
Friday 27 March 2015

Lucifer House Inc, The Fool

It was an electrifying feeling when initially I entered into the world of blogging. It was a different experience; interacting with so many people through my writing. It was fun and gradually somehow I got addicted to it. It has been more than two years and during this time I came across many bloggers who write in various different topics. One day I came across a blogger named "Lucifer House Inc, The Fool". The name had simply stolen my attention. I visited the blog and tried to find out, "what so fool about this Lucifer?" Well I got my answers there.

Later, we also got connected through Facebook. Like the blogger profile, Lucifer’s Facebook profile was also quite mysterious that time. I had a serious doubt about Lucifer, The Fool’s gender. But one day my confusion was over when I came across a Facebook post where Lucifer complained about the unwanted FB friend requests. But just a few days later I came to know that my assumption was completely wrong and I felt myself a fool. 

Well, Lucifer The Fool’s real name is Karthik. He is one of the veteran bloggers and he has been blogging for the last six seven years. Karthik lives more in fantasy than reality like Peter Pan never wanted to grow up. But he had no choice but to grow up and take up mundane pursuits such as Engineering, IT and Management Consulting. In order to escape from this cruel world of boredom, he is trying to create his own Neverland through his writing. He writes on his two blogs and He has so far published three stories – a science fiction, a paranormal thriller and an urban fantasy in anthologies ‘Ten Shades of Life’ , ‘Sirens Spell Danger’ and ' Voices Old and New' respectively. 

Karthik believes that there's a great advantage of being fool. One of the greatest fears people have in their minds is being taken for a fool by society. This fear makes people inhibited or pretentious. According to me, the best antidote for fear is to embrace the object of fear. So if I am already 'The Fool', I don't have to fear being considered a fool and can openly speak my mind.

It was a great pleasure for me to get a review of my debut novel from Karthik. He has included my novel in the genre of books that have spawned a whole generation of Indian writers who write on simple day to day themes that everyone can relate to in a kind of language that is commonly used by majority of Indians.

"Story of Tublu tells the tale of a simple village boy who comes to the city with his father and his experiences in various aspects of life as he grows into full manhood. The story takes us across various places in India and abroad and spans over three decades, giving us a glimpse into the life, attitudes and aspirations of a typical Indian twenty first century middle class male. Being a first time author, I must credit Jahid for putting together a coherent set of events that stay together over two hundred pages. 

It is a light breezy read. I would definitely recommend this book to all fans of Indian campus romances"

To read the complete review please click the below link:

Story of Tublu is now available at your nearest bookstore. You can also grab your copy from:

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Story of Tublu, excerpt 2

Back in the town, Tublu's father Bipin started feeling very lonely after Tublu left. The Sharmas were also feeling Tublu’s absence and the silence around them grew. Mr Sharma was occupied with his school most of the time. He was getting older and got tired very easily. 

It had been drizzling for the last couple of hours. Bipin had just entered his room after watching the evening regional news with Mr Sharma. The frequent lightning in the sky kept illuminating the dark compound. The thunder was getting more violent and monstrous. Bipin started to prepare his food and opened his bottle of whisky. He had brought half a bottle that night instead of his usual quarter bottle. After having a couple of pegs he lay on his bed, enjoying the rhythmic melody created by the falling raindrops on the tin rooftop. He switched on the radio and tuned it to FM. It was playing a Bhupen Hazarika classic and Bipin prepared his drink immediately. He
was a true Bhupen Hazarika fan. 

The mesmerizing rainy night, whisky and his loneliness, collectively, managed to evoke a sense of nostalgia in Bipin. He remembered his childhood days and his mother’s image flashed deep in his mind. Bipin was the youngest of her sons and she loved him a lot. They stayed happily in a small village on the banks of the river Brahmaputra. Bipin was quite young when, one day, both his parents died in a ferry accident. His brothers took good care of him, but after they started their own families, things turned difficult for Bipin. Gradually, he became a burden on them. 

Both his brothers had equally shared whatever property their father had left for them. Bipin was left out in the share, but he never complained. Once his brothers asked him to leave the house, he went to a different village. He had to struggle a lot to make a living but then he never gave up. With time, situation was turning little better for Bipin, and then one day, Deepa came into his life. Deepa was Bipin’s love and the only woman in his life. They cherished their life together and lived a wonderful, married life. They felt blessed when Tublu arrived in this world. They were a happy family and enjoyed the small pleasures of life. But then, destiny had a different plan for them.

Bipin remembered Deepa’s beautiful face. He opened his trunk that lay under his bed. He picked up a polythene bag from there and unfolded it. He looked at his wedding photograph. That was the only photograph of Deepa that Bipin had with him. He had always preserved it like a treasure. It was a black & white photograph and the quality of the picture had deteriorated over the years. Bipin remembered the day when he had met her for the first time. Bipin held the photograph and looked at her. Tears came streaming down his face. He was in no mood to have his dinner.

An excerpt from my debut novel, Story of Tublu. It's a contemporary fiction book, published by LiFi Publications Pvt Ltd. The story has its share of drama, that entertains; humor, that makes one reminisce; love, friendship and emotions that defines the amazing journey that is, life.

Story of Tublu is now available at your nearest bookstore. You can also grab your copy from:

Monday 23 March 2015

Review of Story of Tublu by Preethi Venugopala

Preethi Venugopala is a Civil Engineer by profession and an artist & writer by passion. Born in a land named as God's own country, Kerala, she is currently settled in the Garden city, Bangalore. You can find her reminiscing about her birthplace every now and then. Naturally, she is in awe of it. She blogs at, quite a known place on the blogosphere. If you love positive stories and beautiful art then you must visit her blog, which promises happy endings and visual treats through her art works. She create portraits in Pencil and Charcoal. She also create paintings with oil, acrylic and watercolors. You can find her musings on random topics and also her latest art works on her blog.

Preethi has been published in an anthology, The Second Life by Write India Publishers. Her story in it 'The Arabian Dream' was appreciated by many. She also works as an editor and currently she is working as an editor to an Anthology, The Blank Space where 100 authors come together to tell 100 stories. She has also contributed 'The Eternal Love', a love story to it. She has been a part of Game of Blogs by blogadda where ten bloggers together created a novella. Preethi's team wrote a sci-fi novella starring aliens.

It is really a great pleasure to get a review of Story of Tublu from Preethi Venugopala. This is what she has to say about the novel.

"The book describes the life of the main characters in the same endearing style that Jahid writes his blog posts. Straight from the heart narration, from start to end, it doesn't deviate anywhere. Major characters that come into Tublu’s and Maina’s life bring in humor, adventure and even love. The adolescent adventures of Tublu and his friends is narrated with frankness. Ragging, embarrassing moments, crushes, love stories, the book is filled with anecdotes from Tublu’s life.

I finished reading it in three hours straight. It was a tension free afternoon read for me. Pick the book up if you want an escape from the gore and tensions that fill many of the books that come out these days"

To read the complete review please click the below link:

Story of Tublu is now available at your nearest bookstore. You can also grab your copy from:

Saturday 21 March 2015

Review of Story of Tublu by Kalyan Panja

Kalyan Panja is a working professional and an amateur photographer. Also a true blood traveller, who travelled almost all the major portions of India right from his childhood, and still continuing the journey for search of unknown and hidden paradises spread all over the country.  To him travelling is not just visiting the place but also of feeling the smell of the soil there. Kalyan has a diverse range of passions who is as much a tech freak as a bookworm and tries to juggle his way through his different passions. From cool gadgets to mystery thrillers, you can find everything in his shelf who is surely going to try it, if it catches his mind. He has his own way with the ink and has a flair for creative writing and has contributed in different online spaces and magazines at different points of time. Still he believes he is only in the learning sphere and knowledge is unbound. Most important to him is not in knowing but in the desire to know, experience the unknown and go along to fulfill the unfulfilled dreams. Kalyan is a voracious reader – book reviewer and has a vivid library with rare and precious titles. He doesn’t let go of any book, if he can. Which explains why he still treasures the books he had read in his Nursery classes. 

I am glad that Kalyan read "Story of Tublu" and also shared his review on his blog titled Booktica

"The story delves in the complex nature of the friendship between a boy and a girl, following step by step their individual growth, how they influence each other, the good and the bad feelings that nourish decades of a true robust relationship. This is the kind of book that does not end. A novel of good, basic writing, without smearing or frills this book reflects the joys and sufferings of an entire generation smothered by an avalanche of images, sounds and information to the point of becoming spectators of their own lives because they lost the perception of the value of the things they have. 

It’s an essential book to read; it’s short and concise but  quite compelling and fascinating. The book works, because people today are too superficial and have definitely forgotten the existence of certain values, a fundamental time, such as friendship. The environments of the novel are also special and evocative and more than anything else is fascinating and you will love the way in which the author expressed his feelings towards totally different environments, describing them in order to capture the reader's attention.

This book is interesting and requires only a few pages to excite and impress deeply anyone who reads it"

To read the complete review please click the below link:

Story of Tublu is available at:

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Review of Story of Tublu by Arish Dhawan

Arish Dhawan is presently pursuing his Engineering. Soon after completing his graduation, he’s all set to stick with the herd and joining the IT sector. But Arish believes that his writing is there to follow all along. Having done his schooling from a convent school, he has been reading poems by some of the world’s greatest poets ever since he was a small fry. And maybe that’s what made him want to pen down one on his own, and gradually he turned into a poet. Arish’s first poetry anthology, Alibi, was a self-published memoir with two of his batch mates. Not only that, he has written three more anthologies after that. 

Well, it has been a long time since I passed out of college, and it’s a delight to be in touch with young guys like Arish through our writings. I really get energized by interacting with them. I always enjoy writing about some of our those carefree college/hostel days. 

After completing my contemporary fiction book “Story of Tublu” I was pretty much sure that people of our generation, who had grown up in the Eighties and Nineties would just love the book. Those were the Pre Cable TV, Pre Internet days. The only source of entertainment those days was our very own Doordarshan. I was under the assumption that the new generation wouldn’t be able to co-relate much with the journey of Tublu, from childhood to adolescent to manhood. But then I was wrong. Story of Tublu is equally liked by the new generation; particularly the Engineering guys who thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Arish enjoyed reading the book a lot and it was a pleasure to read his review of Story of Tublu.

"This story is a wonderful rollercoaster ride from puerility, childhood infatuations, innocent talks, the love disease, hesitations, college and hostel life, drawing together to one’s parents, to being adults and eventually being parents themselves in the span of 204 pages, which makes it a perfect read for people of all age groups. The writing was simple beyond words. And that’s what makes it a fast moving, light and easy to digest story one can easily enjoy it in a single sitting. Everyone, at some point of time, finds himself reading his very own story. Every time Tublu hesitated to talk his heart out to Maina, I could feel a gulp stuck in my throat"

To read the complete review please click the below link:

Story of Tublu is available at:

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Review of Story of Tublu by Mr Tomichan Matheikal

Mr Tomichan Matheikal has been a teacher throughout his career that spans three decades.  He started working in a convent school in Shillong, moved to St Edmund's College as a lecturer in English and then he left for Delhi where he has been  teaching English in a Public School ever since.  Teaching, reading and writing has been his passions.  Tomichan Sir wrote two books: English Poetry (Literary Criticism) and Yearning (Short Stories). For a long time, his writing has been confined to blogging. His writes a blog named Matheikal's Blog.

Tomichan Sir is a very active and passionate blogger. He writes about various topics, but it seems his interest is more inclined towards politics and religion. There’s always a sense truth in his writing and sometimes I could even smell a little bit of Atheism in it. Well, I feel truth and Atheism are very closely interrelated. I also have a sense of feeling that Tomichan Sir wants to educate the world in his own small way, through his blogging. He tries to tell people to be rational and not to believe in something, just because the rest of the world is believing in it. I think his students are quite fortunate to have a teacher like him. 

Tomichan sir is the kind of teacher for whom respect just comes aromatically from the heart.  I feel blessed to be in contact with such a person. Tomichan Sir is a man of literature; I am grateful to him and also feel proud that he has read my debut novel Story of Tublu. He liked the story and found the narration very interesting written with ample simplicity. Even though it’s a fiction, but Tomichan Sir feels that Story of Tublu is a kind of story that could have happened really. 

"Every line reads as if it is taken from actual life.  Every character is like someone we may actually meet in real life.  The author does not take recourse to any literary embellishments or sophisticated techniques to narrate his story.  It’s a straightforward narrative that comes in the simplest language possible"

To read the complete review please click the link below:

Story of Tublu is available at:

Saturday 7 March 2015

My First Print Media Experience

Few days back one lady named Kimaya Varude contacted me through Facebook. She said that she’s from Indian Institute of Journalism and New Media, Bangalore. They do news stories for their college publication, The Weekly Observer. I was ecstatic to hear from her that she read excerpts from my debut novel “Story of Tublu” and was thinking if she could do a profile on me? Kimaya wanted to focus on the struggles of becoming an author and how this book helped me with it. They wanted to do a story that highlights the struggles of becoming an author for starters with a focus on me and my book.

Well, I am really overjoyed with my first print media experience. A very heartfelt thanks to Kimaya for writing about me and my debut novel in the Weekly Observer. Sharing the link below; my story is on the last page.

Story of Tublu is available at: