
Thursday 26 December 2013

Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai?

I think we were in 8th grade when that classic super hit song came up. Seriously, what an outstanding choreography, simply out of the world and it has become some kind of a milestone in Bollywood. With the amazingly magnificent dance beats and with it's sizzling lyrics, the video song was capable enough to mesmerize any normal human being on earth that time to a great extent. Beyond any doubt it's the master of all item numbers ever. During those days the song created some kind of a hypnotizing affect on the people irrespective of any age, sex or color and the "Ku Ku Ku Ku Ku" tune continued to come out of everyone’s lips for a long long time. During every private functions and in all those Pooja celebrations,  the loudspeakers just loved to play “Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai?” in extra loud volume.

Even though I studied in Kendriya Vidlaya, but to be honest initially I was little confused with the term Choli. After I cleared my confusion with the term, I was quite amazed that how could Bollywood be so open minded? Well, the introductory part of the song sounded little vulgar those days, but the answer to the question "Choli Ke Peeche Kya Hai?" is there in the song itself and after listening to the answer people felt that it’s actually not that embarrassing. That time I just wondered "Choli is not a very common term and sounds very technical. Even after studying in KV, if many of us were confused with the term, how other guys and people who don’t have the opportunity to communicate in Hindi would understand it?"

One day I was at one of my friends house and we were simply watching TV. All of a sudden that great song appeared on the TV screen. My friend’s father was also sitting along with us and he’s a typical Assamese man with very limited knowledge of Hindi. He asked us "Acha baba, what do you mean by Choli?"

Our level of awkwardness increased significantly and I and my friend started to stare each other. We were totally confused with how to deal with the situation. I preferred to remain silent that moment and gave the opportunity to my friend to handle it. With little shyness my friend replied "It actually means some kind of an ornament"

His dad again asked "Ornament? What kind of ornament?"

My friend replied "Like Necklace or a Mangalsutra kind of"

Even though, his dad got his answer but he looked even more confused and commented "Acha! it’s a very popular song and people play it repeatedly and in all occasions everywhere"


  1. Hilarious! :D I'm also a K.V product.

    1. Glad u enjoyed the post Anil. Aha! U R also a KV product :) KV days were so much fun !!

  2. hahahahaahahahahah well it has been a topic of confusion everywhere!

    1. Haha.. seriously Choli was indeed a very confusing topic :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  3. Hilarious... You guys must have been in such an awkward position... Haha :)

    1. Haha.. Aditi :) it was a very awkward position for us. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  4. Haha When this movie released I was in school and every time this song played I would go red in the face just listening to the lyrics. Blame it all on the naive little me:) But compared to the lyrics of songs now a days I guess Choli Ke Peeche song is nothing :)

    1. Haha.. nice to know U are also of that group :) I can very understand about those days and U got being RED with the lyrics is obvious :) Glad U enjoyed the post Prasanna !!

  5. that was a nice song and that situation was really embarrassing nice post as always.

    1. Yes, that;'a a very wonderful song and the choreography was very creative. Also that was a little bit embarrassing as well :)

  6. :-D.. I remember that my mom used to get so furious whenever this song popped up in the TV ...she used to murmur " jotosob aaje-baaje gaan " ( what trash type of a song )..:-P ..but I enjoyed the dance number a lot..still..:-D

    1. Haha.. "Aaaje baje Gaan" :) That was very much expected from any mom those days. Yes, the choreography was superb. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Maniparna :)

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Ashwin :) Glad U enjoyed the post !!

  8. Lol...It reminded me of me asking my dad the meaning of choli..
    After i repeatedly asked he replied and I was damn embarrassed that y did i have to adamantly ask tht ..:P ;)

    1. Haha.. U asked Ur dad the meaning of Choli :) Nice to know that he gave U the actual meaning. That's very hilarious. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  9. read, this! I remember there was this whole barrage of similar songs - meri choli chhoti ho gyi, etc, etc! Humming them all was a strict no, no at home! :D

    1. Hehe.. Ragini :) glad U enjoyed the post. I don't exactly remember the song "meri choli chhoti ho gyi" :) Haha.. humming such songs was strictly prohibited those days..

  10. Hehehe..funny :D

    I remember I was confused why the song was into controversy and asked my parents about it, to my embarrassment I got the answer... lol.

    1. Haha.. nice to know that U asked Ur parents for the meaning of Choli :) and you also got the answer correct. LOL :)

  11. hmm...should your papa knew the actual meaning later ? Well written Jahid and yes, this is one of the famous item number that appeared even in Tamil movies :)

    1. Hehe.. Uma :) not sure whether my Papa or my friend's papa got the actual meaning later. Glad U enjoyed the post and yes, that's a very famous item number and it's a master piece !!

  12. Hahaha! Nice way to get out of it :) I remember when the song came out.. We were banned from singing it! Lol

    1. Nice to know that U R also from that era :) Yes, such songs were strictly banned from singing at home those days. Glad u enjoyed the post Pallavi !!

  13. Haha! I am sure every Indian remembers when this song came out! I was quite small at the time, and didn't think much about it. After a couple of years, when we actually understood the meaning, we were embarrassed that we used to sing it quite loudly whenever we played antakshari!

    1. Hehe.. nice to know that even though U were embarrassed with the song but U still used to sing loudly during antakshari :) Glad U enjoyed the post and could relate with the song. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Sreesha :)

  14. LOL ...:D but i think every time this song is played there is a bit of awkwardness ;)

    1. Haha.. yes, still there's some awkwardness whenever that song is played :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here dear traveler !!

  15. Congrats for grabbing that "top post" tag on indiblogger.. enjoyed reading this one.. simple and hilarious..haha :)

    1. Thanks Swati :) Glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by !!

  16. Haha this Choli thing was such a codeword i must say.. Awesome post!

    1. Haha.. Glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Priyanka !!

  17. LOL, you friend saved you from ebarrasment I guess. :P I remember being a little kid and my friends and cousins would all go like "hawww this song has d word Choli in it" :D

    We were all so innocent back then no :D

    Defiant Princess

    1. Hehe.. Glad U enjoyed the post. Yes, those were little innocent days I guess :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  18. Hilarious...I too was in eighth then :) and in Kendriya Vidyalaya as well... And the song was prohibited Of Coz!!..
    Used it to hate it for a while because it would be heard every where.
    But later came to love it because of Madhuri Dixit...:)

    1. Wow! so nice to know that U'r also a KV product and also same batch :) Yes, Madhuri Dixit and also the choreography of the song is superb. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Preethi !!

  19. Replies
    1. Thanks Mukhtiar Bhai :) Glad U enjoyed the post !!

  20. good post :) Even i remember humming some raunchy number of that times n got a tight scolding when i was in 5th class.

    1. Thanks :) glad u enjoyed the post. Nice to know about your scolding in Ur 5th class :)

  21. Hahahaha! That incident with Assamese uncle :D

    1. Hehe.. glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Paritosh !!

  22. Haha. I remember the song came out when I was a kid, and it was only much later that we understood the raunchiness of the lyrics :D

    1. Haha.. Glad U enjoyed the post and could refresh Ur good old childhood memories. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  23. Difficult situation indeed. ... :P

    But by now, thanks to Bollywood, Assamese and Bengali people would have known about Hindi words.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Hehe Anupama :) yes, that was a difficult situation. Yes, all thanks to Bollywood. Thanks for Ur new years wishes and for also for dropping by. Wish U and Ur family a very happy new year !!

  24. Very nice post.....and the situation with Assaamee Uncle was really funny and awkward.

    with love
    a gal in city
    Let my hair fly like dream

    1. So glad U enjoyed the post. Yes, that was some kind of an awkward situation. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  25. lol nice technique as usual in handling your situations :P I remember how me and my cousins used to wonder about the meaning of this very song and so curious about it.. but after we came to know of it, damn, we had to keep quiet :P fun read :)

    1. Nice to know about your choli story :) Glad U enjoyed the post and could refresh your good old memory. Thanks for dropping by Meera !!

  26. Hehehe I am also from KV. Same pinch and then DPS spoilt me. Today only RJ Prithvi was going gaga over this song - as they are celebrating Dhak Dhak week for Madhuri. One of my relative too faced the music for this song. He danced shamelessly on this song in a wedding and later everybody reprimanded him. Poor Soul...ku ku ku ku ;p

    1. Haha Shweta :) this song got a lot of memories. Same pinch to you and yes, DPS is good at spoiling :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  27. choli k peeche daad ha khaj ha khujli ha tere ko kya chaiye ?
