
Thursday 5 September 2013

Happy Teacher's Day

I don’t know why but whenever I think about “Teacher”, usually image of Bishwajeet Sir, comes to my mind. He was our class teacher during our primary schooldays. He taught us mathematics. Our school was the only private English medium school in Bongaigaon, a well known town in Assam, those days. It was founded by a Mallu couple and even today, it’s popularly known as “Menon School”, even though both of them are no longer  associated with the school anymore. They returned to their native state Kerala, almost a couple of decades ago. Mrs. Menon, popularly known as Head Madam was the principal those days. Well, she was a tigress and was quite well known for her strictness and discipline. Mathematics was always my favorite subject, till I spoiled myself in Engineering college. Even today, I feel proud that I was one of the favorite students of Bishwajeet Sir.

When I was in my 7th grade, my father admitted me in Kendriya Vidyalaya, BRPL. KV was a different experience, I got lot of exposure. KV BRPL was like a mini India and I had the opportunity to interact with all sorts of people. Unlike Menon School, the new one had a big library and the image of our librarian, Pandey Sir, flashes in my head. He was a true entertainer and an amazing story teller. We had few opportunities to listen to his stories, usually when other teachers remained absent or when the library was occupied by other students. Pandey Sir used to tell us Indian mythological stories, especially kind of stuffs like "If anybody steals something then in next life, he would be born as a rat"

We had one more entertaining teacher, Hotilal Sir, our Hindi teacher.  I always felt literature subjects, both English and Hindi quite easy, but every time  my teachers deducted almost 50% of the marks in spelling and grammatical errors. I remember Shivlal, younger brother of Hotilal Sir. He was our class mate. Hotilal Sir tried to make his lectures interesting by his self appraisal kind of stories. I remember one instance when he told us he did his schooling with Kapil Dev. 

During my 11th and 12th grade, Mishra Sir was our Maths teacher. He tried his best to improve our mathematical concepts, but somehow we guys couldn’t follow him. He used to pass the entire lecture in solving one problem on the black board and quite often he got confused. We last benchers, tried our best to confuse him. His eldest son studied with us in the same classroom. Poor guy was very polite and quite innocent kind of, and was a soft target for guys who used to take great pleasure in pulling other’s leg. I remember one incident when our Mishra Sir once again became a proud father, while his eldest son was in 12th class with us. We asked for a party to junior Mishra and it seemed he felt shy about that. Even though it was quite unusual, but we felt proud about our Mishra Sir’s capabilities.

I remember one instance when our physics teacher, Mr Solanki Sir was quite upset with someone. I don’t exactly remember why he was so upset that moment but I do remember his precious words, even though those were out of anger. He said "Don’t ever compare yourselves with your teacher. No matter how much hard we try, but we have very limited growth, now. You guys have no limitation, no one can stop you from reaching anywhere and it’s all up to you how you go forward. We teachers are only there to guide you, that's all"

When we entered our 9th grade, suddenly Science became quite tougher and interesting. That was the time when we interacted with John Sir for the first time. Well, John Sir was a typical south Indian and was a man of principle. He used to teach us chemistry and was quite well known for his teaching skills. Most of the parents knew quite well that we needed a much better understanding of chemistry concepts for our career and some of them approached John Sir for private tuition. John Sir was not in favor of private tuition and gently denied them. Well, some other teacher got the opportunity instead. Next day, John Sir said to us “Yesterday, few of your parents came to me for private tuition. I don’t know why you guys need extra classes. If you have any doubt then please approach me any time, not only during school time but whenever you feel free.” But unfortunately John Sir couldn't be with us for a long, as in next few months he got transferred to his native place. 

During our 12th grade, just few months before our final board exams, our English teacher got transferred to her native place as well. A new teacher replaced her temporarily.  He was quite young, probably 24 or 25 years old. Unlike other teachers, he was different. One specialty about him was that he could easily connect with guys like us, I mean little Bigra kind of. He was more like a friend than teacher to us. He used to say "there's no difference between you guys and me. Even I also think in the same way as you do".  During our farewell many of our teachers gave speeches and it was quite monotonous and boring. But all of a sudden that guy arrived on stage, kind of shy and simply said few words.

"Well, all of you are very nice and intelligent people. There's no doubt that all you guys will do very well in life. Few might do a little better than others, but no one would die of hunger and everyone will do something in life. But whatever you do, always try to be a good human being, a good citizen of this country and always love your parents". 

While writing this post images of many teacher flashed in my head.

Happy Teacher's Day !


  1. Good one! During our school days all of us wish to be out of that life but once out into the big bad world we miss the those innocent fun filled days!

    1. Thanks Shaivi, glad U liked the post. School days were so much fun and yes, specially in HS we used to think there's so much freedom after we pass out of school. Then we join college and get spoiled gradually :)

  2. I hope your teachers can read this. Best wishes on Teacher's Day.

    1. Thanks Noopuram. Even I also wish my teachers read this :) Thanks for Ur warm wishes and Happy Teacher's Day to U too. Thanks for visiting out here!

  3. Yes Jahid I also can recall this guys..specially librarian,soolanki,mishra,hotilal, John forgot one teacher parmanand..guess he used to teach physics and tution classes also. HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY

    1. Yes Karuna, I do remember Parmanand Sir, he used to teach physics and was very professional, as he used to teach much better in tuition classes as compared to school classrooms.

  4. Nicely written.. reading this makes me want to write a tribute for my teachers too..

    1. Thanks Adarsh. Really delighted that U liked the post and even inspired to write for Ur teachers as well. Thanks for visiting out here dude!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Sreesha, glad U liked the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  6. "arre!! aaj to class bahut khali khali lag raha hain..." Hotilal Sir

    1. Haha.. Ratul, "aaj to class bahut khali khali lag raha hain" even though classroom used to be full,except someone :) :)

  7. I had those nostalgia rushes while reading this post :-)

    1. Delighted to know that Anil, so glad U had those nostalgia rushes while reading this post :)

  8. While in school I never realized what a great job they were doing shaping up our lives, and now I miss them. Great post Jahid.

    1. School days are so much fun and no one have time to realize that. Somethings to be better understood late :) Glad U liked the post Indrani !

  9. Teachers always play an important role in our lives , a very good post :)

    1. Very true Aunt Mary, glad U liked the post :)

  10. Good one! I was reminded of my own teachers most whom I'm not in touch with :(

    1. Thanks Sudha, glad u liked the post and could remember Ur own teachers. Yah, even I'm not in touch with any of my school teachers. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  11. Nice one Jahid :) I remember my mathematics teacher in 11th and 12th. He was my favorite teacher but he was a very funny kind of guy. He used to always be covered in chalk powder and he had this habit of repeating words continuously. But thanks to him and his notes I scored a 99 in mathematics in my 12th board exams :)

    1. Wow! nice to know about Ur mathematics score. I would have to take 99 births and even then also it would be difficult enough for me to score that much. U must had been a proud student of Ur teacher. Ur parents and teachers must be so proud of U. Glad U liked the post and could remember Ur favorite teacher. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Prasanna!

  12. A great way to acknowledge the one who helps us shaping our future...Nice Read Jahid.. :-)
    And About literature subject even I make a hell lot of mistakes but fine with Grammars..

    1. It's so nice that U R fine with the grammars. My grammar was and still is quite horrible. Thankfully spell in mistake is automatically detected now days :) Glad U liked the post Harsha!

  13. A very interesting tribute to your teachers. Realistic and respectful.

    1. Thanks Tomichan Sir. Really great pleasure that a teacher appreciated this post!

  14. Happy Teachers Day (Belated) :-)

    1. Thanks Paresh :) Wish U Happy Teachers Day as well. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  15. Jahid Bhai .. it speaks a lot about your persona.. well being an average Indian student .. maths was scary crap for me .. but I cant blame anyone for the mess.. :) The experience of Junior Mishra being asked for a treat :D :D was hilarious.. the way you talked about Mishra Sir's capabilities .. hahaha..
    You are always a pleasure to read with so many gems of past which rekindles memories in readers' minds aswell!!
    Thumbs Up for this post and Happy Teacher's Day !!

    1. Thanks Jack :) so glad U liked the post. Haha.. Junior Mishra experience was quite funny :) Happy Teacher's Day to U as well !!

  16. I noticed you have disabled Selection of text on blog. I many times do that, sometimes habitually and sometimes to read the selected text. Sometimes selecting text and reading makes my reading job easier.

    1. Thanks Mr Satya Prakash for sharing your thoughts. Actually earlier someone else suggested me to disable selection of texts :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude!

  17. School days hold a lot more memories about teachers as college days are more about bunking and having fun. I could relate to each one of your teachers because I too have had some similar to them. A real trip down memory lane.

    1. So correct, college days are more about bunking and having fun. So school days hold a lot more memories about teachers. Glad U liked the post and had a nice trip down memory lane!

  18. nice one jahid, brought back the good old memeories...u have a very good memory haan, u still remember a lot of our childhood stories. keep them flowing :)

    1. Good to see Ur comment out here Era :) Glad U liked the post and could refresh Ur good old memories. U were such an exceptionally favorite student of our Hotilal Sir. U must be missing him a lot now :) Yes, have to write some more about our school days!

  19. I miss my school too. I still remember that our class teacher of 9th standard was a combination of friendly and strict both. It was fun year. She even knew the names we had given to our classmates. I won't be surprised if she knew with what names we called our teachers. :D

    1. School days were so much fun. You guys were really lucky to have such friendly class teacher. I think most of the teachers knew about their popular names among the students and only pretend that they don't know :) Thanks for visiting out here Roohani !!

  20. very nice, really!! It seems that you have a great sense of gratitude for your teachers.. This post is awesome AS USUAL.. Your posts are really treat to mind.
    Best Wishes!!

    1. Thank U so much Swati. So glad my posts are treat to Ur mind :) Yah! school days were so much fun and it's a little thing I could have done to show my gratitude for my teachers!!

  21. That's a really nice idea to recall your teachers on teacher's day. I am going to do the same next year.

    and what your teacher said is 100 percent true about the limited growth of teachers. Its the profession that is fueled by passion.

    I used to receive your emails but I am always bad at keeping a track of them. But this time I thought I am going to visit your blog. I am adding it in my list. Hopefully I ll be able to read and give you feedback.

    Oh just to let you know, I am a teacher too. :)

    You can visit my blog.

    1. Great to know that U are a teacher and it's really a pleasure that a teacher appreciated this post. You are correct teaching profession is fueled by passion. Thanks U so much for visiting out here!

  22. Whoa! what a memoir. I am transported back to school :)

    1. Thanks Ekta :) glad u liked the post and could recollect your good old school days!

  23. What a lovely tribute to your teachers! They will very happy if they read them and moreover after these many years .

    1. Thanks Uma! Glad U liked my tribute to my teachers and I really wish they read this post :)

  24. Mathematics was my favorite subject, until engineering happened to be too. It still is, but like a lover that can be loved, but from a distance, that I am post Engineering. But I am improving!

    It is pleasant to know that someone remembers so much of his teachers from yester-years.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

    1. Nicely said "like a lover, from a distance" :) Good that U'r improving. Yah, school days were so much fun and some teachers are simply unforgettable. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  25. Replies
    1. Thanks Swarn Priya, glad U liked the post!

  26. I will be grateful to you intended for supplying the know-how about this trainer’S twenty-four hour period. It about instructor’utes time is usually extremely supporting which is great for me personally inward planning my personal teachers day time conversation.

  27. Hello Jahid,
    Iam Pravina Menon, Mrs Menons daughter, How are you?....came through your interesting post and showed it to mum, we had a good laugh! Ma remembers you and your brother.

    1. Hello Pravina, so nice to hear from you. I am doing good. Glad to know that Ma'am still remembers us. My brother is also doing good. Where is ma'am these days? where are you guys? It's been so long.
