
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Two Small Pegs

One good thing about taking admission in an engineering college and staying at hostels, is that guys get enough opportunity to enjoy and worship the heavenly fluids. We had the opportunity to worship a wide range of holy spirits with different types of smell and colors. Even though guys passed out from different other colleges would equally claim their devotion and intimacy with the holy spirits, but the engineers usually use to worship a little more seriously. True devotees normally don’t wait for special occasions and they regularly continue their devoutness and spirituality with extreme passion and sincerity.

During my hostel days I witnessed worshiping of the heavenly fluids in one room or the other, almost every evening and on some auspicious days (which usually used to come quite frequently), the rituals used to last till early morning. But even in such kind of a sacred environment where spirituality flowed freely all around, there were some ignorant and unfortunate guys who were totally unaware about the blessings of the heavenly spirits. I had no idea what prevented them to join the club, but I heartily appreciated their willpower. 

But even the minorities couldn’t refrained themselves from the joy and happiness of our rituals. Most of the time they enthusiastically participated in our holy act and gracefully consumed those typical snacks, including peanuts and all different sort of mixtures. Sometimes for a change we even tried to dress them with sliced onions.

How could I ever forget those fried potatoes served really hot directly from the hostel kitchen and wow! those hot and crispy big pieces of fried brinjal, stuffed with Besan was so tempting.

On one normal evening, Jishu Da heard those intriguing gossips and laughter from a nearby room. Even though he was from the minority community, but he couldn’t stop him to be part of the gathering and entered the room. Everyone inside was very excited to see Jishu Da and heartily welcomed him.  What the hell was that? It was quite an unusual kind of ritual going on that particular room and instead of colorful fluids, guys were enjoying some colorless stuffs. The room immediately busted with Jishu Da’s typical blistering laughter and he commented "Hehe Haha.. what’s wrong with U guys? Why everyone enjoying vodka tonight?"

The room was occupied with some of our seniors and even our great Kaustav Da and Thapa Da were also present that time. Jishu Da already started to consume the mixtures and Kaustav Da offered him a drink, which Jishu Da gently denied. Kaustav Da tried to convince him and said "It’s just vodka and it’s consider to be a ladies drink. Also I’ve given only a small quantity and diluted it with almost the entire glass of water. Just have few sips and if you don’t like the taste then no need to have it"

Jishu Da consciously had a couple of sips and it seemed he wasn't very embarrassed with the taste. He commented that it’s kind of tasteless and Kaustav Da clarified him that vodka’s taste just like that. So Jishu Da also joined the party and tried to consume his peg quite slowly, sip by sip. As soon as he finished half of it, his behavior changed a bit and he started to talk more frequently and much louder. Jishu Da loved to crunch those mixtures after his every possible sip. By the time he finished his entire peg, his eyes were slightly red and then Kaustav Da offered him yet another drink. Initially Jishu Da hesitated, but it seemed even he also pretty much enjoyed the heavenly blessings and couldn’t resist the temptation for long. He enjoyed his second peg for almost half an hour and behaved quite normally according to the DRINK theory, which would be very well applicable to every degree hostel. Well, the principle is based on 5 large pegs. After first peg (D), guys usually behave as if they are very decent. After second peg(R), everyone becomes little bit romantic. After third peg (I), guys suddenly claim themselves to be very intelligent. After the fourth peg(N), guys start to get little naughty and ultimately after the fifth large peg(K), it’s actually knockout time. 

Jishu Da was quite punctual with his timings and immediately after his second peg he politely asked everyone inside the room to just excuse him. He wished goodnight to everyone and returned to his room. He had a very sound and deep sleep that night, but the fact of the matter is, Jishu Da never consumed even a single drop of vodka that night, all he drank was just pure plain water.


  1. Wow good one indeed.

    1. Thanks Partha. Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Zooni. Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  3. Rekindled soe of my own hostel memories!

    1. Hehe.. Pradyumna :) same story in every college hostel I guess. Glad U could refresh Ur good old memories!

    2. You bet! And got back to the blogosphere after a long time.. Loved your post.. broke me out of the mundane!

    3. Thanks dude and Happy blogging!

  4. He he, always good to know about hostel memories.

    1. Absolutely Abhra, hostel days were the best. Glad U enjoyed the post!

  5. hahahaa.....Luvd the ending :) Quite unexpected!

    1. Haha,, Thanks Swarn Priya, glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  6. Engineering is such a sober temple.... and those holy spirits...oh man...............

    this very morning we had a tug of war competition in our campus (although we had a lot other events as well, but this has a special significance).
    The price money to be awarded to a team of 10 mechanical mushtande was merely 1200. But we decided we'd buy a full beer cartoon of it if we win.
    Though, in the end, we ended up losing the tug thing, the the major program didnt fail.
    Though we lost. Still there was the same celebration....

    1. Oho! so U are enjoying Ur life now Arish :) It's like U would party only in two occasions, the day when it rains and the day when it doesn't :) Win or lose doesn't matter in any game, at least for the sake of party. If U win then khushi me and if U lose the gam me :) Have fun dude!

  7. "Heavenly Spirits" LOL! nice post :)

    1. Haha :) glad U enjoyed the post Sreesha!!

  8. :D That was unexpected.
    Nice description of hostel life.

    1. Thanks Indrani, glad U enjoyed the post :)

  9. Jahid sir, I have seen this happen with another friend who still claims that it was not water. The amount of fun we had when he started blabbering to even right now when I think of that event is unbelievable. The post was awesome to read and was surely a trip down memory lane.

    1. Haha Chaitanya :) even U also experienced similar kind of fun. Glad U liked the post and enjoyed a nice trip down memory lane.

  10. @JAHID yaar mast post hai poorane din yaada aagaye... :)

    1. Thanks Amit,glad U enjoyed the post and could refresh Ur good old memories. Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude!

  11. Reminds me of a joke. 'An American is in Scotland on vacation. He enters a bar and orders an American whisky. The bartender gives him a glass of water.'

    1. Haha Jeevan Sir :) it's a new one for me but quite a hilarious joke. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  12. Ha Ha! Reminded me of a Euro Trip where two guys think that they are have hash brownies and start behaving weirdly until they find out that it is just cookies.

    1. Haha.. I watched Euro Trip, but not very seriously,so couldn't recall. But seems pretty similar kind of situation :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here Sumeetha!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Rinaya, glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here and please do visit again :)

  14. Replies
    1. Haha Natesh :) quite a placebo kind of effect :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude!

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks Rajni Ji, glad U enjoyed the post!

  16. Happy spirit-ual festival thanks for the wonderful post

    1. Thanks Vinayak, glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  17. Hahaa...worshipping the holy spirits!! Nice ;) didn't expect the ending! Good one!

    1. Hehe Aditi :) glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here. Please do visit again :)

  18. nice read, its all in the mind

    1. Thanks dear and very true, everything is deep inside the mind!

  19. Awesome..I want to his reaction when you guys told him the next day that he just had water.

    1. Haha Sugandha :) he never believed that. Glad U enjoyed the post!

  20. Thanks for the smile and now I want fried brinjals!!

    1. Haha.. Rea :) U can try it out, its damn yummy. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  21. Jahid your hostel anecdotes are full of fun & enjoyment-i wonder if you guys ever studied !!

    1. Hehe Indu Ji, we had hell lot of fun. But once guys filled the examination forms, the next few weeks everyone only studied and nothing much beyond the studies :)

  22. Enjoyed the whole write-up very much..!

    1. Thanks Murthy Sir, glad U enjoyed the post!

  23. The smell of the heavenly fluids and the ambience that you people had created made him drunk.He must have cursed you people when he got to know that he was served water instead of vodka... Ha ha enjoyed the post very much

    1. Hehe.. Bedanga :) just want to say CHEERS!! Glad U liked the post so much!

  24. Replies
    1. Thanks Deepanshi. Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !

  25. Hahaha...poor thing...if he had tried the true heavenly spirit he would have tried again :p after reading your post I wish I was in your college :p

    1. Haha.. Vidhi :) U are absolutely correct. If he would have tried the true heavenly spirit then he would have definitely tried it again :) Hehe.. glad U enjoyed the post and could feel the kind of fun we guys had during our college days :)

  26. That was some time .. After few drinks, turning into Socrates and stuff .. Dancing like crazy .. Trying to decipher the real meaning of life .. Suddenly ready to do anything for all your "brothers" .. Engineers all the way :D

    1. Hehe.. so true Harsh :) Those were great days, as U said "Engineers all the way" :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!
