
Wednesday 8 May 2013

Yet Another Heaven, Part-2

It was completely dark and the sea sounds just echoed all over the place. We felt some sort of panic and couldn’t figure any way out of the Paradise Beach. We asked for help from guys in the same beach restaurant, where we had our coffee. But the guys didn’t bother much to help us and we tried our luck at few more nearby shops. Everyone seemed to be so busy and we started to get really worried. Without many options left, ultimately we went back to the same coffee shop and literally bugged the guy comprehensively. Even though, it was peak business hours for him, but that time, he was ready to help us, but he made it pretty clear that he wouldn't escort us to Om Beach and would only take us to some place, out of the tunnel. Well, that was indeed a great help and we couldn’t have asked for anything more from the poor guy. He took his flash light and escorted us to a safer place and everyone honestly thanked him for his help. 

OM beach was not very far from that place and we only had to walk about a km downhill . It was utterly windy and one of my friend had to struggle a while in order to light a cigarette. It was very dark and the way to Om beach was through a zigzag narrow road. It wouldn't have been a wise decision to walk through that dark and narrow road, through the middle of the hills, that too without any source of light. We noticed a minibus parked nearby and asked the driver for help. Among us, there was only one guy (Veeresh), who could have communicated in local language, but it seemed even he was also little confused and asked everyone to enter the bus. We took our position and Veeresh had an argument a chat with the driver for a while. After sometime, the driver started his vehicle and within a few minutes we were near the steps – the entrance to the Om Beach.  We thanked the driver for his priceless help and paid him a few bucks. 

We were literally tired and as soon as we reached our shacks, we gulped immense quantity of colorful fluids that evening. Even though the shacks looked ordinary, but we were really surprised with the amazing quality of food out there. Their menu had varieties of continental food, as well as some of the well known Indian delicacies.  The couple of days we stayed there, we almost ate like a cow, swallowed all through the evening and experimented a wide range of starters. We used to join 2-3 tables and our entire group used to seat together. The poor guy out there, had really a hard time for those two days, as he had to take our orders, a hell lot of times. 

Next morning we planned to visit Half Moon Beach and to go to Half Moon beach from there, people had 2 options. They could have either trekked through the hills for 45 minutes or could have used the boat, which would have taken merely 5 minutes. The boat timings were limited though and were not available all the time. Most of us were so much thrilled about the first option, but my wife was not ready for the trek and so do Hemanta’s wife (Nabaparna). 

I and Hemanta were little depressed, but there was no other option and we went to Half Moon beach in a boat.  

Half moon beach was stunningly mystical and it was one of those secret kind of beaches. Initially there were few tourists, but later it seemed that the entire beach was exclusively for us, at least for the next couple of hours. Half Moon beach was so fascinating that few of the guys stayed there for the whole day and only returned back in the evening. 


  1. Jahid Bhai you guys had some great fun out there !! nice clicks !!

  2. Jahid I didn't go these beaches half moon and paradise. Please show more clicks in the next one please .
    Wonderful post.

    Travel India

    1. Oh! You missed those beaches. There are many more places to explore out there. I am glad U liked the post!

  3. Good one. Enjoyed reading through the post.

    1. Thanks Kaustubh. I am glad u enjoyed the post!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank U Sir.I am glad U liked the post!

  5. That's a cool place to hangout! You guys look so happy :) Great post Jahid :)

    1. Yeah Bushra, it's a cool place to hang out and we really enjoyed our holidays out there. I am glad U liked the post :)

  6. You guys must had an awesome time there after some restless moments! :)

    1. Yeah Hetal, we had a good time out there. Even the restless moments
      were also fun :)

  7. Hello Jahid, I read both the parts in one go, and I found the place, its environs, and everything related to it (not to forget your fantastic narration) as astoundingly beautiful. I can only imagine how much fun you guys must have had. I think I would love to be there at some point in my life.

    Loved it brother. Keep dishing out more. :)

    1. Thanks Deepak for stopping by and I am really delighted that U liked both the posts. Yes, the place is amazing and U must visit once, if U like beaches and a little adventure :) I prefer Gokarna than Goa. Goa is like a party/carnival kind of environment and Gokarna is silent and relaxing. But now a days even Gokarna is also too much crowded.

  8. Adventurous walk eh -- at night. Glad you guys were ok. There's another part? Bring it on. :)

    1. Haha.. it was an Adventurous walk :) I will finish it off in the next part :) Thanks for visiting out here.

  9. Amazing pictures Jahid.
    I have to go here too.

    1. Thanks Madhu Ji, U should visit once.

  10. Nice read. A bit thrilling too :)

    1. Thanks Sushmitha!
      I am glad U enjoyed the post and found it kind of thrilling too :)

  11. turning out to be a nice's exciting as well as informative...!!!

    1. Thanks Anjan. I am glad U found it exciting!


  12. Hi, I am Anjan Roy. A scarcely known blogger of ‘Anjan Roy’s Vision-Imagination’ & I hereby nominate your blog for THE LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD. For more details refer to Liebster blog award post at
    I am awaiting for your comments, Thanks…!!!

    1. Hi Anjan,

      First of all Congratulation to U for the Leibster award and thank U so much for considering my blog for Ur nomination. I am extremely delighted and it's an honor for me.

  13. Hello again Jahid :)

    I have nominated you for the Liebster :) Congratulations!

    1. Hi Bushra,

      Congrats for the Leibster award. I really like Ur Shayari's :) Thank U so much for nominating my blog. Looking forward to read more of Ur shayari's !

  14. Across the memory lane as I undergo a flashback...
    Here's an you might need to displace a little bit of stack!!!

    1. Congrats Kriti for the award. Wow! I am so glad to see my name, as well as my blog title out there :) Thank U so much for the nomination.

  15. Beautiful, looks like serene, untouched place.

    1. Yeah Saru, but now a days I think it's much crowded out there :(

  16. So nice . really very interesting .

    1. Thank U so much Sonu, I am glad U found it interesting!
