
Monday 23 February 2015

Book Launch of Story of Tublu

As we were entering the venue I was thrilled to see so many people around. We had to walk a long way before we reached the arena. The immediate thing that came to my mind was that of Palace Ground, Bangalore. During the last decade we had experienced it many times, walking long distance through the narrow road to reach palace ground to savor live metal concert. But this time it was different, it was a book fair, that too New Delhi World Book Fair. I was feeling proud as I was going to attend the book launch of my debut novel, but my age old stage phobia was making me nervous. 

It was a nice feeling to be among some of the prominent and veteran authors. I almost felt like a toddler there. Totally nine books were launched that day by LiFi Publications Pvt Ltd, on 20th Feb 2015. Well, . When it was my turn I was more than happy. Like others I also had to say something about my book. I thought to say many things, but my stage fright overwhelmed me at once. I don’t remember when last time I held the mic, before this. I stated to fumble and thought I better not speak much. To ease the situation I read the beautiful passage from my book, the Foreword  by Dr Harish Narang. Later, professor Narang gave a wonderful review of "Story of Tublu" to the crowd. 

The question hour session was fine, I was pretty comfortable that time. It seemed gradually I was able to overcome my stage fright. As the chief guest, Dr Narang gave such a wonderful review of my book, some people had a few questions. Dr Narang replied in a very elegant way. I still remember one of his sentence while he was replying to the questions, "when I read Story of Tublu, I felt like, it was coming from the heart and reaching the heart"

All in all, it was a wonderful experience to be part of the book launch. I hope someday I will overcome my stage phobia. 

Story of Tublu will be available in Amazon and Flipkart soon.


  1. Congratulations on your book launch. I hope it is very successful.

    1. Thanks you so much Carlyn, you are always inspiring!!

  2. Replies
    1. Sure Hemendra :) it will be a pleasure. Thanks for dropping by!!

  3. Your nib does all the magic, mate!!! You don't need to stress your vocal chord. Awesome, Congrats !!! Hope to grab a copy, soon.

    1. Thank you so much Susmit for such a lovely comment :)

  4. congratulation on book launch

  5. Hey Jahid!! Congrats on your book launch. So glad to see your work getting published. Way to go :)

    1. Thank you so much Ashwin :) nice to see you comment, you are always inspiring!!

    2. Will soon share my view on your book. Ordering a copy of your book right away!!

  6. Congrats Javed :) A dream come true for you.. May your efforts bear fruits always..

    1. Thank you so much Roohi :) Yes, it is a dream come true. Thanks for dropping by !!

  7. Many congratulations, Jahid :)

  8. Awesome!
    Congrats Jahid! Best wishes :)

  9. A real big day to bookmark for life long....Proud moment for Jiya n Anjali. Congrats and all the best.

  10. Congrats,...try to publish a book review on

    email at

    1. Thanks Zahid :) It would be a pleasure to publish a review there!!
