
Thursday 6 June 2013

One Offbeat Matrimonial Date

Whenever people use to talk with their old friends after a long time, they usually would inquire about their common friends. A couple of year’s back I was chatting with one of my college friends over the phone. When he asked me about Ashish, I was a bit confused, as I knew 2-3 Ashish's that time. It took me a while to realize that he was actually talking about G. Well, almost everyone of us used to call him G and even now a day’s also many of our friends prefer to call him with the same title, which was awarded to him during our college days. There could be hundreds of reasons why Ashish truly deserved his G tag name. About an year back I called him over the phone and casually greeted him as Gandu. Ashish got little sentimental and said "what dude? You guys still call me G. Now we are quite matured enough and we both have already become fathers, as well."

I think after that day I never called him G, even though his tag name immediately comes to my mind, whenever I meet him or whenever any other friend inquire about him.

There was a time when Ashish’s father wanted him to get married, but he wasn't prepared for the damage yet. His parents were settled out at Guwahati that time and they somehow managed to send him few Bangalore based profiles. Now it was entirely Ashish's responsibility how he could have proceeded further with those profiles. After a couple of fruitless attempts he got little pissed off. One day his father sent him one more profile, but the selection criteria was little different.  It seemed before Ashish could have directly met the girl, her father wanted to do a face to face first round with him. Ashish was not very much pleased with that and said to his father "no Papa, I don't think I would be able to meet him. These days I am not getting much time, as there’s too much of work pressure. I have to work even during the weekends."

His father replied "Aree Beta, Ek baar mil lo. Just meet him once, he is a good man"

Ashish replied "what Papa? what I would do meeting him? It would be better if I could directly meet the girl"

His father replied "things are not that simple, when you would grow up beta?"

Even though Ashish wasn't very happy, still he agreed to meet that person, but only nearby his office and that too during lunch time, in a working day. That day Ashish was really busy, as his project was at some critical stage and on top of that, he even received several phone calls from that uncle. It seemed the poor man was totally confused with the office address. Somehow the uncle arrived near his office and Ashish went out to meet him. It was already 2:30 PM and Ashish was damn hungry. He decided to take the uncle to a nearby restaurant. Ashish actually belongs to a vegetarian family, although it's a different matter that there are in fact, very few non vegetarian foods which Ashish didn’t try it out.  He was so hungry and without thinking much he went to a nearby Briyani House, along with that uncle. 

Uncle looked little uncomfortable with the mesmerizing smell of the chicken briyani out there. He asked Ashish "so, you consume non-veg food?" Ashish said yes and ordered one chicken briyani for himself and one vegetable briyani for him. Later, Ashish noticed that the man kept starring at him, while he struggled to finish every possible flesh of the large chicken piece. While having food, it seemed the uncle wanted to grasp some basic information out of Ashish. he casually asked "cigarette to pite hi hoge? You must have some smoking habit?"

Ashish replied "yes, I do have"

Uncle asked "so, how many cigarettes you use to smoke per day?"

Ashish replied "usually 10 cigarettes but a little more whenever I use to drink"

The uncle replied "Acha, daru bhi pete ho? Roj pite ho?  Wow! You have boozing habit too? So, do you drink daily?"

Ashish replied "usually in the weekends"

Uncle "that means Saturdays and Sundays"

Ashish replied "after so much of hard work, our weekend starts Friday night itself"

After their meal, they came out of the restaurant and the uncle looked little shy. He said to Ashish that it was nice meeting him and he would like to leave, as he had to go somewhere else. After he left, Ashish lighted a cigarette and later got busy with his work.


  1. Lol... Uncle ki to halat kharab ho gayi hogi.

    1. Haha Neo, uncle Ji just disappeared from there!

  2. Amazing post and I admit this is what happened. I had so tough time with this things.

    1. Hehe Ashish(G) :) I couldn't stop laughing whenever I remember that incident. I am glad U liked the post :)

  3. hahahaha !! Ashish bhai scared the shit outta uncle ji !! hahaha daaru hafte mei 3 din to ho higaya !! hahaha nice one !

    1. Hehe Jack, Ashish is a changed man now. He is very much scared of his wife and gave up both smoking and drinking :)

  4. On similiar lines
    Dad call me on Friday night (which he always use to do) during which time I was happily drinking with my friends and told me that one of the girl's father will give you a call at morning i was too drunk to protest and said ok. So I sleep at around what time i do not recall. This dude gives me a call at 8 am in the morning that too on a Saturday. I pick up his call and he says i am so and so . He says abhi tak so raha ho .. I told him saturday hai .. yeh sukhar banao mein abhi tu so raha hoon sona jaa nahi raha hoon. He never called again and I was saved

    1. That's really hilarious Ashish :) "yeh sukhar banao mein abhi tu so raha hoon sona jaa nahi raha hoon. " Nice one :)

  5. I am guessing that was the last time the uncle ji wanted to meet G.. haha :D.. Owned !!! :D

    1. Correct guess Soumabha :) Uncle Ji just disappeared from there :)

  6. So very much like the scene in Sholay!!

    1. Yes Deepak Ji, pretty similar to Sholay scene :)

  7. Hi, I like your blog very much and and I have awarded you with Liebster .. you may collect it here..

    1. Thank U so much dear and congratulation for Ur Liebster award. I am so glad U like my blog and it's really an honor that U considered my blog for Ur nomination.

  8. Jahid..nice post..really funny one:-)

    1. Thank U so much Dimpy :) I am glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks for visiting out here!

  9. Another funny post. I feel bad for Uncleji (not really) :)

    1. Thanks Yamini. Haha.. Uncle Ji had some weird time with G :)

  10. haha.. yet another interesting post from you, Jahid.. :)

    1. Thank Rat :) I am so glad U enjoyed the post!

  11. He he...good one! Good uncle didn't ask some more questions...:)

    1. Thanks Shaivi :) Uncle Ji was very decent and he had some weird time with no so decent G :)

  12. Jahid, you are an
    outsatanding writer.
    Superb blog with your
    flashbacks that each and
    everyone should read.

    1. Thank U so much Abhishek. I am so glad U like my Flashbacks so much!

  13. Ha ha ha! No wonder, that Uncle would've totally been bewildered!

    1. Ha Ha! Uncle Ji must had an wonderful shock :) Thanks for visiting out here Malini!

  14. This is life, when will older generation realise, LOL

    1. I think when we would be the older generation, thing would be much smooth :) Thanks for visiting out here Ghazala!

  15. What an idea sirji(G) :D ha ha :) Good one Jahid :)

  16. HAHAHAHAHA poor unclejee!! But you handled it all well :P

    1. Ha Ha! Uncle Ji must had an wonderful shock :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  17. nice and funny flashback....enjoyed very much

    1. Thanks Hitesh. i am glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks for visiting out here!

  18. Friends do keep nick names and that name stays forever... it gives immense pleasure I must say. But I liked the fact that G did not fake and for the sake of impressing Uncle did not order veg food and lie about his habits. Relations should start with honesty. Take it or leave it! Good to read.

    1. Very true Karan, it's really pleasure to call our friends with their nick names and the names just stays forever. "Relations should start with honesty. Take it or leave it!" U are so correct. Fake relationship doesn't last longer and even it lasts, there wouldn't be any trust. Thanks for visiting out here Karan!

  19. Its great that you have a friend like Ashish... Saw his follow up comments.... Hahaha... :)

    1. Yes Fizaah, we are blessed to have such a (G) friend :) Thanks for visiting out here :)

  20. hey, nice post ! but how Ashish got married then? or is he still single ? :O

    1. Haha.. Ashish got married and is a proud father now. Now he is the perfect example of "joru Ja Gulam" :) :)

  21. Awesome post. Loved it. So, did Ashish married the girl through this way only? As in meeting the uncle first and then the girl? Curious :D

    1. Thanks a lot dear. I am glad U liked the post. Haha.. arranged marriage is like that only, one have to clear several rounds :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  22. lol.. really funny..!! pity on that uncle :P

    1. Haha.. thanks Ashwin, I am glad U enjoyed the post!

  23. poor uncle...but it was good thing atleast he was being honest..:)

    1. Yes Vandana, it's good thing to be honest. I wonder if he was equally honest in all his successive interview sessions :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  24. Just remembered the Sholay's scene, when Jai goes to meet Mausi..

  25. I can't stop laughing!!! :D Poor fellow, 'the uncle'.

    1. Hehe.. Divya :) Glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  26. Hi thanks for sharing your experience its very funny :)
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