
Sunday 7 April 2013

The Indecent Confession

The ragging phase was over and we recently got our fresher’s that time.  We all were accustomed quite well to the hostel environment and everything seemed to be so perfect and exciting. During those days there was no cable connection at our hostel and internet connection was out of scope. There was not even a single cyber cafe in the entire college campus and the few cafe's in the city, used to charge about 60-80 rupees/hour. Those days, it was not considered as a crime, if anyone wouldn't have known some of the terms like MP3, Email, URL, Browser etc. Situation turned quite rapidly and within 2 years, after we joined college, the entire scenario was changed.

Similar to our school days, in engineering hostel also it was quite customary to rent VCR for 24 hours.  But we didn’t have much opportunity to do that, as the situation transformed so fast that we couldn't realize when, renting VCR/Video cassettes became out of fashion. We were into our first semester, when we had our first and last opportunity to enjoy a VCR fest at hostel and I think, that was my last opportunity in general.

It seemed, most of the hosteler were only interested in the spiritual kind of movies. Well, they could have easily watched the regular kind of Bollywood/Hollywood blockbusters in the theaters. Everyone eagerly waited for the spiritual late night fest, but on that particular evening, it was a kind of shocker for us, when some of our immediate seniors came to us and said that the first semester guys would not be entertained for the fest. We were so depressed that moment and when we asked for the reason, they said that some of the senior most guys were not very comfortable to participate along with the junior most guys. 

So, ultimately we were requested, rather we were warned, not to be present anywhere near the common room. Some of our senior friends advised us to sleep early and we actually tried to sleep early that night. Our room was little far from the common room but Nair’s room was quite close to it. All of a sudden during the midnight, Nair came to our room and he looked quite disturbed. He said that the volume in the common room was too loud and the entire 2nd block echoed with the sacred chants. Nair was very much disturbed with those sounds and he couldn’t concentrate on his sleep. He desperately wanted to somehow watch some part of the movie, else he could have gone mad that night. I still remember, that time I cracked a joke on him "Dude, pure Mallu blood running inside your body"

Few of us went along with Nair to his block, to inspect the situation and we were so excited to hear the holy chants, crystal clear. After sometime, we went back to our room and discussed "We must do something about it"

Nair said that we could go to the backside of the common room and watch through the window from behind. But, that would have been too risky, as our common room was in a small hill and the back side of it was complete jungle and no one used to go there, even in broad day light. The consequences could have been little severe, if any of the seniors would have caught us. But we were spirituality, so deeply influenced that moment, that I and Nair were ready for the adventure. Mehboob immediately backed off and advised us not to go for it, but Nair had gone crazy that night and was desperate to have few glimpses of the holy shits. But there was a small problem, as Geetam was also very much eager to go along with us. Now, Geetam was a chatter box and he was the kind of guy, who couldn’t keep  any secret inside his stomach, for long. We were seriously worried to take Geetam along with us, but he was adamant. Finally we three went for it and somehow reached the backside of the common room. That was a horrific decision, as we could have been easily attacked by the snakes, but I think that time we didn’t have enough knowledge about those snakes. We took our position behind the window and the television was clearly visible. The common room was completely packed and we were delighted to see those particular senior most guys, as they took the central position and we even heard them cracking jokes on a particular scene. We watched for around 10-15 minutes and after I and Nair were done with it, we were about to go back to our rooms. But Geetam was not finished yet and requested us for another 5 minutes. 

We waited few more minutes, but Geetam was unable to finish it on time. 

Nair said to him “Leave it Geetam, lets go back. You can finish it after going back to your room”

Geetam got very irritated and said "You ass hole, you guys are already done with it and now you are not allowing me to complete"

Every more minute we spent out there, was almost like a nightmare and the fear of getting caught, haunted us badly. We decided not to disturb Geetam and allowed him to take his own sweet time, as he would have definitely taken more time under pressure.  Finally Geetam said that he was done with it and we went back to our room. 


  1. Interesting college confessions! :-)

    I wish to hear form you about my short story, hope you will do, thanks

    1. Thanks Mridubala :) I read Ur story, it's a wonderful short story!

  2. :) ... well to confess is to relieve urself from unwanted burdens !!! nice read

    1. Thanks dear :) Yes, to confess is to relieve ourselves from unwanted burdens :)

  3. Good read, confessions are relieving indeed!

  4. Nicely done :D Your posts are really interesting to read, Keep going :D :D

    1. Thank U so much Suganya :) I am so glad that U like my posts.

  5. :) yeah confessions but liked ur honesty too.

  6. Nice post! :)

  7. I too have an honest confession.. i m not the same nair mentioned in the blog :-)

    1. Hehe :) U have also confessed it in your own way :)
