us who got our first phones in 2003...u got me nostalgic again Jahid!

    1. Yes, Nokia 3310 was the first phone of many of us in those days. Glad you liked the post and got a bit nostalgic :) Thanks for dropping by, Shaivi !!

  8. Nice post..almost everyone could relate themselves to this experience

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post, Deeshani and could relate to the experience :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here!!

  9. my first one was also a nokia phone - N72 :) 2004, I don't even remember the number of times i have dropped that phone though I dont use it now but I have my phone and it still works :)

    1. Yes, old Nokia phones were very strong and quite reliable :) Nice to know your first one was also a Nokia. Thanks a lot for dropping by!!

  10. I too am attached to my Samsung.I must have dropped it at least a hundred times but it has gotten used to my ways :)

    1. Yes Indu ji, we get so used to our phones. Samsung phones can be compared to Nokia as far a durability is concerned :) Thanks for dropping by, Indu ji !!
