
Saturday 14 September 2013

Flashbacks Turned 18 Today

It’s feels so awesome to be part of such a huge army of metalheads all around. Well, I’m right there in the middle of the crowd and never in my life, I ever expected to be part of Wacken Open Air. Well, it’s the greatest and the biggest metal festival on this planet. It occurs every year in a place named Wacken, in northern Germany. It attracts all kinds of metal music fans, such as fans of black metal, death metal, power metal, thrash metal, Gothic metal, folk metal, and even hard rock from across the globe. Aha! the tickets are usually sold out just within a few weeks, once  they are made available. I've no idea how I managed to get the ticket, but I'm enjoying like hell. 

The melodious metallic sounds just mesmerizing my brain and the crowd simply going crazy at the moment. But shit! What happened? The sound gone completely mute and there’s some sort of darkness out here. For a moment I thought there’s a power failure, but how that could be possible in Waken Open Air? Also where  the hell the entire crowd disappeared all of a sudden? Oh! I could even hear Jia’s voice "Papa, Papa stop it now, you had enough of music, now it’s time for me to do some shopping" Aha! I came back to reality and it’s always a pleasure to see Jia's smiling face. Time fly so fast, it seems as if only a few weeks have passed since Jia arrived into this world. My goodness, it's 2030 now and just look at her, I really can't believe that she's so grown up. I could still remember that I started to blog just a couple of months before we celebrated Jia's first birthday and the below photograph was taken by my friend Sidhartha on that memorable day.

In fact, today my blog "Flashbacks" turned exactly 18 and it was in 14th of September 2012, when I published my first post in Flashbacks. All throughout my life I was not very much obsessed with those electronic/mechanical devices and gadgets. During our days when the market was so much crazy for mobile phones and tablets, I always waited for the prices to have come down and it usually used to come down drastically, like our Rupee depreciated in the year 2013. I feel so happy and proud that our Rupee is almost equivalent to US dollar now days. Well, technology is still evolving with the same kind of pace and even now days also I follow the same strategy. It’s only a couple of years ago that I had installed the high definition Virtual Reality package in one of our rooms. I think I should have waited a little more, as the prices came down exceptionally there after. 

I asked "But Jia, where you would like to go for shopping today?"

Jia replied "Papa, let’s try out eBay"

Well, eBay started in the year 1995, as an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses used to buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide. Throughout the years, eBay came up with so many new innovations and at present they are into full fledged virtual reality shopping business. They have their business spread across the globe and specially out here in India, they have penetrated deep into the market and giving a hard time to all other virtual reality, as well as other ecommerce competitors.

I asked Jia "Where's mommy? You can shop with her, as I’ve some work to do"

Jia almost screamed "No Papa, mom is over the phone, let’s go shopping now"

Well we have installed the virtual reality kit with dual port, so at the same time 2 people can travel into the virtual world. I scrolled the remote and changed the mode to shopping. Oh! The ladies already installed so many shopping apps and it took me a while before I could find eBay. As soon as I selected eBay, all of a sudden we are inside a massive and glamorous shopping mall. Oh! this virtual reality came as a blessing for men like me, as we don't have to physically visit the boring malls now days. Jia tried out a hell lot of dresses and as usual, she's very confused with which one to select. The good thing with virtual shopping is that, one need not require to go into the trial rooms, every time he/she want to try out a new dress. OMG! I still remember how I used to wait outside the trial room for hours, as my wife used to go inside with almost 5 to 6 different piece of dresses. Now it's so simple, as the monitor displays exactly how one would look like with his/her new dress. Well, the accuracy is almost 99% and computer scientists are working hard to improve it further. 

We strolled through each and every corner of the mall, but it's so giant and one could simply go on shopping the whole day long. In the mean time I also purchased some household items and a couple of bed sheets. Well, I hope Anjali would love them. It seems Jia is little confused with the budget and the products she's looking for. She explained her requirement to one of the executive out there and then just like a magic, all of a sudden she took us to a totally different new outlet. At least Jia looks happier now, it seems she would get her stuffs out here.

Finally after 2 hours of casual yet rigorous shopping, Jia could only select a couple of tops and she doesn't look very satisfied. She said that she would physically visit one of the malls over the weekend along with her mom. Oh! even such high tech virtual reality programming also couldn't steal away the real shopping fun out of the ladies.

This post is written for Indiblogger’s "The future of shopping" contest in association with eBay


  1. haha.. loved the last punch line :p
    this is so cool.. all the best, jahid.. :)

    1. Hehe.. thanks Meera :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for Ur best wishes!

  2. Replies
    1. Glad U liked the concept Karan. Thanks a lot for Ur best wishes :)

  3. Hehehehe...Loved the post Jahid... :)
    All the Best.. :)

    1. Haha.. thanks Harsha :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for Ur best wishes!

  4. Online shopping specially ebay is great because items which are not available in will be source from global ebay also....much much easier then takin trials at shops?

    1. Yes Karuna, they are one of the pioneers in that space. Shopping is so easily now and in future it would be more fun. But one bad thing is that we would have to loose out pocket quite often :)

  5. Very intresting post Jahid. Hope u win.

    1. Thanks Neo, glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks for Ur wish :)

  6. All the best Jahid! Good take on this.

    1. Glad U liked the post Indrani. Thanks a lot for Ur best wish!

  7. Yes... the real is always a step ahead of the virtual. But that is precisely why the virtual is trying to get as real as possible... and 2030 will surely find one gliding through virtual cloud stores getting a real experience.

    Arvind Passey

    1. Virtual reality is the near future and yes, real would always be a step ahead. Thanks a lot Arvind Sir for dropping by!

  8. aha.....Virtual shopping...Fantastic imagination :) All the best!

    1. Glad U liked the imagination Akash :) Virtual shopping could be the near future. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  9. ahh Imaginative :) enjoyed it
    All the best!

    1. Glad U found it imaginative and enjoyed the post Anil :) Thanks a lot for Ur best wishes!

  10. very well imagined,best of luck

    1. Thanks a lot dear :) glad U liked the post!

  11. hey.. I am sharing my Liebster moment with you... wishes..

    have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks U so much Meera :) Many Many congrats to Ur for Ur Leibster award. It's a pleasure and an honor that U nominated my blog for the award.

  12. real lies or realize?
    haha kidding... this is one perfect realization & innovation personified!



    1. Hehe.. Sammya :) glad U liked the post. I think Virtual Reality could be the near furure. Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude!

  13. Its a winner post Jahid! All the best!

    1. Aha! Shaivi, just wish U should have been the judge :) Aaapke Muh Me Ghee Shakkar :) Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for Ur best wishes!

  14. Best of luck in the competition! Great readings on your blog, I really enjoyed it:-)

    1. Thanks a lot Eli :) So glad U liked my blog and thanks a lot for visiting out here. Please do visit again !!

  15. Wow! awesome idea! this is such a good one yaa!

    1. Thanks Anjali, glad U liked the idea and enjoyed the post as well. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  16. imagination at its best but very relevant... loved reading the post Jahid

    1. Thanks Aparna, glad U liked the imagination and loved the post so much. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  17. Replies
    1. Haha.. Mukhtiar Bhai, glad U liked the post :)

  18. Innovative ideas beautifully brought together. Best of luck for the contest Jahid! :)

    1. Thank U so much Ragini :) glad U found it innovative and also enjoyed the post. And also Best of Luck to U as well Ragini :)

  19. Wonderful write-up :) Enjoyed reading it. All the best :) And I like the Jia's photo much :)

    1. Thanks Sushmitha :) Glad U enjoyed the post and Jia's photo as well. Thanks for the wishes :)

  20. That was such a nice post to read :) And extremely true , nothing can replace true shopping experience for us . :D

    1. Thanks Rahi, glad U enjoyed the post :) Haha.. very true, nothing can replace the joy and pleasure of actual shopping for U people :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!
