
Monday 22 July 2013

An Unplanned Trip, Part-1

During my forced bachelor days, as my wife was in Pune for a year, my favorite weekend hangout destination was the place where I used to stay earlier with my friends. Once I left that house, many of our friends stayed there and later whenever I used to visit that house, every time I got to see a new face(s), mostly some juniors from our college. The place was damn exotic, extremely clean and was extraordinarily tidy, almost like Hell. Every time we wished to visit there, we had to mentally prepare ourselves on few things. Like for instance, the cooking gas could have been finished in the middle of the night and we actually experienced that situation several times, but fortunately we never had to sleep with empty stomach. Conditions of both the bathrooms out there were only slightly better that some of those abandoned railway platform bathrooms. During the weekends, the two bedroom apartment usually used to accommodate around 12-15 guys.  Few of our friends preferred to sleep at the Hall itself, where we partied the entire night. The next morning afternoon, we used to notice that those guys were sleeping just beside the chicken bones, some empty glasses, couple of half filled glasses, pea nuts, chips and some left over chicken pieces. Wow! the Hall smelled so aromatic and even the maid also refused to work out there. But whatever, we used to get immense pleasure and used to get completely refreshed after spending the weekend out there. 

As the weekend used to approach, Sinha always dreamed to sleep at least for 30-35 hours over the weekend and he usually used to switch off his mobile by Thursday morning. Sinha was the kind of personal whom none of our friends wanted to miss in the weekends, he was so in demand. Even thought we had to do little hard work, but I and Lami somehow managed to convince Sinha for our weekend get together. During my forced bachelor days, Trideev was in Bangalore for a couple of months and he used to stay with me. One Saturday we planned to have a great get together at our favorite place. But we were on a little different mood that evening and planned to watch a movie together at the nearby multiplex.  But all the tickets were sold out and the only option we had was to watch a Tusshar Kapoor thriller “Aggar” Well, Sinha didn’t like the idea at all, but ultimately we decided to go for it. We booked our tickets and we had a couple of hours before the blog buster could have started. 

We entered one of the nearby Dhaba to liquefy our bodies. We were having a great time and people already started to give ideas and all of a sudden someone said "We guys are meeting after so long, let’s make it more exciting. What about a trip?"

Another friend replied "We could go to Nandi Hills early morning"

Sinha replied "How many times you guys would go to Nandi Hills?"

I said "What about Coorg? Let’s go tonight and we could come back tomorrow evening"

Trideev was very excited with the idea and Lami as usual, always ready for whatever we guys were up to. Mriganka also sounded positive, but I was pretty much doubtful about Sinha. But what the Hell? Even Sinha was also ready for it. Even though we were aware of the fact that Sinha used to behave quite differently under the influence of heavenly fluids, but we were little surprised with the extent he got influenced that moment. I immediately booked a Cab for our Coorg trip and asked the driver to come by 2 AM. Coorg is a very fascinating place situated in the Western Ghats of southwestern Karnataka and is located at a distance of 250 KM from Bangalore. Some websites even mention Coorg as "Scotland of South India". I already visited Coorg but missed the river rafting on the first occasion. Well, Coorg is quite famous for river rafting and possibly it's the second best place in India. Beyond any doubt Rishikesh would be the best place of river rafting in this part of the world. I was so much interested for rafting that time, although it's a different thing that till now I couldn't learn the trick to resist the gravitational forces in water without any life jacket and sometimes panic even after wearing it.

It was already 10 PM and it was the time for our encounter with Tusshar Kapoor. As we entered inside the theater, we noticed that 90% of the Hall was empty. We expected more audience once the movie get started, but we were wrong. There was a similar kind of group like us and they already started to applaud the movie and particularly Tusshar Kapoor, by clapping their hands. It was an ultimate thriller and I could remember one particular scene where Tusshar Kapoor’s face was extremely expressive, as he played the flute. The entire audience couldn’t stop themselves and the Hall came alive, people started to clap and whistle. Our group was also not very far behind and that was the most interesting part of the movie. 

After the movie we went back to our Hell and waited for the cab. It was already 1:30 AM and the cab driver never bothered to call us. As the influence of the heavenly fluids started to diminish, Sinha looked little worried. He said that he might have taken the wrong decision and was quite happy that the cab driver didn’t call. But then all of a sudden we received a call and got to know that the driver was waiting just near our apartment gate.

Next Part->


  1. Hahahah..Now that is the case with us I have experiencing this from my Engg days our Gas Cylinder empties in the middle of the night and we are out in search for food..Glad it is Bangalore and we can manage something to eat and trip at the middle of the night is always fun...
    Waiting for the next part

    1. Haha harsha :) we experienced it several times. U are absolutely correct, Bangalore never disappoints in terms of food. Glad U liked the post!

  2. bhai this reminds me of my Mumbai days .. when all newly recruited stayed together in bunch of 5-6 ans weekends were like 15 or more .. the floors would become beds and the heavenly fluid and fags .. aroma of both had brought several warnings from the neigbour and the landlord .. fun days .. i always visit my past through your lovely posts ..
    well.. Tushar Kapoor movies Agarr itself was an adventure trip .. would love to know what happened once you all left for Coorg !!
    :) I swear best are the days .. when we can live like Gods with some money and no boundations :D so what it last not long !!

    1. Haha Jack, I still remember those weekend warnings from our neighbors. Complain used to start by 11 PM and continued till 4 AM. On few occasions our land lord visited early morning and we somehow tackled the situation. Yes, absolutely correct, ushar Kapoor movies Agarr itself was an adventure trip :) Glad U liked the post and some of your good old memories got refreshed!

  3. Impromptu adventures are the best and the most memorable ones.

    1. Yes Bushra, unplanned trips are more fun and memorable ones!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Benella :) glad U liked the post!

  5. Good narration and will read your next post for knowing more of your adventure :)

    1. Thanks Uma, glad u liked the narration. Next part would be a thriller :)

  6. you will never ever run short of stories Jahid..sometimes feel jealous with guys had real fun during your bangalore days. Super choice of movie :D the moment i saw the poster..I was like "when the hell this movie came?" :D looking forward to part two :D kya kya hota hai coorg mai...janne k liye dekhen Jahid akhtar ka agla post...tadang!"

    1. Haha Jiggyasa so nice of U :) there are so many stories and hope I never ever run short of them. Yes, it was a blog buster and we had a great time :) Glad U liked the post and would try to write the remaining part soon!

  7. Replies
    1. Haha Sangeeta :) would try to write the remaining part soon. Thanks for visiting out here!

  8. Hahahaa ... i love your travel experiences ... but for this one i am eagerly awaiting... what happened next ... ?

    1. Thanks Aziz Bhai :) glad U love my travel experiences. would try to write the remaining part soon!

  9. Do all college students go through the same cycle??? Waiting to read more...

    1. Haha Sugandha :) Yes, all college students go through the same cycle, specially engineering students :)

  10. Good flashback. College days are the best ones.

    1. Thanks Mr Fayaz. Yes, college days are always the best!

  11. Replies
    1. Haha Mukhtiar Bhai :) those were golden days!

  12. I hope you have photos of Coorg, looking forward to them.

    1. Yes, got few of them or I would steal from google images :) Glad U liked the post!

  13. It was really a good read Jahid! Looks like you had such a fun college life! Makes me Jealous! :)

    1. Thanks Jaseema :) glas U liked the post. Yes, we had enough fun college life. We also had enough fun after college and specially during our bachelor days :)

  14. and what after this??

    1. Hi dude,

      would try to write it very soon. After this it was full of thrill :)

  15. Exciting one Jahid ! First coming to your hostel days, as I was a day-scholar, I have heard a lot of funny moments from my friends who would stay in hostel :) I agree with a point here that whatever mess the hostel room can be, if it is spent with a bunch of friends, then surely it gonna be an exciting place :) Then coming to your Coorg plan, I'm hearing a lot about this place in recent times and wish to go there as I have heard that it was a scenic beauty. Waiting for part-2 !!!

    1. Thanks Sushmitha! yes, it's always fun with old buddies. Coorg is a very fascinating weekend destination and U should visit once. Glad U liked the post. Would try to write the next part soon!

  16. Sounds like a cattle shed... :D
    Good narration and waiting to read the next part.

    1. Haha Indrani :) it was kind of tabela only :) glad u liked the narration and would try to complete the next part soon!

  17. Enjoyed the read Jahid...its sad I've never had such earthly experiences of hell...i was a day scholar:)

    1. Thanks Vinaya, glad U enjoyed the post. Aha! U've really missed the earthly experience of hell then :) Don't worry, now a days it would be difficult even for us to adjust in such a hell :)

  18. the best part of jahid akhter post is that everybody can have a share of their own stories in it. U refreshed many of mine too. Lovely post.

    1. Thanks Neo :) Extremely delighted to know that U could relate to my posts and could refresh ur old memories. Glad u liked this one too!

  19. Your post gives me a vivid picture of my bachelor friends' rooms..i guess its the same all over. Eagerly awaiting the next post for the continuation :)

    1. Haha.. most of the bachelor rooms are same with few exceptions :) Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here Mukulika !

  20. You certainly knew how to enjoy your holidays !

    1. Haha Indu Ji :) just try to enjoy my own way!

  21. your posts are so much fun, love it!

    1. Thanks Amelia. So glad U read my posts and also enjoy them :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  22. great account of ur (mis) adventures!! loved reading it!

    1. Haha.. (mis) adventures :) glad U loved reading it!

  23. I so love the description of clean room ;)

    Boys will be boys! BTW, nice categorization on the right hand side.

    1. Haha.. Boys will be boys :) Glad U liked the categorization ob the RHS :) I don't think U have any experience of such clean room :)

  24. Did you check out the coffee plantations?

    1. Yes, coffee plantation all over in Coorg :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  25. You post is too much interesting. Keep it up. great job. Have seen Travel Blog. Plz see it and give your opinion. incredible journey to peace.

    1. Thanks Sonu, glad you liked the post. Thanks for dropping by!!
