
Thursday 5 December 2013

Let's Have a Tea Break

Tea is one of the most traditional drinks and it’s extremely popular across the world. I think tea is the second most popular drink on earth, next only to water. There are many varieties of tea available in the market. Even though, the basic concept remains the same, but across the world people prepares it little differently. I’m pretty much used to two types of preparation, with milk and without milk. Without milk it looks so glamorous and not only the looks, but it tastes quite awesome as well. Particularly early morning, few sips of Black tea is capable enough to refresh us instantly. It feels like consuming the Caffeine in its purest form. It goes quite well with few drops of lemon juice and many people calls it by the name “Lemon Tea” Oh! The aroma is just magnificent. Actually Black tea goes quite well with many other flavors, like ginger, black pepper, mint, etc. So it can be kind of compared with vodka, as far as the mixing is concerned. Black tea is extremely popular in the North East states of India and particularly Assam.  Well, to be honest I never ever had Black tea in my entire life and whatever I had all these years was purely Red in color and in our state it's popularly known as "Laal Saa" I’ve no idea why the hell people call it Black tea? Black coffee is understandable, but black tea is confusing, as it’s no way black.

I remember those train journeys during my engineering days. There’s a train, popularly known as BG Passenger which starts at 5 AM from our hometown and reaches Guwahati by 9 AM. The same train used to return from Guwahati at 5 PM. Those were memorable journeys, as we used to travel in groups and we even used to taste almost every possible eateries that passed by our compartment. After the holidays were over, most of the time we usually used to travel by the 5 AM local train. Even though, it was quite painful to wake up so early, but the train was very convenient and specially the timing, as we could have attended our lectures on the same day. Many people working in the government sector usually travel by that train on a regular basis. The very first thing I used to do, as soon as I used to get into the train was to have a "Laal Saa" There used to be so many Chai Walas all around with different flavors of tea. While travelling early morning, I was not very much tempted with all those yummy foods. Actually in local trains people usually use to avoid the washrooms and use it only in case of emergencies. Well, I just tried to avoid any sort of emergency situation while travelling, as early morning I'm very much vulnerable in that case.

Once I moved out of Assam, I always kind of missed the tea culture out there. In our place one can find a tea stall in almost every nook and corner and in almost every stall they also serve Black tea, as well. I still remember my 1st day in Bangalore, when in the evening I just wanted to have a cup of tea. I kept on searching and couldn’t find any tea stall nearby. I was very much frustrated and then later, one of my friend told me that tea’s available in any of the bakeries in Bangalore. Even though, the tea tastes quite good out here, but the fun and luxury of having tea in a tea stall, is very different. In some of the bakeries they even serve black tea and many people calls it "Sulaimani tea" here in Bangalore

A couple of months back, a new caterer was introduced at out office cafeteria and I was very much delighted to see “Laal Saa” out there in the counter. I asked the guy "Boss, ek Red tea dena"  "Please get me one Red tea"

The guy replied "Sorry Sir, no Red tea. Only Black tea and Lemon tea"

They use to serve tea in small and transparent glasses. I asked him "It’s purely red in color, but why you call it Black tea?"

The guy smiled and said "I don’t know Sir. People call it Black tea so we also call the same"

Again I asked "What about lemon tea? How it is different from Black tea?"

They guy replied "Both are same Sir and we only put few drops of lemon it it"

Now days, every morning I regularly have lemon tea at our cafeteria. But in the afternoon by around 4 PM, I usually have craving for a normal cup of tea, I mean tea prepared with milk. Tea is a research topic since centuries and over the years many doctors and scientists claimed tea to have health benefits. Some research suggests that drinking tea without milk is good for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.


  1. Hmmm u r right abt ur red tea logic! I am attotal chai addict and miss my hostel days when we had 2am tea parties in the girl's hostel!

    1. Hmm.. so there some logic in it. It seems U had a wonderful hostel life like a bad girl :) Thanks for dropping by Shaivi !!

  2. Ha ha, good observation. I have some funny memories of tea as well - if you recount the memories of hostel days, then I'd say one thing definitely - we used to get dinner by 8 and mostly we would feel hungry since we'll always stay late no matter what and we used to go for tea shop till 1 or 2 at night. I will always miss those days and those late night talks over tea.

    1. Yes Abhra, we have so much of good tea memories. Hostel life was the best and we would definitely miss those late night tea and the gossips. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  3. A nice read indeed......................

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    1. Thanks Debopam, glad U liked the post. I will definitely go through the link. Thanks for sharing !!

  4. It's an interesting topic for me. As I am a tea person. I love having tea whether it is black, or red, lemon, or normal, or masala chai.

    1. Glad U liked the post Bharati. Yes, even I like all varieties of tea, but sometimes have craving for some particular kind :)

  5. Interesting post Jahid i too am a tea addict-it infuses energy instantly-that's what i feel.

    1. Thanks Indu ji.Nice to know U'r also a tea addict. Yes, when you have the craving for it, tea infuses energy instantly :)

  6. Yeah...we do have lot many tea lovers around, don't we? :)

    1. Yes Pankti, lot of tea lovers all around :)

  7. Nostalgia came running to me !!!!!! I am tea tea-teetotaler too:-)

    1. Nice to know U are also a tea addict :) Glad U liked the post and could recollect some of Ur good old memories. Thanks for dropping by Shilpi !!

  8. Ha ha so true.Same here even I wonder why it is called black when it looks red.But never mind,I think it is because of the black leaves they extract tea from :)

    1. Haha.. Ankita :) But leaves are always black. At least I've never seen any colorful leaves. The name is confusing, but it's OK, lets enjoy a nice cup of tea :) Thanks for dropping by !!

  9. My mom cant work without her hot hot tea (made with milk), she says its like her ignition switch in the morning. I don't drink tea or coffee so wouldn't understand that but after reading your post I learnt something today and that tea is a very important part of the lives of many people specially Indians. :)

    1. U don't drink tea/coffee, how boring :) Yes, a cup of tea is actually ignition switch for many of us. Hmm.. so now U understood the power and popularity of tea :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  10. NIce read. There are so many ways of drinking tea in different states of India. Masala chai,tea with sugar and more milk..tea with black salt and lime juice..herbal tea,green tea..the list is endless... :-D

    1. So glad u liked the post. Yes, there are so many varieties of tea. I remember once I visited a tea restaurant in Bangalore, they had some 200 different varieties of tea out there. But we ordered the normal plain tea with milk and that was so awesome. Thanks a lot for dropping by Maniparna !!

  11. You know what, I was having my cup of tea while reading this article... Perfect timing!
    Nice read, Jahid :)

    1. Hehe.. Ashwin :) glad to know that u read this post while having Ur tea and also enjoyed it. Thanks fordropping by dude !!

  12. As refreshing as fresh tea :) You know a lot about tea!

    1. Wow! that's a nice compliment Sindhu :) glad U enjoyed the post. Haha.. I love tea :)

  13. I was drinking tea when I saw your post,no other drink can beat tea.

    1. Yes, not other drink can beat tea. Nice to that U enjoyed the tea post with a cup of tea :) Now I should also have my cup of tea. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  14. Being a tea addict, I enjoyed reading this, Jahid :)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Panchali Ji. I knew u're a tea addict, after all u'r also from the land of tea :) Thanks for dropping by !!

  15. U know sometimes I feel like .. tea should be declared as national drink of India :D

    1. Haha.. yes, it should be declared the national drink of India :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for dropping by Noopur !!

  16. Nothing like a hot cup of hot desi Chai, right Jahid ! Though I am probably one of those few Indians who doesn't like drinking tea, more of a hot chocolate girl but everyone in my family loves Tea. Nice post :)

    1. Aha! So U'r a hot chocolate girl :) u are correct, nothing like a hot cup of tea. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks for dropping by !!

  17. There is that feel of nostalgia in your writing which gives the reader a good feeling as well! Nice...

    1. Thanks Rajeev :) that a big compliment. Glad U could enjoy my posts and could refresh your good old memories. thanks for dropping by dude !!

  18. Great post- I so enjoyed reading it! Especially since I am a tea lover (read tea-addict) I thought I was a green-tea person - before I come to India - but now I am - well, - a much more advanced tea-drinker! Love the flavors here:-)

    1. Nice to know U are also a tea lover, I mean tea addict :) many people are into green tea. I think I will have to try it out. glad u enjoyed the post Eli and thanks for dropping by !!

  19. I did not like tea at all..but these days am trying new flavors..i guess m a tea addict in making:-p..anyway nice blog as always..:-)

    1. Nice to know that U'r growing up these days :) Glad U enjoyed the post and so lovely to read Ur comment Anvi, as always !!

  20. It's same here in Kerala Jahid sir :D Tea culture is deeply rooted here too!

    1. I visited Kerala so many times and I find it pretty similar to Assam. I mean the greenery and all. Nice to know that even there's similarity in the tea culture as well. Thanks for dropping by Anil !!

  21. I too have a daily time table entwined with tea--a mugful of green tea in the morning, one cup of usual tea with milk with breakfast......and yes, another at around 4 PM......but the quality is very important, generally do not like the tea sold by the vendors--usually poor, except the 'marwari' kind--with ilaichi et al.....

    1. Wow! so many people are into green tea and I think I will also have to try it out :) Nice to know about your tea time table. Yes, quality is very important and can't have tea in every places. thanks a lot for visiting out here Diganta !!

  22. Liked this topic and came to know about different types of tea's here. I love Tea!

    1. Glad to know U enjoyed the post and nice to know u are also a tea lover :) Thanks a lot for dropping by Uma !!

  23. Interesting write up... :) i don't drink tea. Just make them :) so some points are new to me. Enjoyed reading

    1. Thanks Preethi, glad U could enjoy the post. Haha.. U make tea but don't drink :)

  24. Good one Jahid! There was a time when train journeys and tea with assorted snacks was synonymous! Actually black tea aids digestion and tea with milk is just the opposite. no wonder we, in the northeast tend to eat so much even after downing endless cups of tea.

    1. Thanks ilakshee :) glad U enjoyed the post. Yes, we all have some memorable train journeys, with those tea's and snacks. Haha.. an average person in northeast drinks 5-6 cups of tea daily I guess :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here ilakshee !!

  25. nothing is more refreshing than a cup of good tea...and the red tea black tea logic is pretty intriguing.

    you can check out my blog-

  26. ..

  27. Good read. I am a tea addict. Earlier I used to have tea with milk, but now I have started experimenting different kinds of tea. Hot ginger tea in cold winters of Delhi is the best energy booster. And what to say if you have a cookie to dunk in your glass of cut tea :D
