
Monday 29 July 2013

The Joy of Wishing and Gifting

Couldn't realize how and when my habit of buying greeting cards simply died out. In fact, during our early school days we’re encouraged to make greeting cards out of our own creativity. Even though I had a high level of expertise in the field of drawing/creativity kind of stuffs and that too, to such an extent that I found it extremely difficult to even draw my basic academic biology diagrams. But still I somehow managed to make few New Year/Diwali/Birthday greeting cards for my friends and loved ones. Later there was a phase in my life when I used to send E-Cards to my friends on special occasions. Well, that was much more convenient for me and just like earlier days, my emotional level more or less was still the same. Now days I usually wish my friends and relatives through Facebook post, but I don’t think I've ever compromised with my feelings and I wish them with the same level of love and affection, as I used to in my childhood days. Everything seems to be so commercialized in the present world, but it just couldn’t take away our sentiments. With time and technology the way we wish people on special occasions have changed, but the level of excitement and empathy remains the same.

Even now also whenever I use to receive gifts in any form from anybody, I feel as happy and excited as I used to be as a child. Gifts definitely have some sort of magical effects on most of us and I hope nobody would misunderstand me as a male  chauvinist, if I dare to say that the effect could be much higher for our superior female counterparts. With emerging technologies, like most other things the way of giving gifts have also changed. But the joy and pleasure of gifting hasn't changed at all. In today’s modern and sophisticated world we often forget to buy gifts, not because we don't intend to buy but may be we're just little too busy and tired. But with websites like, one could no longer give any such excuses. Well, is a unique gifting portal and they are the experts in the field of gifting. This Diwali you could very well surprise your near and dear ones with some amazing personalized gifts. has taken Diwali gifting to a whole new level of personalization with their personalized Diwali Gifts.

As I am writing about gifts, so would like to mention a couple of little humorous incidents which are closely associated with the joy of gifting. We have a friend and during our bachelor days he was very obsessed about his birthday gifts. He used to irritate ask most of his friends to give him gifts on his birthday. For guys like us, he usually used to ask once or twice. But he had some soft targets and to them he used to torture like hell, reminder after reminder. Ultimately he was quite successful enough to receive a good collection of gifts on the occasion of his birthday, that too without giving any good damn party. 

During my college days one of our senior friends told us a story about his younger brother. The incident happened during one Durga Puja time, when his brother was in his 2nd standard. People were quite busy buying gifts and our little hero already received a couple of dresses from his parents. It seemed he eyed on a particular piece of new dress and he was pretty much determined to somehow get that. But his parents were not at all interested to buy him any more dress for that Durga Puja. The kid tried all possible ways but his parents were adamant at their point. So ultimately our hero thought of something offbeat and one fine morning he went to the nearby busy street and simply undressed himself completely. Whenever any known person used to pass by, they had a conversation with him. The little boy used to say “I don’t have any dress to wear. What to do? Even on the auspicious occasion of Durga Puja also my parents never bother to buy me any new dress” The kid stayed on that street for almost a couple of hours and then the news started to spread. By afternoon, his parents came to know about the incident and later on the same evening, the boy was extremely delighted to receive the same desired gift from his parents. 

Gifting is not only limited to friends and relatives, even the corporate also love to gift their employees on their birthdays, on Christmas, on New Year, on the occasion of their marriage and the list could simply be endless. Corporate gifts could be important for a company's image and might help in building a strong relationship with its clients. It’s already under the HR policies for many of the corporate. With more than 10 years of experience in the business of corporate gifting and catering to clients from various industries, have effectively catered to more than 500,000 customers and still counting.


  1. Very nice post love to read your blog. Wishings are blessings spread your wishes by Sending greeting cards online through

  2. Great post ! Thanks for sharing this awesome article with us.


    1. Thanks Pramod! So glad U liked the post. Thanks for visiting out here!

  3. Awesome post ................... this post made me recall my school days when we used to make different cards on different occasion .....i still remember the greeting card which i gave to my sister on her 9th b'day :)

    1. Thanks Karanvir! Glad u liked the post and could refresh ur good old school days. Haha.. would really like to know about Ur special greeting card which U gave to Ur sister on her 9th b'day :)

  4. I have a "glass" of gift waiting for you at my house. Pls do find some time to come and gulp it down :)

    1. Haha Sandeepan, don't get tempted and gulp it down :) I would come very soon to gulp the AMRIT :)

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Rupam. Glad U like to read my posts and it's always a pleasure to enjoy Ur photography!

  6. Nice info about gifting ideas :)

    1. Thanks Swati :) glad u liked the post!

  7. Great Gifting Ideas But on top of it what I enjoyed most was Your Little hero's Act.. :-)

    1. Thanks Harsha! Haha.. our little hero must had been an ultimate piece :)

  8. I am all set for gifting others after reading this wonderful article nyc one!!

    1. Thanks Aparna! Nice to know that U are inspired for lot of gifting after reading this post :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  9. Great post Jahid! Brings back so many memories :)

    1. Thanks Jaseema :) Glad u liked the post and could refresh Ur good old memories!

  10. Something new by you Jahid Bhai ... some good gift ideas ! thanks for the share..

    1. Thanks Aziz Bhai :) Glad U liked the gift ideas!

  11. Hihi. The incident about the kid was funny.
    But limited means brought in abundant creativity.
    Thanks for gifting us cards of memories.

    1. Thanks Divenita :) Glad U liked the post and the little kid incident. Thanks a lot for such nice words :) and yes, thanks for visiting out here !!

  12. i used to collect greeting cards... whenever i get one, it will be in my collection box. now no more cards.. no big collections. but still i am having them for memories. nice post.. but what that lil boy did for a dress.. hmm.. thats bit too much for a trick.. :P

    1. Even I also have few of them for memories :) Glad U liked the post. Haha.. the little boy was horrible :)

  13. I like giving a lot of thought when selecting gifts.
    Nice elaborate post on the theme.

    1. I'm just the opposite :) don't give much thought. Glad U liked the post!

  14. Nice post with an interesting info :) Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks Susmitha :) U always encourage me to keep writing :)

  15. Replies
    1. Haha.. nightmare for parents :) glad u liked the post Bedanga!

  16. The gifting article, Jahid.

  17. Nice are really dear to all..thanks for sharing..

    1. Thanks Ranita, glad U liked the post. Yes, gifts are really dear to all :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  18. yeah what you give away is what you keep - have always loved reading you work - what a gift, to write with heart. Loved it here

    1. Aha! that's so nice of U :) Thanks for ur encouraging comment, glad U read and even like my posts. Thank U so much for visiting out here!

  19. Hi Jahid, there's a Liebster for you here :


    1. Thank U so much. It's really a pleasure and an honor for me. Hearty congratulations for Ur Liebster award!

  20. I love gifts .. but unfortunately our company doesn't believe in gifting their employees :( Anyway nice thoughts! Keep posting. Would love to read you!

    1. Haha.. Ur company would learn the trick soon :) Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here Rajni !

  21. Dear jahid,

    Well drafted. Especially I liked the kid part who undresses to attain his desired attire.. was soo funny and smart way of getting things done as a kid..

    Jahid just recently started my own blog.. Appreciate if you can visit and share your thoughts. / myblog /

    I am adding you to my network and plesse do keep in touch. .

    1. Thanks U so much. Glad U liked the post and found it funny :) Yes, the kid was really smart on his part. Nice to know that U have also started Ur own blog. It would be a pleasure to share my thoughts. I think there's something wrong with the URL u shared, it's not opening. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Barani!

  22. Vhooo wonderful post. Lots of lyns to read. You are so good in taking your thoughts down. Appreciated... Would love to see your comment on my post...

    1. Thanks Mr Shabab, glad U liked the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  23. Nice blog and posts I will surely come back...dxbnidblog

    1. Thanks Pastiche :) glad U liked the blog. Thanks for dropping by !!

  24. Great Post Jahid. There is lot of stuff avaliable at
