
Thursday 25 July 2013

An Unplanned Trip, Part-2

So it was around 2 AM and the cab driver was waiting for us near our apartment gate.  We asked him to wait for 10 minutes and we just took a couple of towels and one handbag and yes, we also took one of our laptop. We were so much thrilled for our night road trip and wanted to enjoy every moment of it by listening to our favorite songs.  It took us a while to move out of the city and once it touched the highway we felt the actual thrill. In order to go to Coorg from Bangalore, one need to drive through Mysore. For a perfect and refreshing road trip by car all throughout the journey better have a look at this page

Coorg is a very fascinating place situated at the Western Ghats of southwestern Karnataka and is located at a distance of 250 KM from Bangalore. Some websites even mention Coorg as "Scotland of South India" Well, it’s not too much exaggerated. The Bangalore Mysore highway is smooth enough and most of the people usually drive at a speed of 100-130 KMPH. We kept the windows open as the cigarette continued to switch hands very frequently. During the night we played the famous Judas Priest song "NightCrawler" several times. Oh! I just love that song, specially the lyrics and the situation was so perfect to play it over and over again. 

Just a copy paste of some part of the lyrics:

Howling winds keep screaming round 
And the rain comes pouring down 
Doors are locked and bolted now 
As the thing crawls into town 

Straight out of hell 
One of a kind 
Stalking his victims 
Don't look behind you, Nightcrawler 

We reached Mysore by around 4:30 AM and it was still dark outside. After a few minutes it was almost dawn and we could see some form of light outside. We didn’t sleep the whole night, except those short naps. I just couldn’t have waited to listen one of more Judas Priest classics “Before the dawn” Oh! Man what a lyrics, just too good. 

Mentioning just few lines of it:

Before the dawn, I hear you whisper

In your sleep "Don't let the morning take him" 

Outside the birds begin to call

As if to summon up my leaving

I played that song almost 4-5 times and stopped only when it was totally bright outside. Even though we were pretty much tired but the early morning freshness recharged us.

As we drove through the forests of Madikeri, the cool breeze was extremely refreshing. The early morning heavenly forest smell was so mesmeric and as the dew drops kissed all over our faces, everyone felt terribly euphoric. We stopped the car at several places and kept starring at the clouds and the hills. OMG! That was such an wonderful moment and I can’t really express in words. We reached Coorg by around 8 AM and then we looked for a hotel. Our intention was to take the cheapest possible hotel, as our plan was just to rest and get refreshed for a couple of hours.  
Later we had a heavy breakfast and went for sightseeing. Firstly we visited the famous Abbey falls and stayed there for about half an hour. It's very refreshing out there and the place is always foggy all throughout the day. We so much wanted to experience river rafting and without wasting mush time we went to the spot. Fortunately we didn’t have to wait much longer for our turn. When Sinha came to know that they would charge Rs 900 per head, he immediate opted himself out from it. Actually Sinha had no clue about rafting and he thought we would be paying them just for some boating. So Sinha remained in the car along with the driver and expected us to return within an hour. That was my first rafting experience and I could never forget the thrill. That was one of the best thing I have ever done so far. It started smoothly and after a while the thrill began. The river stream was surrounded by hills and there was complete greenery all around.

The current of downstream water was very furious and at some points it was totally breathtaking. Our guide was an excellent fellow and on the way he narrated us few rafting stories of Rishikesh, as earlier he was posted out there. We crossed one hurdle after another and as I looked back, I just couldn’t believe we actually came through that way. It almost felt as if I was part of Nation Geographic that moment.

At some point the water was still and the guide asked us to swim. Even I also tried to swim for a while. It was so wonderful moment, but I was also little scarred, not of crocodiles but of drowning. The entire rafting took almost 3 hours and that was a life time experience. Well, there are few things which are really priceless and can't be measured with money. By the time we returned back we were damn tired, yet so refreshed. We just wanted to further liquefy our bodies along with some very heavy lunch and we did exactly the same thing. 

It was already 4 PM and we decided to visit the famous Tibetan monastery. Even though I’m not a great fan of religious places, but that monastery was something different. It was calm as well as very relaxing and we spent almost one hour out there. Later we had some tea and started our return road drive, back to Bangalore. As we passed through the forests we got to see few waterfalls. Well, I always return with a heavy heart whenever I use to come back from any forest. Our return drive was also quite exciting and thrilling. On the way we had dinner at a dhaba, along with icy chilled holy water and returned home by midnight. 

This post is written for Indiblogger’s "The Perfect Road Trip" contest in association with "AmbiPur"

Image courtesy: google images


  1. Hmm Looks like you had a great trip... :-)
    Good Luck for the contest..

    1. Yes, we had a gr8 time :) Thanks for Ur good luck Harsha :)

  2. That must have been one of the most memorable trip. Coorg promises to take you by arms.

    1. Yes Neo, that was one of the most memorable trip. Coorg never disappoints!

  3. This should a wonderful trip esp. with mountains, waterfall and finally temple. I too want to go somewhere near nature :)

    1. Yes Uma, that was an wonderful trip and the night drive was awesome :) Do visit somewhere close to nature soon!

  4. unplanned trips and plans are way better then planned ones for sure... :) Enjoyed the ride.. good one

    1. Very true. Unplanned trips are more exciting and memorable. Glad U enjoyed the ride :) Thanks for visiting out here dude!

  5. Great writeup and very entertaining.

    1. Thanks Suhas Sir, glad u liked the post and found it entertaining too. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  6. Jahid your unplanned trip turned out a beautiful memorable one. What wonderful sights you witnessed were so mesmerisingly woven into words. I was almost transported to the lush green hills.

    1. Yes Bushra, that was one of the most memorable trip. Glad U liked the post and almost transported to the lush green hills :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  7. I visited Coorg 5 years back . This pst was like a revival
    good one
    all the best

    1. Thanks Afshan, glad U liked this post and could refresh Ur 5 years old memory. Thanks a lot for visiting out here and for Ur wishes!

  8. Nice post. Have not been to Coorg.
    I feel like going there after reading your post.


    1. Thanks Ranjana. Glad U liked the post and I'm happy that the post inspired U to visit Coorg :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  9. So, finally, you had a great trip! But how come Sinha seemed so quiet this time?

    1. Yes, we had a great trip finally. We all were tired and Sinha was the laziest among us :) Also he didn't have much idea about rafting and thought we would for some kind of boating :)

  10. Hello Jahid bhai. Always great to follow your refreshing travel stories. And you made the point just right, money can not measure some things, in fact I wonder if it measures anything that is meaningful. I have been planning to go for a raft with my frnds for quite sometime. You have only intensified that urge. :)

    1. Thanks Deepak Sir :) Glad to know U enjoy my travel stories. U should experience raft, it's very thrilling. U could try at Rishikesh, it would be more fun there. Haha.. good that this post intensified Ur urge to raft :)

  11. Beautifully described Jahid! There's something about impromptu trips that is unmatched - the excitement, the exhilaration, the anticipation of the unknown! No planned trip can match that! :)

    1. Thank U so much! Yes, unplanned trips are far more exciting and fun. The anticipation of the unknown could be thrilling :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  12. I loved the pics.. and when its unplanned.. everything about it rocks..I haven't been to Coorg.. looks absolutely inviting.

    All the best for the contest.

    1. Thanks Manjulika. Yes, when its unplanned.. everything about it rocks :) Coorg is very fascinating and a must to visit kind of place. Thanks for visiting out here!

  13. Thanks Manu. Glad U liked the post and yes, adventure trips are always interesting. Thanks for visiting out here dude!

  14. WOW ! Amazing blog post with Epic pics !

    Hand a similar experince would Like to share --
    Top offbeat destinations for your Monsoon Escape

    1. Thanks! Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  15. Wow ! wonderful captures Jahid :) Good read and all the best for the contest :)

    1. Thanks Sushmitha, glad U liked the post and thanks for Ur wishes :)

  16. Looks like you had a whale of a time. Reminds me of my college days and the icy chilled holy water. :)


    1. Thanks Mr Sabyasachi. Nice to know that this post refreshed Ur good old days :) thanks for visiting out here!

  17. got to read this one only now ----great write-upand interesting trip -----you do make things sound so interesting

    all the best

    1. Thanks Rajni Ji. Glad U liked the writeup and found it interesting. Thanks for ur good luck!

  18. Good article. Good to read.

    1. Thanks Partha. Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  19. Excellent Road Trip Description.

    1. Thanks Amitabha :) glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by!!

  20. Nice. I been to Coorg several times. This post remind me of those days in Bangalore.

    1. Thanks Avirup :) Glad you enjoyed the post and could recollect your good old memories. Thanks for dropping by!!

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