
Monday 10 June 2013

How I met Anjali - 5

The phone calls continued on a regular basis and it took a little effort to convince her for our next encounter. With time I was already kind of comfortable with her, at least over the phone. When the time arrived for our second rendezvous, to be honest I didn’t have any expectation. We decided to meet on a Sunday afternoon, somewhere near the Guwahati University. Even though the place was quite near to our college campus, but gradually even I too, somehow became kind of used to such a situation, at least I was mentally prepared enough. Without much of an anxiety, I stepped inside the college bus just near our hostel gate and went to meet Anjali. I had to get down near the University, but I wasn't sure what was going back of my mind and I didn’t get down there and instead went little further. I got down at Maligaon and went inside our regular "Ritz Bar and Restaurant". Without wasting much time I quickly gulped two 60 ml's.  I didn’t have my regular stuffs though, as I was kind of worried about the smell.

After a while I took a bus and got down near the University gate. I was pretty cool and confident that time. Well, I always used to feel like that after a considerable amount of dose and on top of that, my tongue used to shift gears quite rapidly. I saw Anjali coming from the other side, in her kurti and Jeans. She looked quite different that moment and in fact, she looked pretty charming in her casuals. We talked for a while and within a couple of minutes she acted little suspiciously, as she sensed some kind of smell.  She started to breathe fast and moved her nose here and there. She asked “by any chance, are you boozed up?" 

I replied "why the hell I would do that in broad day light?"

She cooled down a bit and once again we started to chat. We both connected quite well, but she must have got a dog's nose, as after a while she looked little cautious and said "seriously, you must have been little loaded and I could very well smell it"

I said "yeah, I had a 30 ml and that too vodka. Actually I had a long wait for the bus and the damn bar was so close to the bus stop"

She replied "it’s OK, you don’t have to lie to me. I don't have any problem, as long as you could behave properly"

I smiled and said "you don't have to worry, I am much more gracious once I'am loaded"

We continued to chat nearby the University hospital and all of a sudden it started to rain. Anjali opened her small and fancy kind of umbrella. The umbrella was not big enough for two of us and on top of that, I was little shy and maintained some extra space under the umbrella. We took shelter under a big tree and even though it was such a mesmeric moment, I was also a bit worried, as I already noticed two of my college friends passed nearby us. I was fortunate enough, as they didn't paid much attention to us and couldn't recognize me or else they would have given me a hard time. I had abundant amount of blessing from Mother rain that day, as the mist continued to perform for a long time. We just talked and talked on several different topics and I was so much delighted and wondered "even guys like us could very well connect to girls".

I had a wonderful time and then it started to get a little darker. We decided to go back to our respective hostels. Her hostel was quite near from that place, but I had to go  a little further. Once I reached hostel, everything seemed to be so perfect. I smiled at situations where it was neither necessary nor appropriate for me to smile. Well, I was on a totally different world that night.


  1. Such a beautiful experience you had ... thanks for sharing the post and en-lighting on your personal space !! was a lovely read Jahid Bhai !

    1. Thank U so much Aziz Bhai! I am glad U liked the post.

  2. Awwww! so sweet... thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed reading this.

    1. Thanks Kalpana :) I am glad U enjoyed reading the post. Thanks for visiting out here!

  3. Did u write a thank you note to Dr. Vijay Mallya after that meeting with Anjali bhabi???!! After all, it was mainly because of his 60 ml of blessings, u got your coolness and confidence and hence, had such a beautiful and memorable experience :)

    1. Haha Sandeepan :) Vijay Mallya always my fav various other reasons also :) :)

  4. "you don't have to worry, I am much more gracious once I'am loaded"

  5. Amazing Jahid... Cant wait for the next instalment... :)

    1. Thanks Fizaah :) appreciate Ur interest in my story!

  6. i missed this series for quite sometime.. and now you're back again with the experiences closest to your heart. you're lucky to have met your Anjali.. ;-) awesome...

    1. Thanks Rat for Ur interest in my story :) Yeah, it's closest to my heart!

  7. Amazing one... nice experience and it is good that you are narrating with so nice words.

    1. Thanks a lot for visiting out here. I am glad U liked the post!

  8. "even guys like us could very well connect to girls" --- sums up the essence of this post. Well said

    1. Hehe Aman, I am glad that U could connect to "Guys like us" :):) Thanks for visiting out here dude!

  9. After that u came back to hostel? Actually i don't remember it well.. :-)

    1. Hehe Nair :) I could very well understand what's going on inside ur dirty mind? :) that incident was much much later :)

  10. I really enjoy reading your love story.

    1. Thanks Carlyn. I am so glad U enjoy my story. Thanks for visiting out here!

  11. such an enjoyable experience this was reading your post :)you made me go back to my own hostel days :)

    1. Thanks Jiggyasa :) I am glad U enjoyed the post and could recollect Ur good old hostel days!

  12. Wow, beautiful series, couldn't stop myself from reading all five... Seems to be like a daily soap addiction..;)

    1. Hehe.. Thanks Meghana :) I am glad U liked the series. "Seems to be like a daily soap addiction" I would take that as a compliment :) :)

    2. Of course its a compliment... Eagerly waiting for the next episode ;)

    3. Thanks Meghana :) would try to write some more on it!

  13. You've got me hooked on !! I clicked on the indiblogger link to read this post , and read all five :) . Typical hostel wala love story i guess!!

    1. I am so glad U enjoyed the series so far :) Yeah, typical hostel wala kind of love story. Thanks for visiting out here!

  14. How many anjali u met.. It's only one or 1-5?

    1. Abbe Bhushan, Tere jaisa khilari thori na tha :) Very soon would write a series on you. It's long pending!

  15. Stumbled on this blog! And I must say the story is quite interesting :)

    1. I am so glad U found my story interesting :) Thanks Uma, for visiting out here!

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks Mr Saurav :) glad U enjoyed my story and thanks a lot for visiting out here!

  17. haha..could relate bro in many is this stupid things that become a part of our memory forever..

    1. hey kindly add me in your mailing list so that I can your posts directly in my email..sent you a blank email with subject line "add me in your mailing list:Rohit"

    2. Yes Rohit, simple and stupid things becomes part of our memory forever. Glad U could relate it so much !!

    3. Sure Rohit, that was such a love and friendly gesture. I would surely add U on my contact list. Just hope U wouldn't get pissed of receiving my mails :)

  18. Replies
    1. Hehe.. Pankti :) Glad U liked my experience !!

  19. Replies
    1. Thanks Nadia :) So glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  20. Must say ,quite a captivating story indeed. After completing part - 5 i was looking for part - 6.:p
    Very well written Jahid.I enjoyed every bit of it.:D

    1. Thanks Nikhil :) So glad U enjoyed my story. May be some day I would write few more parts :)

  21. Hi Jahid,

    This is my first visit to your blog!

    Read the full series in one-go - well-written.

    A part six????


    1. Hello Mahesh,

      So glad U liked the entire series :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here. May be some day I will continue with the story :)

  22. "even guys like us" captured the whole essence of sincere first love.
    You are one lucky being! Cheers to that. btw really good stuff. keep dishing out more :)

    1. Thanks Stallion :) Extremely delighted to know that U enjoyed my story so much. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!
