
Thursday 2 May 2013

Yet Another Heaven, Part-1

It would be an extremely difficult task to find intellectuals in India, who have never heard of Goa. Well there’s no doubt that Goa is the hottest tourist destination, in this part of the world. Goa got a very well Flights connectivity from all major cities. But I am pretty much sure that there would be many ignorant like me, who wouldn't have any idea about Gokarna. Well, I came across this name after a couple of years, when I came to Bangalore about a decade back. Few of my friends highly recommended the place to me much earlier, but it was only in November 2010 that I had the opportunity to experience the exotic heaven.

Gokarna is a town in the northern part "Uttara Kannada" district of Karnataka state.  Even though it’s a Hindu pilgrimage center but the atheists could equally enjoy out there in parallel, as the place is surrounded by some of the exotic beaches. Gokarna doesn't have direct Airlines connectivity and the nearest airport from Gokarna is Panaji, at a distance of 150 km. It was a marvelous trip and some of the events still flashes  out crystal clear in my mind. We traveled together in an awesome group of about 12-15, mostly our college mates. We visited during some holiday season and the guys planned it perfectly and quite well in advance. Initially some guys were more interested for Goa, as Air India came up with some exciting offers that time.

Some of the guys, who visited Gokarna earlier, suggested us not to travel by car and said that it would be much better to travel by bus. Gokarna is at a distance of approximately 500 km from Bangalore and by bus it almost took us 10-11 hours. On the way, in the middle of the night, might be somewhere in the Western Ghats, we felt the awesome jerks and our bodies continued to shake for a prolonged time. 

We reached Gokarna town early morning and from there we traveled in auto rickshaws to Om Beach. The surrounding was quite hilly and as soon as we reached Om Beach, my goodness, it was damn exotic. We already planned to stay in the shacks, very near to the beach. Even though the place was quite crowded, but unlike Goa, it was silent and one could only hear the mesmerizing sea sounds. As it was holiday season, it took us a while to get few shacks out there. We were very much excited to see our place of shelter, but it seemed my wife got little upset and she wondered "how could we stay in such environment, can’t we stay in a good hotel?"

That was the kind of place where I always wanted to visit. The entire surrounding was so fascinating and apart from Om beach, there are few more beaches to explore. I could recollect few names "Kuddle Beach, Half moon Beach, Paradise beach". We noticed that almost 80% of the tourists out there were foreigners and few Indian tourists mostly looked like students. Well, the place is definitely not for family outing.  After lunch at about 3 PM, every one of us went to explore a bit. We trekked through the hills and on one occasion, we even passed through a small tunnel. 

Well, if you visit Gokarna then don’t ever forget to carry torch lights with you. It took us almost 40-45 minutes to reach Paradise beach and as soon as we reached there it started to get slightly darker. We heard trance music being played all over the place and most of the guys were quite busy, as they prepared for their drag. We already got the smell and it was quite intoxicating, but one of my friends made me realize that we’re actually older enough, as he said "it’s OK, we guys are quite old enough and we had enough fun, let the kids enjoy." We simply had coffee out there and few of us satisfied ourselves only with the cigarettes.

We were about to return back to our shakes at Om beach, but there was a problem. It was completely dark and literally nothing was visible. We inquired whether there was any alternate way to go to Om Beach, but to our nightmare, there was only one way out. We started to get a little worried and wondered "how we would go back through the middle of the hills and on top of that, we even have to pass through a tunnel"


  1. Ahh heaven indeed ! need to find out more from the net about this destination ! thanks for the share

    1. Yeah, it's really a heaven and you must visit once. Thanks for visiting out here :)

  2. Maybe It could turn another Goa...nice pics Jahidji.

    1. Thanks Murthy Sir. It seems situation is already started to change in Gokarna. earlier there was no power supply but now a days power supply is there. Even one could get mobile network in most of the places. Even some hotels already came up in that area.

  3. Wow! This post brought back memories! I studied in Karnatak University in Dharwad and Om Beach was a favourite hang-out place of ours back then.
    Looking forward to part 2!

    1. Wow! U guys must had hell lot of fun during ur college days :) I am glad that this post brought back some of ur good old memories. Thank U so much Shweta for visiting out here.

  4. what I wouldnt give to get my college days back. Thanks for bringing them back.

    1. Aha! I am so glad that this post brought back ur good old college time memories :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  5. Thank you for introducing Gokarna, though I knew of its existence, I knew not much of it...and now after reading this... a visit to this beautiful place is must for me.
    Awaiting the next part!

    1. Yeah, Gokarna is damn beautiful and must to visit kind of place. I am so glad that this post inspired you to visit Gokarna :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  6. oh no! publicity for gokarna is gonna kill it!
    But seriously, I am a bigtime Gokarna fan, although last time I went out, half the beaches had been shut down by the govt and Om Beach was overcrowded like hell.. time to find a new virgin beach!

    1. Yes, some of my friends also said the same thing " Om Beach is overcrowded now a days" We were fortunate as we visited much earlier :)

  7. Hello Jahid, You have been nominated by me to take part in 'One Picture From Photo Album Contest.' You can have a look here

    1. Thank U so much Rohan for the nomination. I would look into it and would definitely like to participate!

  8. Conspicuous places are always worth a try. There is so much adventure involved.

    1. Yeah, it's quite adventurous and a must to visit place. Thanks for visiting out here.

  9. Thanks for the series Jahid! This place is now on the top of my wishlist!

    1. Aha! I am so glad that this post inspired you to visit Gokarna :) Thanks for visiting out here Malini!

  10. Thank U so much for Ur nice words Manu Ji :) I am glad U liked it.

  11. Looks nice it is a nice thing that you share your experiences with peoples. Nice if you are travelling in National Highway's then this will help you. ClickRoadies

    1. Thanks Suresh for stopping by. Looks like a wonderful information, thanks for sharing it out here!

  12. Never heard of this place before.. Looks nice but creepy. Must tell Rohan about it. :)

    1. It's OK :) many people don't know much about Gokarna. It's really a very exotic place. Thanks U Hetal for visiting out here :)

  13. Let the summer end and I'll be there....Eagerly waiting to go there from long now :(

    1. Cool, I think this post worked as a catalyst for U :) thanks for visiting out here!

  14. I have been there in Gokarna , and really its an exotic place . Serenity , Spirituality rest and relaxation can be enjoyed to fullest here . Not to forget those ayurvedic body massages .

    Travel India

    1. Yeah Vishal, Gokarna is really cool and relaxing.

  15. Goa never disappoints. I have been there even in the height of monsoon and we had a splendid time.

    1. Yeah dude, Goa never disappoints. One can visit Goa any time and monsoon time can be real fun for some guys :)

  16. Hey Jahid, I am going straight to the second part, so look for my comment there. :)

    1. Hehe.. Deepak :) thanks for stopping by. I really like to read Ur charming comments!

  17. I've not been there yet. Should. Sometime. :)
    The flashlight info's really useful. I'm off to part 2 now.

    1. U must visit Gokarna and don't forget the flashlight :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  18. Added in the 'to visit' list :-)

    1. Wow! nice to know that :) I am glad this post inspired U to visit there :)

  19. Never heard of this place before. Sounds beautiful and yes noted, not for family outing :D

    1. It's very exotic and serene. Haha.. you can enjoy with ur family as well :)

  20. I went last year to gokarna and ur post just refreshed my memories :) :)

    1. How is it now a days? I've heard that now a days its too much crowded out there. I am so glad this post refreshed ur good memories.
      Thanks for visiting out here :)

  21. A nice post exploring the beauty of the heaven on earth. I enjoyed reading it.

    1. Thank U so much Kajal. I am glad U enjoyed the post!

  22. goa is my fav holiday destination :)

    1. Yeah,Goa never disappoints, be it summer/winter/monsoon.Goa always quite fascinating!

  23. It a very nice place to chill and relax in your holidays.Pecaeful,Calm and far away from the regular touristy crowds.

    1. Yes Rohit, it's a very calm and exotic place. But now days its much more crowded I guess. Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !

  24. We were in Gokarna last new year and loved it! It was beautiful and warm! Can't wait to go back again.

    1. Yes, it's truly a heaven. Nice to know U visited the place.

  25. What were those leaves with he cigg ? :P

  26. Replies
    1. Thanks Yogender :) glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by !!

  27. Very great way of presenting the unknown. I also like going solo and finding new places around the world. Btw Do my post on Lakshadweep as well and let me know have you been there ?

    1. Glad you liked the post :) Yes, it's really great going solo sometimes and find new places. Enjoyed your post on Lakshadweep, very nice photographs. Thanks a lot fro dropping by!!

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