
Saturday 28 February 2015

Story of Tublu, excerpt 1

Raja returned to the hostel at night and he looked disturbed to see a gang of guys in his room, drinking. Unlike his usual self, he was silent that night and Tublu felt there was something wrong with him. Raja was only physically present in the room and behaved in a rather absent-minded fashion. He was lost in his thoughts and was finishing his pegs fast. 'What's up dude? You didn’t write today’s paper well or what? Why are you so fucking serious?’ someone asked Raja. Raja had a fake smile on his face and tried to avoid the situation. The party continued and the guys mainly discussed their upcoming training. Everyone had a wonderful time, talking, boozing, and cracking jokes. At midnight, not finding Raja in the room, Tublu looked for him in the other rooms but he couldn’t find Raja anywhere. 

Tublu was worried and started looking for Raja around the hostel. He found Raja sitting alone in the staircase in the backyard of the hostel. It was dark there and Tublu sat next to him without saying anything. Raja took his last puff, exhaled a cloud of smoke and threw away the cigarette bud. ‘What happened, dude? What is disturbing you?’ Tublu asked.

'Nothing Tublu, just wanted to spend some time alone,’ replied Raja.
'It’s okay, if you don’t want to share; I’ll not bother you,’ Tublu said. Raja remained silent for a while and then he lit up another cigarette.

'I’m a little disturbed, dude. Don’t know what to say? Not sure how you would react.’

'Cut the crap, will you?’ Tublu was getting hyper.

'I met my mother today in my uncle's house,' said Raja.

'So, is she upset with you or something?’ 

'Actually, today I met her for the first time in my life,' Raja replied. 

There was an absolute silence. Raja was busy smoking and a few seconds later, Tublu asked Raja to pass on the cigarette to him. The effect of alcohol which Tublu was experiencing vanished instantly. He didn’t know what to say and had his drags silently. Even though they both had been sharing the same room for the last three years, yet they never spoke about their mothers.

An excerpt from my debut novel, Story of Tublu. It's a contemporary fiction book, published by LiFi Publications Pvt Ltd. The story has its share of drama, that entertains; humor, that makes one reminisce; love, friendship and emotions that defines the amazing journey that is, life.

You can order your copy from



  1. Sounds intriguing. Best of luck Javed for the success of your first book and may there be many more books! :)

    1. Thank you so much Deepak Sir :) Glad you found it intriguing!!

  2. Hi Jahid, stopping here after a long time and glad to know you have written your own book! Congratulations :) Wishing you all the success!

    1. Thanks you so much Pallavi :) Nice to see your comment after so long!!

  3. Congratulations for the book. Engaging excerpt.

    1. Thanks Alok Sir :) Glad you found it interesting!!

  4. Fascinating start...Bingo! Wish you all the success...

    1. Thank you so much Susmit :) glad you found it interesting!!
