
Friday 27 March 2015

Lucifer House Inc, The Fool

It was an electrifying feeling when initially I entered into the world of blogging. It was a different experience; interacting with so many people through my writing. It was fun and gradually somehow I got addicted to it. It has been more than two years and during this time I came across many bloggers who write in various different topics. One day I came across a blogger named "Lucifer House Inc, The Fool". The name had simply stolen my attention. I visited the blog and tried to find out, "what so fool about this Lucifer?" Well I got my answers there.

Later, we also got connected through Facebook. Like the blogger profile, Lucifer’s Facebook profile was also quite mysterious that time. I had a serious doubt about Lucifer, The Fool’s gender. But one day my confusion was over when I came across a Facebook post where Lucifer complained about the unwanted FB friend requests. But just a few days later I came to know that my assumption was completely wrong and I felt myself a fool. 

Well, Lucifer The Fool’s real name is Karthik. He is one of the veteran bloggers and he has been blogging for the last six seven years. Karthik lives more in fantasy than reality like Peter Pan never wanted to grow up. But he had no choice but to grow up and take up mundane pursuits such as Engineering, IT and Management Consulting. In order to escape from this cruel world of boredom, he is trying to create his own Neverland through his writing. He writes on his two blogs and He has so far published three stories – a science fiction, a paranormal thriller and an urban fantasy in anthologies ‘Ten Shades of Life’ , ‘Sirens Spell Danger’ and ' Voices Old and New' respectively. 

Karthik believes that there's a great advantage of being fool. One of the greatest fears people have in their minds is being taken for a fool by society. This fear makes people inhibited or pretentious. According to me, the best antidote for fear is to embrace the object of fear. So if I am already 'The Fool', I don't have to fear being considered a fool and can openly speak my mind.

It was a great pleasure for me to get a review of my debut novel from Karthik. He has included my novel in the genre of books that have spawned a whole generation of Indian writers who write on simple day to day themes that everyone can relate to in a kind of language that is commonly used by majority of Indians.

"Story of Tublu tells the tale of a simple village boy who comes to the city with his father and his experiences in various aspects of life as he grows into full manhood. The story takes us across various places in India and abroad and spans over three decades, giving us a glimpse into the life, attitudes and aspirations of a typical Indian twenty first century middle class male. Being a first time author, I must credit Jahid for putting together a coherent set of events that stay together over two hundred pages. 

It is a light breezy read. I would definitely recommend this book to all fans of Indian campus romances"

To read the complete review please click the below link:

Story of Tublu is now available at your nearest bookstore. You can also grab your copy from:


  1. Its Realy Very Nice.........

    1. Glad you liked the post :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  2. I haven't read any of the other reviews of your book as I'm to write one. :-D My review is coming soon... :-)

    1. Hehe Maniparna :) waiting for your review!!

  3. Thanks for the lovely intro, Jahid. Always a pleasure to do my bit to help fellow bloggers aspiring to become authors.

    1. Glad you liked the intro, Karthik :) It's really nice to see bloggers like you helping the fellow bloggers in their aspirations to become authors; really appreciate!!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Abhijit Sir :) glad to know that !!
