
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Yet Another Heaven, Part-3

Yet Another Heaven, Part-1
Yet Another Heaven, Part-2

After an exciting day, it was the time to adore the mesmerizing evening at the OM beach. Fortunately the sky was pretty much clear that evening and everyone enjoyed a magnificent sun set. We strolled all around the beach and the place was quite energetic, with so many cheerful people all around. As the sun was about to be vanished deep inside the endless ocean, it had some kind of a hypnotizing effect, with the pleasant and refreshing wave sounds, along with the cool sea breezes. It was so relaxing, as we kept staring at the ball of fire till it actually lost to view. We remained in the beach till it was completely dark.

Later in the evening, we arranged for a campfire at the beach. As it rained for a while, we couldn't collect enough dry wood  for a gigantic campfire, but we still had a fabulous time and the fire lasted for few hours. Our gathering beside the fire had a magnetizing effect on Andreas and Elin. They both were from Sweden and we met them for the first time that evening. Everyone had a wonderful time with both of them and since I was somehow connected to Sweden, as I was (still I am) a big fan of some of the Swedish metal bands :),  I had a great time with Andreas.

The next morning we went to Gokarna town and most of us wanted to visit some of the temples out there, as those temples were quite famous as well as very old. The place was pretty much crowded with people of different sizes and color. We noticed that the authorities out there didn’t entertain the foreigners beyond a certain point. I felt a little bad when I witnessed two ignorant looking ladies, wanted to enter deep inside the temple, but they were gently denied. I crossed the "Laxman Rekha" and were already in the core area, along with my friends.I don’t know why? But whenever I approach a little nearer to GOD, I always feel very uncomfortable. But my friends and particularly my wife Anjali, wanted to show their gesture of respect towards God in close proximity.

I was little worried, since the entry was restricted for the foreigners, beyond any doubt it must had been restricted for me as well. After some time we observed that for entering further, everyone had to went through some kind of a ritual. For the guys, they had to remove their shirts and I noticed that the Pujari’s were asking each and every individual’s name. My level of discomfort intensified and even though I could have easily said any damn name to them, like Rajiv, Akshay etc, but it was a little clumsy kind of situation for me. Also, I wasn't very happy to be so dishonest with the temple authorities. I asked my wife and my friends that it would be better if I could wait outside and would join them after they're done with their darshan

Later we went back to our shacks at the Om Beach. It was our last day, as we had to board our bus back to Bangalore at 8 PM in the evening. Even though we spent a couple of days there, but most of us wanted to stay there for few more days. Few of the guys were even ready to take leave for the next couple of days, but it didn’t work out. It was really heart breaking to leave a place like that and that too in such a short time.

It's been a long time and I think Gokarna beaches are eagerly waiting for us.


  1. the first 2 pics are awesome bhai !! nice read !Sun looks like an orange ready to be gulped inside the mouth of darkness :)

    1. Thanks Bhai :) Yeah,the sun really looked like an orange.

  2. btw you seem to have unique friendship with God :)

    1. Hehe.. we are indeed into a unique and beautiful relationship :)

  3. Your narration did a magic and m tempted to visit the beach. Seems u guys had a great time. ! By d way whr is Jiya ?

    1. Hi Neo! long time :) We visited Gokarna way back in Nov 2010 and Jia arrived into this world only in Dec 2012 :)

  4. The first picture is amazing!

  5. nice read and beautiful sunset pictures. :)

    1. Thank U so much :) I am glad u liked the pictures.

  6. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder -you are one of them brother :) Nice exciting narration -I'm tempted to experience it similarly

    1. Thanks Mrinmoy Da for Ur nice words :) U must visit the place once, it's really very fascinating.

  7. Okay, I have read your 3-fold post and have called my friends.. We are gonna go to Gokarna !!! Yippeee !!! Great Narration and a great read :)

    1. Wow! Gr8, you guys would definitely enjoy out there. I am glad that my post inspired U to visit there :)

  8. Great shots!
    Wonderful place to spend time with friends.

    1. Thanks Indrani!
      Yeah, it's a great place to spend with friends.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank U so much Snehal, I am glad U liked the post!

  10. I could understand your discomfort at the temples in gokarna :) Even I faced a similar discomfort once. The amount of crowd at these temples and the rudeness of the managing authorities takes a toll sometimes. Nevertheless! a very nice post again :)and I cant agree with you enough for the beaches are really awesome there :)

    1. Yeah, it's very much commercialized. I am so glad U liked the post. Thanks for visiting out here Jiggyasa :)

  11. Enjoyed your post ..Keep it up!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Soman, I am glad U liked the picture!

  13. Nice clicks!! Seems to be a place to visit :)

    1. Thanks Hetal! You should visit once :)

  14. Belas fotografias...Espectacular....

    1. Thanks Fernando. Thanks for visiting out here...

  15. Love your posts, interesting read! I've spent 5 weeks in Goa together with my husband, it's an amazing place. One of my best holidays ever and I'd love to go back!

    1. Thanks Astrid :) I am glad U liked the post. Wow! U spent 5 weeks in Goa,that's really Gr8. Goa is very fascinating. Did U visit Gokarna also?

    2. We stayed at Colva Beach. The plan was to travel further south, but we fell so in love with Goa that we got stuck there! :)

    3. Hehe :) U r right. One can easily fall in love with Goa :)

  16. I narrowly missed a trip to Gokarna. Seems its time to make amends .. Great information :)

    1. Thanks Puru :) Yes, U should visit once, it's amazing place. But now a days I think, it's little crowded out there.

  17. Gokarna is really wonderful!!

  18. Ah! Wonderful. You sure know how to enjoy and explore a place.

    1. Thanks Saru :) It's fun to explore if we're in a big group.

  19. Beautiful blog you have here!!!

    1. Thank U so much. I am so glad U liked my blog. Thanks for visiting out here.

  20. Replies
    1. Yeah, it's really lovely :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  21. Replies
    1. Thank U so much Paresh :)
      Please do visit again!

  22. Amazing collection indeed...lovely narration...

    1. Thanks Shreya! Glad U liked the collection and the narration too. Thanks for visiting out here!
