
Thursday 19 September 2013

Healthy Breakfast

Sometimes all of a sudden my wife becomes very conscious about her regular diets. Forget about breakfast, even at dinner she use to take Daliya during those few days. That time I usually have the feeling that might be her favorite dress doesn't perfectly fit her any longer. Being a doctor, she use to give me all sorts of healthy diet gyaans and always try to convince me to go for a master health checkup, but I’m too lazy or maybe I just want to hide away from the reality. Few times I had to forcefully try out Daliya for dinner, as I didn't even have the option, so that I could have cooked my own food. Now what more to say about Daliya? In simple words it's horribly yuck and sucks like hell. 

Even though it’s extremely difficult for us to manage time to enjoy our breakfast at home during the weekdays, but Anjali somehow manage it sometimes. She really enjoy corn flakes a lot, but it’s kind of torture for me. I still remember how I survived my childhood days with that pathetic smell of milk and I think that’s enough for a lifetime. She also likes oatmeal a lot and my goodness! It looks so ugly and even the taste is so terrible. I’ve seen in TV and also in some magazines that oatmeal is one of the best healthy breakfasts. Sometimes I get very disappointed with my tongue and wonder "Why it has to be so stringent?" Later my wife suggested me to try Masala Oats and it tastes much better than its earlier version. But still I feel so miserable whenever I had to put those damn things inside my mouth and I usually try hard to bypass the tongue in between.

I usually have breakfast at office cafeteria and they have quite limited stuffs out there. I’m already matured enough to take care of my health and try hard to eat healthy. Sometimes I take only fruit bowl from the counter for breakfast. Even though I like fruits a lot, but only fruits at morning time irritates my tongue a bit and I again go to the counter to get myself either dosa or idly vada. So I had to avoid fruit bowl, or else I end up consuming much more than my normal breakfast capacity.

Every morning whenever I look at those fruits at the cafeteria, every time I look at those corn flakes and oatmeal at home, I get to worry a little about my health. But on every occasion I somehow convince myself that it’s better to eat something rather than starving. 

I’ve been consuming idli vada since so many years and it’s high time I should look for other alternatives, as I fear that very soon I myself would turn into some kind of a giant idly.


  1. Completely agree with you. Planning a Breakfast and that too a tasty one is a challenging task - esp when you hav to think of a new variety daily.

    Try Quaker Oats with Curd ( if your tongue allows you this variety). To make it taste new, add 1 fruit or vegie a day. Do not add too many vegetables n fruits- it will taste like a salad and the variety is lost.1 Vegetable or Fruit a day - for 7 days, gives u 7 different tastes of the same Oats.
    I call it Healthy - Variety Combo

    1. Yes Viyoma, planning breakfast is very challenging. Try Quaker Oats with Curd along with fruit sounds really cool. Would definitely have to try it out. Thanks a lot for Ur wonderful suggestion. Also thanks for visiting out here Viyoma !!

  2. Cornflakes+Milk+Banana - My favorite breakfast.

    1. Good that U like Cornflakes+Milk+Banana. It's a very healthy breakfast. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  3. hehe humorous post...I hate daliya as well and yes Masala Oats tastes way better.But it is not filling enough. It can be taken as a snack but not as brkfst. I love cornflakes, which is available in many flavors these days. I remember i tell my sister that if I eat soya beans, my face will resemble soya bean soon, given the frequency with which we consume soya beans......Loved ur post. Indeed we Indians are always in a dilemma to choose between health and tempting food :)

    1. Thanks Shilpi :) glad U could enjoy the post. Healthy breakfasts are really boring but we don't have much choice. My main problem with corn flakes is that we need to eat it with milk :) and I hate milk like anything. Haha.. the soya beans concept is quite funny one. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Shilpi !!

  4. I like Masala oats too. Though I don't like Quaker oats. I agree with fruits. Only fruits don't fill your appetite but again its said fruits are never to be alone in breakfast. Try wholewheat toasts and Coffee. though I don't like them. In mornings I prefer poha, Upma, or idli. Till I know Idli is good in breakfast. I don't know about vada though.

    1. Thanks for sharing Ur views Roohani. Masala oats is quite eatable but I feel I a patient whenever I eat it. Poha/upma is good breakfast but not available in our office and morning hardly any time to prepare :( Would have to try wholewheat toasts and Coffee. Thanks for visiting out here Roohani !!

  5. Happy to meet so many people who find breakfast making as tedious as I do. I find this is the most difficult meal to make in today's world. During my parents time it was paratha and sabji or puri aloo etc.. all of which have stopped due to oil intake. It has become a circle of poha, upma or cereals.

    1. Haha.. really, to have breakfast itself is very tedious and preparing it is ultimate horrible. Yeah, as a child we had all sort of breakfasts and never bothered about anything. Haha.. nicely said "It has become a circle of poha, upma or cereals." :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here Rubina !!

  6. Hi,
    Same dilemma as yours. I hate cornflakes and tolerate oatmeal, I would rather have toast with jam. Nowadays I mostly have idli, upma or eggs in any form (boiled, poached, omelette). Turns out the most important meal of the day is the most difficult too!!!

    1. Haha.. nice to see similar kind of people out here :) I just can't have corn flakes and oatmeal. Toast with jam is most reliable breakfast and very traditional too. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  7. Well, if your wife is a doctor, do as she says. Or at least eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away :P

    Blasphemous Aesthete

    1. Haha.. that's really a good humor Sir :) Now I realize why my wife is not very keen to buy apples while shopping groceries. Yeah, I should listen to my wife but not that easy. I guess U understand :) thanks a lot for visiting out here dude!

  8. I swear its the most difficult thing,so now I sleep late,so I don't have to plan breakfast at all :P

    1. Haha.. Ankita :) I did the same thing for so many years. But can't continue such life style for long. U could continue to enjoy for some more time I guess :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Murthy Sir :) glad U enjoyed the post !!

  10. Great story. Fruits are a great breakfast. Even Kareen Kapoor at size zero ate fruits.

    1. Thanks Archana Ji :) glad U liked the post. Fruits are good but also need something else along with them :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  11. Hahaha..What a way to start of your post..Indeed sometimes the ladies become so diet conscious all of a sudden.. :-P
    And Yes even I don't get time for breakfast and only end up having lunch and dinner

    1. Thanks Harsha :) glad U could enjoy the post. Even I also used to skip breakfast earlier. But it's always good to have Ur breakfast, only if U could afford some time and appetite for it :)

  12. Dalia reminds me of my boarding school whr me n my fren used to go hungry on Wednesdays mornings :( Today mornings are combination of late nights, late mornings, office, traffic, and brkfst! Too lil time!

    Enjoyed ur post!

    1. Haha.. Daliya at boarding school is simply unacceptable :) Very true, so little time now days for the most basic needs. Glad U enjoyed the post!

  13. if dalia is cooked with Moong dal along with few cloves( carminative)and bay leaves making it a khitdri sort of thing. It is certainly eatable. Some doctor told me that Cornflakes may increase cholesterol level, better take wheat-flakes along with raisins and dates adding flavor. I take Idli-sambar, Dosa, paratha, poori only once a week and work it out later on with extra Gym. hours. Wish you very good health all the time.

    1. Wow! it seems U maintain a very healthy life Mr Pradip, that's really nice. Whenever I eat daliya or oatmeal, i feel like a patient. I think regular exercise is very important now days. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Mr Pradip and also thanks for Ur good wishes!

  14. Kellogs Chocos with a bit of fruet crunchy muesli is the best and fillinf breakfast! Or even Poha is good :)
    nice post

    1. Thanks for Ur valuable suggestion Prakriti. Yeah, many people eat Poha at breakfast. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  15. Idli + Vada + Sambar is the 'best' and the most nutritious breakfast available in our country :) i opt that for at least twice a week

    1. Yes Ashwin, Idli + Vada + Sambar is too good and since almost 7-8 years I'm having them at breakfast. But too much rice stuffs not good I guess :)

  16. i am a fitness freak so prefer cornflakes or multi grain biscuits. I think you should try upma, poha, multi grain bread or sandwiches made of it. This would be healthy and will tantalize your taste buds too

    1. Nice to know that U R a fitness freak. Healthy body lead to healthy soul :) Thanks a lot for Ur breakfast suggestions and thank for visiting out here!

  17. Nice post!!In my kingdom nobody loves oats and cornflakes.So I've to make parantha,thepla,dhokla,vada..etc but I make them healthy in healthy version.So no need to worry about weight gain.

    1. So nice Gurmeet Ji. U are able to make such tempting breakfast in a healthy way. Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  18. Nice Post, and my vote goes to erudu Idli and ondu vadai for breakfast in Bangalore, they don't make it like it that any where else. At Bhopal/Indore it is usually Poha Jalebi and it does not have to be breakfast ! Any time is okay. In old city of Bhopal even Biryani is breakfast, can you beat that ?

    1. Haha.. jalebi and briyani at breakfast :) Whenever I hear about Bhopal, I remember Surma Bhopali :) Thanks for Ur breakfast suggestion dude and also thanks for visiting out here.

  19. Nice story..We love traditional dishes..:-)

    1. Glad U liked the post. Yes, traditional dishes are always nice to eat!

  20. Jahid, try making breakfast before going to office, along with the hundred other things that your wife does in the morning. I bet you will start loving corn flakes and oats as these are life savers for a harried lady trying to feed every one on time. :)

    1. Very nice advice Madhu Ji, but quite difficult to implement. Corn flakes are fine but milk is the problem :) But always better to eat home made good!

  21. enjoyable read,i need something to eat right now these photos have evoked my hunger

    1. Thanks a lot dear :) Glad U liked the post. Haha.. eat idly-vada with sambar/chutney.

  22. haha nice story! Njoyed this cute breakfast story!

    1. Thanks Anjali :) glad U enjoyed the post!

  23. interesting story as usual... btw, i dont complain about oats. hmm.. maybe i should start thinking about some regular healthy breakfast diet.. :(
    *my birthday resolution (?!)* :p

    1. Thanks Meera, glad U enjoyed the post :) Nice that u don't have complain about oats. Hmmm.. very good B'day resolution, hope U would be able to maintain :)

  24. Well even I don't like the taste of oats, cornflakes and milk. My usual breakfast is bread butter with a double espresso. If I don't get time for that I usually substitute the breakfast with a series of coffees till lunch. I know not a very healthy one but still. . And yeah idly vada is also one of my favorites. .

    1. Bread butter is always good. Very traditional and quite reliable breakfast. Idly vada is cool breakfast, but too much rice stuffs is not good I guess. Thanks for visiting out here Rohan!

  25. Look at this article
    Bread is made of wheat, it is as bad as rice unless you are talking about the whole wheat/ multi grain bread.Butter is made of partially hydrogenated fats that is bad too.

    1. Thanks a lot for the info. Even normal bread butter is also not good. Would try multi grain bread as well :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  26. Well a good breakfast is good for health, I like to eat simple chapati with sabzi :)

    1. Yes, good breakfast is good for health and even I also like simple roti with sabzi, but preparation is a big head ache that too in the morning :)

  27. haha... though i am not at all health conscious i love oats & daliya... (perhaps because i eat far too much mirch at other times)... trust me, if eating oats & daliya prevents one from looking like a giant idli then i should have become a size 'O' years ago... still on a good note... read somewhere that the humble idli with chutey & sambar is one of the healtiest breakfast around in the world.. just lay off the vada heh...

    1. Haha.. nice that u like oats and daliya :) I feel really good as U said that idli is a humble and one of the healtiest breakfast. Vada certainly isn't :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here and sharing Ur views !!

  28. So, my friend who's into raw & organic food advises that fruits are the best thing to have in the morning but that we often don't eat large enough of a quantity & end up feeling hungry again. She'd advised me to replenish my fruit bowl until I felt full or with intervals so that I feel full and it really seems to be working. Try a variety of fruits with larger quantities, that might do the trick. And with my glamour world background, I'll confess that I've seen a lot of models follow this routine in the morning and they eat cooked food only after 12 noon. Works really well to keep weight under check too.

    1. Yes Tarika, fruits are really good but difficult to consume enough quantity in morning :) Thanks a lot for sharing Ur genuine advice. Would have to start that kind of a life style followed by the models. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Tarika!

  29. Ha ha nice post Jahid :) I have heard from many health enthusiasts that the quantity of breakfast must be more than lunch and the dinner. So we must make sure that we don't miss the breakfast ! During my college days, as I have travel long I used to consume only the corn flakes. I think they taste better when we add fruits to it. And coming to Idli, dosa I would say it is a better breakfast. Having little fruits before the breakfast would be a healthy combination :)

    1. Thanks Sushmitha :) glad U enjoyed the post. Yes, corn flakes,fruits are very goof breakfast, but find it difficult to eat at morning. Idli dosa is also good and I am enjoying them since almost a decade now :) Thanks for visiting out here Sushmitha :)

  30. Congratulations!!! I am sharing my Libster award with you!!
    Do check out my post :)

    1. Thank U so much Preethi. I'm extremely delighted with the leibster award. Glad U like my blog and considered it for ur nomination. It's really honor and a moment to celebrate. Also Congratulation to U for winning the leibster Preethi !!

  31. I love everything you mentioned here. Don't worry idli won't do any harm.

    1. Thanks Saru for ur wonderful comment. I was so worried and now I can happily enjoy my idli at morning :)

  32. I think idli is quite healthy as a breakfast. So no worries :)

    1. Yes Pankti Ji. But so much rice, so I worry a little :)

  33. My breakfast consists of Oats+Milk+Flax Seeds+Dates+Almonds+Figs followed by an apple.
    Tastes yummmm. Try it out.

    1. Wow! Ur breakfast is so healthy. Would have to try it out. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Hiral :)

  34. Do try these delicious South Indian Breakfast dishes too

    1. Sure :) Thanks for visiting out here Praveen!!

  35. I have this normal oats sauted with garlic baby corn and peas...and water added.... may be some chilly pepper...quite popular with my colleagues though i dig into office oily chole bhature again... :-)

    1. Wow! your breakfast sounds fascinating. I hope it tastes yummy as well :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here Soma !!

  36. You dont like Oats and Daliya ? No wonder your wife lectures you all the time :) I do the same to my husband, guess most Indian men share the same interests towards "healthy eating" :D

    1. Hehe.. Oats and Daliya are so pathetic :) Wish there are more tasty healthy foods. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Nupur !!

  37. That is a very helpful list for everyday life. Thanks for sharing.

    chk out my recipe blog-

  38. great post. Specially for wives. It's seriously a brainstorming exercise to find out what to cook LOL

  39. Very good. Healthy breakfast should be in everyone's menu.

    Check my personal blog:

  40. Nice post. Breakfast is very important for health. I like idli, dosa. Millet foods are great for healthy lifestyle.
