
Saturday 7 March 2015

My First Print Media Experience

Few days back one lady named Kimaya Varude contacted me through Facebook. She said that she’s from Indian Institute of Journalism and New Media, Bangalore. They do news stories for their college publication, The Weekly Observer. I was ecstatic to hear from her that she read excerpts from my debut novel “Story of Tublu” and was thinking if she could do a profile on me? Kimaya wanted to focus on the struggles of becoming an author and how this book helped me with it. They wanted to do a story that highlights the struggles of becoming an author for starters with a focus on me and my book.

Well, I am really overjoyed with my first print media experience. A very heartfelt thanks to Kimaya for writing about me and my debut novel in the Weekly Observer. Sharing the link below; my story is on the last page.

Story of Tublu is available at:


  1. Congratulations and wish you more luck in future...!

  2. Thank you so much Subham!!

  3. Congratulations on your book and the news article!

    1. Thank you so much :) thanks for dropping by!!
