
Friday 13 February 2015

The First Paragraph of "Story of Tublu"

August 1989

The monsoon had already started and it was raining cats and dogs for the last couple of days. Sundays were always relaxing and the mesmeric rain was tranquilizing the environment around. It was a small picturesque town in Assam, one of the states in the north eastern part of India. The ladies in the house were enjoying ‘Mahabharata’ serial on Doordarshan and Mr Sharma was reading his newspaper in the balcony. Even he used to regularly watch the greatest ever Indian TV soap, but this morning he was in a different mood. He was enjoying his cup of tea, sip by sip. Mr Sharma had a magnificent house located at the town’s suburbs, in a big compound with coconut trees all around. The lush green grass in the lawn looked beautiful. The monsoon had left a magical fragrance everywhere. The falling raindrops on the big coconut leaves created a melody, and the splashes of water on the ground looked enchanting. Mr Sharma felt blessed and enjoyed every moment of it.

Well, those were the words from the first paragraph of my debut novel, Story of Tublu

Releasing on 20th Feb 2015!!


  1. Beautiful description. I can visualise, Mr. Sharma enjoying his tea, amidst the luxurious surroundings.
    All the best!

    1. Thanks Kiran :) glad you liked the description and could visualize the scene!!

  2. Wow really interesting. ..
    My best wishes am sure ur book wil do great :)

    1. Thanks Ananya :) glad you found it interesting. I hope your wish comes true :)

  3. The story seems really interesting... i have a weakness for the old world and past days.... and the cover is beautiful

    1. Thanks Pratikshya :) glad you found it interesting. Well, if you have weakness for the old world and past days then you are definitely going to enjoy this book :)

  4. I have read that your are launching this book at Delhi Book Fair on 20th Feb , I will try to come there and best of luck for the book

    1. Thanks for your good luck dear :) Yes, I will be in Delhi for the launch; wish to see you there!!

  5. Sounds like an interesting book. All the best for the launch:)

    1. Glad you found it interesting, Vishal :) Thanks a lot for dropping by and for your good luck!!

  6. Wish you all the best for your book "Story of Tublu" launch.Watched your book trailer .All the best.

    1. Thank you so much Rupam for dropping by and for your good wish!!

  7. awesome, jahid.. looking forward to read the whole Story of Tublu :)

  8. Congratulations, Jahid.
    And all the very best. :)
