
Wednesday 11 March 2015

Review of Story of Tublu by Mr Tomichan Matheikal

Mr Tomichan Matheikal has been a teacher throughout his career that spans three decades.  He started working in a convent school in Shillong, moved to St Edmund's College as a lecturer in English and then he left for Delhi where he has been  teaching English in a Public School ever since.  Teaching, reading and writing has been his passions.  Tomichan Sir wrote two books: English Poetry (Literary Criticism) and Yearning (Short Stories). For a long time, his writing has been confined to blogging. His writes a blog named Matheikal's Blog.

Tomichan Sir is a very active and passionate blogger. He writes about various topics, but it seems his interest is more inclined towards politics and religion. There’s always a sense truth in his writing and sometimes I could even smell a little bit of Atheism in it. Well, I feel truth and Atheism are very closely interrelated. I also have a sense of feeling that Tomichan Sir wants to educate the world in his own small way, through his blogging. He tries to tell people to be rational and not to believe in something, just because the rest of the world is believing in it. I think his students are quite fortunate to have a teacher like him. 

Tomichan sir is the kind of teacher for whom respect just comes aromatically from the heart.  I feel blessed to be in contact with such a person. Tomichan Sir is a man of literature; I am grateful to him and also feel proud that he has read my debut novel Story of Tublu. He liked the story and found the narration very interesting written with ample simplicity. Even though it’s a fiction, but Tomichan Sir feels that Story of Tublu is a kind of story that could have happened really. 

"Every line reads as if it is taken from actual life.  Every character is like someone we may actually meet in real life.  The author does not take recourse to any literary embellishments or sophisticated techniques to narrate his story.  It’s a straightforward narrative that comes in the simplest language possible"

To read the complete review please click the link below:

Story of Tublu is available at:


  1. Your words intrigued me to have the book .:)

  2. Jahid, thanks for the nice words you've said about me. You could have avoided calling me Sir so many times :)

    I am an atheist. I used to describe myself as an agnostic earlier. But the recent politics of my country took away whatever little hesitation was remaining in my mind :)

    Best wishes for the success of your novel.

    1. Yes, Tomichan Sir, there's a very thin line between an agnostic and an atheist :) I usually read your posts. Thanks a lot for your wishes!!

  3. Marvelous work!. Blog is brilliantly written and provides all necessary information I really like this site.
