
Monday 16 December 2013

Bhaskar Recovery Bank

Today morning something very unusual happened. I received a call from an unknown person and he said he's from the legal department. According to him one of my friends Tridip, took a personal loan from axis bank few years ago and he didn't pay the entire amount and is absconding. Now, Tridip is my hostel junior and a very good friend. The legal guy said that Tridip gave my reference while applying for his loan. He asked for my address and also asked me to pay the remaining loan amount (Rs. 60,000), else I may get into trouble. I said "why the hell I should pay the amount? Tridip left Bangalore last year and joined a new company in Kolkata. At present he's in Australia and he called me just a few days back. So, I called to bash him up a bit, but what the hell? He said that he never ever took any personal loan from any bank and I thought it must be a different Tridip.

So, I called Girish, the guy from the legal department and asked for my friend's full name who took the loan. Aha! The surname didn't match with junior Tridip and the actual guy is a senior friend from our college. I was totally stunned, as there’s no way senior Tridip would have given my name as reference. As far as I know, he’s one of the wealthiest guy of our college and he’s a damn metal freak. He worked in Bangalore for several years and now he’s settled in his hometown in Assam. In Bangalore I met him on couple of occasions that too in some metal concerts. I messaged him in FB and a little later called him. He said he took a personal loan in 2002 and cleared it within next two years. He was even more surprised than me and said "Why the hell I will give your reference?" We both had a great laugh and then I called the legal guy once again and clarified everything. He said "You work for Onmobile Global Ltd right?" 

I replied "Yes, how the hell you know about that?"

He said "Why your name and also your company details are there in our database? Why anyone would give your reference for taking a loan? Now you will only have to repay the remaining loan amount"

My heart beats started to accelerate and then the guy asked "Do you know Jayashree?"

I asked "Now, who the hell is she?"

The guy replied "She is Tridip’s sister?"

I said "I have no idea about that"

Immediately after our conversation, I again called Tridip da to clarify. He said "Yes, Jayashree is my sister. Now, how she came into the picture?"

I said "I’ve no idea, but how the guy have all these information?"

Tridip da was very much confused and shocked. He even suggested me to put a police complaint. A little later I opened my FB profile and my company detail is clearly visible out there. Then I checked Tridip da’s profile, well his sister name is also there. But how the guy from the legal department managed to get my number? Later in the afternoon junior Tridip called me from Australia and asked for the legal guy’s numbers. The guy initially called me from a landline phone(080-43569991) and then he gave me his mobile number(9448559053) as well. Now Tridip works in telecom industry and he has good connection with all major operators. It’s not difficult for him to trace any number and within a few minutes he got the details. Well Girish, the guy from the legal department is using a BSNL number that is registered under the name "Bhaskar Recovery Bank" That sounded really interesting and we wanted to gather some more information and decided to have a conference call with the legal department. Tridip initiated the call using a WebEx number and asked the legal guy some basic legal questions. The guy got confused and he kept on asking the same question “Who are you?"

Tridip said that he works in cyber security department, Government of India and asked "What is your real name Girish or Bhaskar? Are you an authorized bank recovery agent? Are you a bank employee? You are using a BSNL number and I have top connection in BSNL. Say me everything or I will escalate it to very higher level" Tridip even told him about his exact location in Bangalore at that moment. The legal guy sounded very much confused and after sometime he disconnected the call. 

A little later Tridip again initiated the conference call and the guy said "Who are you sir? Please tell me your name and I will check if you have already paid you entire loan amount?" Well, that time he started to talk in Hindi instead of his manageable English.

Tridip said "Today morning you called my friend at Onmobile and you must remember my name"

The guy replied "Daily I call 100 people and how can I remember all the names?"

Tridip again asked "How many people from Onmobile you called today?"

The legal guy said "Please ask your friend to call me" and then he disconnected the call. We kept trying his number, but it was switched off for almost next 15 minutes and then we gave up. Now, I’m not sure whether I will receive any such call from the legal guy again? If anything interesting turns out then I will surely update on this.


  1. Where I live, there are some fairly strict laws about how they can handle these loans when and if someobne defaults.

    The problem comes up a lot with payday loans. These places ask for "references," and then they go harass the references. The thing is, references are NOT co-signers on the loan, so where I live they can't be held to account for the money owed.

    And then, of course, some of them are plain, old-fashioned scam artists.

    Good luck!

    1. Yes Katy, references are not co-signers and no way they are responsible to pay it under any circumstances. The laws are pretty much similar out here. I think it's a case of as U said "old-fashioned scam artists" :) Thanks a lot for dropping by Katy !!

  2. A con artist with not much experience as it seems..has poor technical knowledge also. But this sort of things often can initiate bigger problems ! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes Maniparna, seems like a new kind of innovative way of earning money. U are right, things can get uglier as well. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  3. OMG...this is so annoying and scary too.

    1. Yes Jhilmil, it's very annoying and might turn out scary as well. This kind of matters should be discussed. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  4. I hope you never hear from the guy again and thanks for sharing it with all of us!

    1. Yes Mridula, even I also hope not to hear from the guy again :) Thanks for dropping by !!

  5. Oh thats a matter of concern. Be on alert and hopefully you don't hear from him.

    Btw, to my knowledge, even if someone gives your reference while applying for a loan, unless your signatures are on the papers you aren't bound to pay anything.

    1. Yes Namrota, references are not responsible to pay the loan under any circumstances. My friend who works in a bank said that even if someone sign as a reference, he not responsible for the loan and he should only know that person in case the applicant abscond in future. I also hope not to hear from the guy again :) Thanks a lot for dropping by :)

  6. Huh...How far people go to con people..
    I hope you are never troubled by the guy again. Thanks for updating us.

    1. Haha.. Preethi, people are very innovative and you never know what clicks their mind :) I also hope not to hear from the guy again. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  7. Since your friend had connections you had help and kind courtesy you today we all have learnt of this fraud and will be aware if we get a call from any other recovery bank.

    1. Yes dear, my main intention was to make people aware of such calls :) My friend really helped and thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  8. That's indeed a very strange experience Jahid ! Wonder if he is a con man .. They can be clever.. Linking up your friends to convince you. Glad you managed to get out of it and thanks for writing about it.

    1. Yes Pallavi, seems to be a con man. I wonder if anyone will pay him like that :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  9. The worst part is that all our Phone Numbers and personal details are up for sale...People buy Phone Number Leads , for as low as 5000 bucks per 3000 Phone Numbers...And then we have Bank agents to fictitious 'UNICEF' folks calling up for Policies and donations....

    1. Yes Soham, all our phone numbers are for sale. It's become mandatory to enter our mobile numbers everywhere. In malls if we buy and electronic goods, whenever we visit any friend in their apartment and so many other places. even if we register our numbers in DND, those guys can't stay without taking to us :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  10. I guess you'll never hear from him again.. Good that you managed the situation.

    1. Yes Ashwin, even I also hope not to hear from the legal guy again :) I wonder anyone will pay money just like that. Thanks for dropping by dude !!

  11. Replies
    1. Yes dear, that was really a very interesting incident :) thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  12. Most of them are illegal agents and will not dare to touch anybody who confronts them...immediately you should send an mail to Axis bank Ombudsman

    1. Yes Mr Prasad, it seems the legal guy is very much illegal :) They actually look for soft targets and they must get getting one bakras out of 1000. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  13. Scary, very scary incident but you handled it ,that is the good thing :)

    1. We shouldn't be scared with such calls. Those guys actually look for soft targets. Thanks a lot for dropping by Aunt Mary !!

  14. Though the courts have become strict on recovery agents,they develop new metrhods.One prevalent procedure is that some one calls on mobile,says he is from police deptt. or a Court,tells about some loan[ you might have taken and paid off as well],then suggests you to talk to the advocate of bank immediately or you will fall in grave trouble!this is enough to nervous any one.

    1. Yes Sangeeta, recovery agents are usually fake. They actually look for soft targets and one shouldn't scare on receiving such calls. They can play much more dirty tricks and can even arrive at your doorstep, but one shouldn't fall into their trap. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Sangeeta !!

  15. Wouw wouw! This is too much. Simply too much. I can only say that we must learn to act smart when we are surrounded with cheats as such. I am afraid. But it was a nice thind you shared with us.

    1. Hehe.. Namrata :) quite innovative right? Yes, we must act smartly or else would fall into their trap. Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  16. What a scam! Recently, a friend of mine too recounted a similar incident where someone called him and said he hadn't repaid a loan he had taken a few years back.
    Good, you were able to handle the situation well.If I was in your place, I might have started crying or done something stupid!

    1. Nice to know that I'm not the only one :) Yes, such things can get scary. But one shouldn't fall into their trap. Thanks for dropping by Sreesha !!

  17. This is very disturbing. It does sound like a scam, and I hate to think of how often they succeed with this sort of thing. How awful and stressful! I am so sorry this happened to you and your friend!

    1. Yes, these kind of things are really disturbing. But people keep trying new and innovative ways of earning quick money. I hope not to hear from those guys again. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Darla !!

  18. Well well look at the innovations in cheating thanks for alerting us.

    1. Haha.. Indu Ji :) that's a cool innovation. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  19. Thanks for sharing this post with us..

    1. My pleasure. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  20. OMG! How far these crooks can go to con people. Thankfully you were alert and resourceful enough to handle him well.

    1. Yah Bushra, I was resourceful enough to deal with the situation and everyone might not be lucky enough. These people have lot of innovative ideas that we can think of. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  21. /l\ ...Namaste...If It Is A Bank...If It Is Government...It Is A Thief...Did The Creator "Sell The Governments The Land Upon Which We Live"...???...If So Only Then Do Government "Bonds" Hold Value...They Are ALL Lying Thieves...I Am Deeply...Humbly...Humbly Grateful...One love... /l\

    1. Hello Wayne, nice to hear from you. Yes, all the Governments are lying thieves. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  22. Hey thanks for sharing this Jahid.. We definitely got to be more careful in handling such issues and also keep the fb settings private.. A lesson to be learned!

    1. Good to see U out here after a long time Sonia :) Yes, we need to be little careful on such issues and better to keep Ur settings private. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  23. What an experience sir ji. After reading your story everyone will scared to give reference.

    1. Haha.. Benella :) no need to worry much and only need to be little careful and should ignore such calls. Giving reference to genuine friends and relatives will not be a problem. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  24. It sounds serious and somewhat dangerous of giving our details in social pages. But whatever there are some people who does scary things like these. I got a call once on my land-line telling that someone who belongs to his home needs help and such ..such place and asked me to come for help. Thankfully I made things were right...and in that week, two burglary happened in our area :(

    It seems world is not yet safe...and with more information leaked out, more careful one needs to be

    1. In today's world it's difficult to hide basic information and what to say about mobile numbers. There are people around us who will scare us with their innovative ideas. Better to ignore such calls and if they spam too much then we need to go to the police. Thanks a lot for dropping by Uma !!

  25. damn..fraudsters..! now that you guys caught his fraudulent, I don't think he will call you ever. :p
    thanks for alerting us Jahid :)

    1. Hmm... Till now not received any further call from that guy :) Thanks a lot for dropping by Meera !!

  26. you were lucky to have good connections sir. just imagine the situation of a common man... this country has really gone to the dogs..

    1. Yes Dr. Riyaz, I'm lucky enough to have good connection and many other people might not be that lucky. Haha.. good and evil co-exists and we need to be little careful. Thanks a lot for dropping by doctor !!

  27. Hi

    I've nominated you for a Liebster...

    Go check this -


    1. Congrats Shilpa Ji for winning a Leibster award. Thanks a lot for nominating my blog for the award. It's really a pleasure and an honor for me. Keep blogging !!

  28. In our neighborhood here, con artists were trying to connive elderly people with threats & stressful calls for personal details < I read it in our monthly community magazine> but here laws provides shields & action is taken swiftly too. I feel most of the time, we don't have basic awareness about how stuff works or should I share info over phone etc. I rem Identity Theft movie by reading ur post.Be safe & Be alert :-)

    1. Hello Ruchi, thanks for sharing the threats & stressful calls incident. Glad my post reminded you of a great movie. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!
