
Wednesday 11 December 2013

Entrance Exams Ke Side Effects

Uff! Those days were so much hectic and full of tension as well. During entrance exam seasons, usually most of the parents unintentionally use to add fuel to the fire, I mean the fire of stress and anxiety of the youngsters. During our days also many of the parents simply tried to make their offspring's life little more miserable and pathetic. Well, some of the entrance exam scenes still flashes inside my head sometimes. Few of the parents continuously used to wait outside the examination centre. As soon as their kids finished with their test or even during the middle of their test, when they used go outside, OMG! Their parents looked much more tensed and they used to ask them to eat apples, grapes, etc which they used to bring along with them. I don't know much about the latest trend, but during our time most of the parents were pretty much obsessed with either engineering or a medical career. They wanted us to appear for every possible engineering and medical entrance tests. Even though, the world was free from any sort of social media those days, but still somehow parents had all the information. 

In some cases, the guys even tried to clarify their parents "Why you need to waste money in applying for the form? I don't have any interest and also my preparation is not good enough. I’m damn sure I will not be able to score"

But the parents usually used to reply "You don't have to worry about the money, just prepare nicely and appear in the entrance test. You never know and you may get selected"

I remember one incident during one of those entrance tests. Only 10 minutes had passed after the question papers were distributed and all of a sudden one guy shouted "Sir, excuse me"

One of the invigilators went near to him and asked "Yes, what happened?"

The guy replied "Sir, I want to submit my answer sheet"

The invigilator was very much surprised and said "But you haven’t written anything, it’s completely blank"

The guy replied "Actually Sir, I have a very important work to do and I will have to leave now"

"What important work? How can any other work be more important than your entrance test?"

With little embarrassment the guy kind of murmured "Sir, I’ve some personal work"

Again the invigilator asked in a little weird manner "Personal work? At this age what kind of personal work one can have?"

The guy preferred to remain silent that moment and after a while the invigilator again asked him "If you have other important work then why you came for the test?"

He replied "Actually sir, just now remember about that"

Sir replied "But according to rule, candidates can only leave the examination hall after one and half hour"

The guy remained at his seat for that long and he looked very frustrated. All other candidates seated nearby, kept starring glances at him at frequent intervals. He didn’t write even a single word on his answer sheet and ultimately he submitted and went outside.  

My association with biology was extremely horrific and on top of that my parents wanted me to write the medical entrance test. I tried to convince them a lot, but they always used to say "It’s OK, just write the test and you never know how luck can turn your way"

Well, those statements actually made me more apprehensive and I used to wonder "What if I really get selected? Holy shit! How would I ever pass those medical exams? Even if I clear them, I would only turn up to be the most horrible doctor on earth" Those thoughts used to scare me and I never appeared in any of the medical entrance tests. One of my friend’s conditions was pretty much similar, but he couldn’t convince his parents and had to appear in one medical entrance exam. His biology knowledge was also quite terrific, but he had a very solid knowledge about the human heart. He knew everything about the heart and how it pumps blood throughout the blood vessels to various parts of the body by repeated, rhythmic contractions. During the entrance test he had written everything he knew about heart with neat and clean diagrams. After the restricted time period he felt that he had written enough and submitted his answer sheet. The interesting fact is that not even a single heart related question was asked in that entrance test.

One more interesting story about one of my good old friend and his father himself was a doctor. My friend didn’t have any interest for a career in medicine. One evening I visited him and he looked little worried. I got to know from him that the very next day he was going to appear for one of the most prestigious medical entrance tests. That particular test used to ask all multiple choice questions and they even had negative markings. My friend was not at all concerned about the outcome of his exam and his main worry was how he would have passed his time during the test?  So, my friend came up with a very innovative idea and he started to work on that. After an hour of hard work, he created a beautiful dice out of an abandoned piece of wood. He said he would use that in order to write his test.

I asked him "But each question will have 4 options, so what will you answer if 5 or 6 would be the outcome?"

He laughed and said "Very simple, I will roll the dice again"

Well, he did exactly the same thing during the entrance test the next day.


  1. Hello
    Interesting story , I like to read. Actually I scared from any exam or test.

    1. Glad U found the story interesting and enjoyed reading it. Yeah, most of us scare any kind of exams :) Thanks a lot for dropping by Benella !!

  2. Wow! Going down the memory lane is amusing as well as instructive. Carry on.

    1. Yes, going down the memory lane is quite amusing. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here Uppal !!

  3. to clear medical entrance I don't know how hard I prepared and what all Gods I worshipped and what not ..... I studied so much that the books were imprinted in my memory so well that I could have rewritten the same books without a single mistake ....... hilarious time ..... thank God I didn't score well . .... though it hurt at that time .....

    1. Aha! even Gods didn't help you, that's really unfair :) So God had planned something very different for you it seems. Glad you enjoyed the post and could refresh your good old memories. Thanks a lot for dropping by Padmavati !!

  4. very well written,Jahid I have tagged you for a blogadda contest at : hope you will respond

    1. Glad U liked the post. You have written a very nice post for the contest, liked it. But little confused with the tag concept. Not sure what I need to do?

  5. This brought back memories. I remember how my aunts and uncles were so tensed when my cousins wrote the CET exam .. I guess that's how the system in India was.. there was so much of strain on youngsters to score. Well written Jahid :)

    1. Glad U liked the post Pallavi :) Really competitive exams are so much stress for the youngsters. Thanks for dropping by !!

  6. I went through the same thing two years before Sir :D But didn't opt bio after 10th class. So it was all pulleys, phenols and integrals :D

    1. Haha.. Anil :) nice to know that U could relate to it so well. For us Bio was compulsory along with pulleys,phenols and integrals :)

  7. Couldn't agree more with your post! :D

    1. Hehe.. Srijan :) glad U could relate to it. Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!

  8. Lovely post Jahid!!! I was reminded of my time when I chose not apply for the IIT entrance. My parents were initially upset but eventually understood my choice!

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Shaivi :) Aha! don't tell about IIT, almost everybody appeared for it and more than 90% public wanted to have left the examination hall before the restricted time :) Glad U were able to convince your parents !!

  9. Replies
    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Maniparna and found it nostalgic. Thanks for dropping by !!

  10. Nice to read your mind of that time Jahid. Luckily we the pupils in early 80s were master of our own destinies and enjoyed nearly independent life :) Trying to provide the same comfort to my sons to prepare living a good life ahead.
    Nice read -as always :)
    Keep writing Jahid -all the best

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Mrinmoy Da :) Nice to know that in 80's people were master of their own destinies. Good that U are giving the same comfort to Ur sons. Thanks for dropping by and also for Ur good wishes !!

  11. I doubt you had any beautiful invigilators then. You are lucky if you had a chance. A beautiful invigilator, then who gives a damn about the entrance :p

    1. Haha.. the authorities were not smart enough those days and we didn't have many of such encounters :) I think now days guys don't have to worry about how to pass time in entrance tests :) Thanks for dropping by Arish !!

  12. I totally agree with engineering wala craziness the parents of our times had! :/ I thank God that better sense prevailed just in time and I am happy the way my life has turned out.

    1. Yes, parents were really crazy about engineering and medical :) Nice to know that things turned out your way on the way. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  13. Hi Jahid,

    It is nice to travel down the memory lane. Keep writing. I have tagged you here for a contest on BlogAdda. All you need to do is to accept the tag and write your own story on how much you hate your unclean stubble :) Please let me know once you accept the tag!

    Someone is Special

    1. Glad U liked the post dude and refreshed Ur good old memories. The contest is a good one, but I don't hate and in fact, I like my unclean stubble :) Let me see if I can write anything on this. Thanks a lot for dropping by dude and also for tagging me !!

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Nevin, glad U enjoyed the post !!

  15. Haha these anecdotes about entrance exams are interesting. For few minutes I thought that the guy who wanted to leave in between his exam had suddenly remembered some other exam that he had to give :) And that guy explaining how the heart functions even though there was no question related to heart was amusing. :)

    1. So glad U enjoyed my anecdotes about entrance exams :) Thanks a lot for dropping by Prasanna !!

  16. Good one..I too gave all entrance exams IIT,AIIMS,..etc..Me and my friend hand an intresting incident during our BHU entrance exams friend Shankadipto who had no interest in studies at all was forced to write this exam..just 20 mins into the exam I saw three flying squad officials surrounding him and asking to give all the chits..the poor guy dug into his pockets and removed a bundle of crumpled Rs10 notes..he was not cheating but actually counting to see if we had enough money to watch a movie after the exams !!..he was thrown out ..i too joined after a few minutes and we did watch Striptease right after :-)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Binesh. Haha.. Shankadipto's story is very hilarious :) You guys must had a great time later that day :) Even we also have a similar movie experience during IIT entrance test. That's a long story and I should better write a blog post on that :)

  17. how those days parents were updated inspite of the absence of social networking sites,I wonder

    1. Haha.. that was in fact true :) I think they used to call and visit other parents before the entrance tests. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Murugeswari !!

  18. interesting post Jahid sir, I too feel the same when I gave my engineering entrance exams. :)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Vishwas and could relate to it so well :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!

  19. Replies
    1. Glad U enjoyed the post :) Thanks for dropping by !!

  20. You should be thankful dat itz finaly over for you, i am still going through this :(. After giving many without even knowing syllabus i have started studying at last.

    1. Haha.. yes, we should be thankful that it's over for us :) Nice to know that ultimately U started to study. So now things will turn out Ur way :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  21. Ha haa haa :D Interestingly written! I was lucky in the exam matters, my parents didn't force me to appear for CET itself :)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Sindhu :) U'r such a lucky girl, U didn't have to encounter CET itself :)

  22. Exams are always scary , no matter what type of exam it is :)
    Enjoyed the post :)

    1. Yes Aunt Mary, exams are always scary :) Glad U enjoyed the post !!

  23. Well written. I bet my dad had the best way of motivating me to slog for an entrance test. Here is the story. I had no interest in giving entrance test as I assumed that my dad will get me admitted in some private engineering college through donation(My fatal mistake). So on last day of my 12th exam dad gave me pocket money without asking and told me to enjoy myself. So I gave the exam and had a blast came home pretty late that day. My dad took me out for a walk and told me to enjoy myself as he has got me admitted to some college in bareilly where one of my cousin is studying. This cousin of mine was really a bully and I had no interest in studying with him or in a place called Bareilly So I really slogged for entrance test.

    1. Well, I must thank Ur cousin and without out him we would have missed the opportunity to meet such an amazing personality like U :) Glad U enjoyed the post and could refresh Ur good old memories !!

  24. Nice post....entrance exams r fr those who really wanna take them n do their best...!:)

    1. Yes, entrance exams are not for all, but who will convince the parents :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here Amrita :)

  25. another laugh riot. Loved the way your friend rolled the dice and left his fate in the hands of the nos. Some times I wonder how many of our doctors were the ones who accidentally passed the exam.

    1. Haha.. glad U enjoyed the post :) Don't worry, there wouldn't be many doctors who accidentally passed those exams !!

  26. love this post !! I remember those days ,freaking tension and stress before exam, i give almost 30 to 40 entrance exam test ,everywhere in india ,i remember my dad paying me to go anywhere in india ,paying for transportation hotels food etc , because he wanted to me to become Engineer or Doctor, Moral of the story is Indian parents Rule :-) ,we are blessed ,

    1. Wow! U had given 30-40 entrance tests? That's a huge figure I must say :) Yes, Indian parents rule. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for dropping by Rohit !!

    2. yeah its huge figure !!! i guess i was not that much intelligent :-)

    3. Haha.. actually No. of entrance tests one appear is directly proportional to his/her intelligence :)

  27. Interesting and it happens with many who sit for such exams under pressure from their parents and later end up with disastrous consequences.

    1. Yes Ayyangar Sir, such things are quite common actually. So glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  28. Jahid bro...again I could fully relate to the situation(being PCMB student,I was forced to write all prestigious it Engg,Medicine,biotech,DU's...and heaps of little known Engg University entrances..unfortunately ended up clearing one of them and becoming an accidental Software Engg like u:)).......Even now,I'm preparing for the only big bang entrance that I had skipped:).....but this time it is completely my decision after upsetting 360 degree,the whole well-settled cart of a stable job+life...:)yet again,you wrote something many Indians would have faced/suffered..haha:) wishes....and thanks for bearing this essay on what was supposed to be a comment thread:) (maybe comment moderation will be applied soon now:))
