
Saturday 30 November 2013

Just a Thank You Post

I was always a typical backbencher right from my childhood days. Throughout my entire life I always shied away from extracurricular activities. Well, particularly those competitions for which we required to perform on stage, were really nightmare for me. Oh! I seriously suffered from stage phobia. But the school authority was strict enough and on few occasions, guys like us couldn’t have avoided and had to participate in some of the competitions. I remember those tensed expression of my friends, whenever the results were being declared. Sometimes, even few of my backbencher friends also became little anxious and someone usually used to ask "Why you are taking tension? Anyway you are not going to win any prize" Even though they might have felt little bad, but usually they used to smile and the tension immediately used to disappear from their faces.  But I just can’t deny one thing. Well, I always loved those consolation prizes. Those were some kind of sensitive moments for me whenever the consolations prizes were being declared, usually at the end. 

My stage phobia and the repulsive reflexes for any kind of competitions continued beyond my school days. When I joined Engineering College I was so happy to meet all different kind of backbenchers. Life was so cool that time and unlike school days, college authorities never forced us to take part in competitions. Those days, I was only fascinated by Old Monk and many other friends used to share their friendship with 8 PM, as well. During school days I was so active. Our school was at a distance of about 10 KM from our house and I used to go by riding my bicycle. After returning from school, I used to play cricket/football in the nearby playground. Later in evening, I used to go for tuition and after dinner even used to study for a couple of hours. After joining Engineering College my life started to revolve in a circular loop “Sleep -> Old Monk -> Gossip” But no regrets, it was damn fun and definitely those were the best days of my life.

I’ve been blogging since more than a year and life is quite different after I entered into the blogging world. I like to thank everyone for reading my posts. I get immense pleasure whenever I see any comment on my blog. Well, those comments always inspired me to write new posts. It feels good and sometimes I even take a little pride, as I feel myself as a writer (sigh). I also had the opportunity to make so many new friends. I still remember my first Leibster award way back in January this year. Later, I received few more Leibsters and some Versatile awards as well. Whenever I received any such award, I always tried to bookmark the link and like a lazy man, I used to think that someday I would write about it. Seriously, I never got so many awards in my entire school life and what to say about my college days?

Well, it’s too late, but as people say "better late than never" This post is especially dedicated to all those awesome bloggers who like my blog so much and awarded me with Leibsters and Versatiles. Just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I just hope I haven't missed any of the names!

Deepak Kripal, The Original Poetry

Meera, A Rat's Nibble

Soborowsky, Author's Thought – SLS Oborowsky


Sreesha, Petrichor and Clouds

Farzad Minoo Damania, Career Nurturer

guspazha, guspazhachinar (It seems the blog doesn't exist now)

A Novel Idea, A Novel Idea

Kranti Maheshwari, An Enlightening Thought

Diana Pinto, Diana's Musings

Garima Nag, Sweet Sharing

Shanknaad, Shankhnaad

Eli, Expatliv - In Exotic India

Preethi, Tulips and Me

Stallion, The Daily Life

Shwetabh Mathur, Memories

Karan Sampat, The K-Factor

Shilpa Jadhav, Being Mommee


  1. It's very nice..Some people are generally shy in their childhood .. With the passage of time, they get victory over their shyness.It seems easy.. I also have some similar experiences at school but I was never among the back benchers!!

    you write very well!!

    1. Correct Swati, with time most people manage to overcome the shyness. Nice to know U were a good girl in Ur school days and not a backbencher :) So glad to know U like my writing !!

  2. Congrats Jahid! You have quite a number of Awards & followers too now! :)
    May life give us more such occasions to be thankful.
    Keep Blogging & earning the awesome comments (like this one!) :)

    1. Thanks Anita. Yeah, lot of awards :) Always pleasure to see Ur comments !!

  3. True Jahid! I too am an introvert when comes to real communication. I listen a lot rather than talking :)
    but in my blog,I do much talking there ....btw, congrats on your awards and that's a great thank you list!

    1. Nice to know about Ur side of the story Uma :) Yeah, U do lot of talking in ur blog. Keep up the good work and thanks a lot for commenting :)

  4. I was a backbencher when I was in school. I had no school spirit. I didn't participate in competitions but I did have to do public speaking which wasn't so bad once I got use to it. I like the list of bloggers that have given you rewards, it has introduced me to the different bloggers out there.

    1. Hehe.. nice to know that U were also a backbencher :) So, there's lot of similarities among us. Great that U'r used to public speaking. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Carlyn !!

  5. Congratulations Jahid....wishing you loads of success

    1. Thanks Shaz :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  6. this one is emotional and nostalgic

    1. Always a pleasure to read Ur comments. Glad U felt a little bit nostalgic !!

  7. Hey! But when will you answer the questions on your Liebsters??? Sirf thank you se kaam nahi chalega :P:P:P

    Even I was such an introvert as a kid (a part of me still is!). But when I am with my friends, it's like I am a totally different person. They point and laugh when I call myself an introvert! o.O

    1. Nice to know about Ur side of the story. U don't look introvert at all. U look so damn smart :)

    2. Haha! Wow, thank you. :D But I am pretty shy..

  8. Wait ..You are going to get a versatile award blogger award from me as well ;)..You can thank me too.. wait till I complete writing it out...:D

    1. Haha.. I will wait for Ur versatile gift :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here Preethi !!

  9. this post echoes my feelings exactly.... i am not a good talker but can write and express myself better through poems and write-ups . blogging has given me that platform ..really feel blessed...keep bogging

    1. Glad to know that this post echoes Ur feelings as well. Yes, blogging is a great platform. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Aparna !!

  10. Congrats Jahid. That is such a heartfelt and gracious post. I enjoy your writing too :)

    1. Thanks Pallavi :) glad u liked the post. Wow! so delighted to know U like my writing :)

  11. Congrats and best wishes for more success in the future!

    1. Thanks Uppal for Ur best wishes. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  12. Congrats...And Stage Phobia..Tell me about it...I almost got a heart attack at Public Speakings :)

    1. Haha.. U seems to be from the gang, I mean the last benchers gang :) thanks for dropping by Soham !!

  13. Congrats. I don't always comment, but I'm generally here reading.

    With me, I'm great all by myself and I'm pretty good in front of groups of people. It's one-on-one talking to someone where I am awkward and unhappy. I don't do small-talk very well.

    1. Thanks Katy, glad U know U often visit out here. Nice to know that U are more comfortable in group rater than one-to-one. Yes, one-to-one can be damn boring sometimes. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  14. congrats jahid ,that was really lovely post :) :)

    1. Thanks Vinisha :) Glad U liked the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  15. That is a very touching gesture and congrats for all the accolades you so deservingly received.

    Pages off Life

    1. Thanks Rupertt. Glad U liked the gesture in the post. Thanks for all those lovely words and for visiting out here !!

  16. A very beautiful post, Jahid. Wishing you many more years of blogging....:)

    1. Glad U liked the post Panchali Ji :) Thank U so much for Ur good wishes !!

  17. Congratulations Jahid..... I like your posts, though just a month back only I encountered to your site, I started following it.... your posts are so close to real life that anybody can relate themselves to your posts....
    Wish you good luck :)

    1. Thanks Pritesh... So glad to know U follow my posts and could related to it. U seems to be one of us, I mean backbenchers :) Thanks a lot for Ur good luck !!

  18. Congratulations on a flood of awards!

  19. Perfect timing! Jahid - your blog is one of my favorites, so I had no choice but to send it your way...:-) :

    1. So glad to know that my blog is one of your favorites. Congrats Eli for winning versatile award and thanks a lot for nominating my blog for the award. It's a pleasure and a great honor for me !!

  20. Reading you for the first time....

    Had to scroll so much to come down to comments..can be sure you are a good blogger :)

    But as u said every comment could I not comment ;)

    I am living quite the same life..with school n old monk days past...noq just in blogging days...but the chilled one does come once i a while ;)

    Great post bro...inspires more ppl to keep blogging...
