
Thursday 11 April 2013

One Long Night With My Father

During my childhood days, everyone in our house used to feel the deep sleep of my father at night. His melodious snores was audible from every corner of the house and I just wondered, how my mother faced such sort of high pitch music alongside. Whenever relatives used to visit our house in bulk or whenever we used to visit them, in particular, on special occasions, quite often some permutation and combinations was required for the optimal solution of “Who would be sleeping with whom and on which rooms?” On such occasions I always tried my best, so that the optimal solution wouldn't have ended up with, my father sleeping beside me.

Those days it was so much fun whenever any relatives used to visit and I remember one such occasion, when a hell lot of relatives visited our house. That night, all permutation and combination that I could have calculated failed and ultimately, I had to sleep next to my dad. I think I was in my 9th or 10th grade that time and my elder brother was not at house, as he already joined his engineering college. After dinner we had a wonderful gossip and eventually everyone went to sleep, while I prepared myself for the big challenge ahead. 

I noticed that within a few minutes, my father went to sleep and I could hear his mild snores. The volume started to increase after every successive minute and a little later, it reached the threshold level. That time I kept watching his nostrils for a while and just wondered, how such monstrous sound comes out of those tiny holes? I tried to sleep, but no way could I have slept under such blustering explosions. I had to do something in order to get some sleep and I gently pressed his nose and tried to block one of the nostrils. I was little delighted as  the volume reduced for few seconds, but very soon I realized that his one nostril was capable enough to raise the volume to the threshold level and that time the music was little different. 

Again I tried to sleep under such miserable condition, but I couldn’t. I tried my luck once more and that time, I experimented with his other nostril, by gently blocking it. But without much surprise the result was similar, as the monstrous sounds evolved through the single hole and that time the sound was again a little different. 

I had almost given up and somehow tried to sleep, but without much luck though, as I could only manage a series of few second naps. I went for a final attempt and my intention was to disturb my dad's sleep for a while. That time, I blocked both his nostrils and there was complete silence in the room for a while. But immediately, the room exploded with the blistering sounds and at that moment, the explosions originated from his mouth. Very soon the sounds reached the threshold level, but I was not able to bring him back from his dream world. With no other options left , I decided not to disturb him any further and simply lied down on the bed. 

After that night, I never gave it a second chance. But about 15 months back, when Jia arrived into this world, my parents visited us. Again at that time, I didn’t have any other option and I had to sleep beside my father. I was little horrified with the kind of explosive sounds, I had to encounter in the night. But to my surprise, he never made any kind of lullaby for me and next morning, when  I asked  my mother about the drastic change, she said to me that somehow my father stopped to snore, long time back.


  1. Good to read about snoring problems. Even I can't sleep in a room where somebody is snoring. Good to know that your father stopped snoring, what a relief it must be for everybody concerned. They can't help it, though it is tough on others.

    1. Thanks Rama :) Yeah, snoring sounds are quite irritating!

  2. I also faced such nights when i had to accompany my grandmother at nights as she was staying alone in her house. It was more than just snore. It was like that almost all the ghosts get together and wakes you up. After some time I got used to that. My grandmother is no more now. Beautifully narrated. You have picked up a strange incident to post.

    1. Yeah Udaya, Snoring sounds are capable enough to test ur patience :) Glad to know that this post reminded U of Ur grandmother. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Namrota :) I am glad u liked it!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Sunita :) I am glad U liked it. Thanks for visiting!

  5. my dad was just like yours...snors a lot...i never slept beside him anyday..hehe

    1. Hehe.. nice to know that Ur father was just like my father :)

  6. nice one jahid, i might be doing it too sometimes

    1. Thanks Mukhtiar Bhai.hehe.. looks like U do it quite often :)

  7. Hi , first time here. The fact about snoring is that the person who snores is blissfully unaware of it. I have a colleague who had to share a room once with another colleague-a notorious snorer. This was the only one time when there were no complaints because the one of the persons sharing the room used a hearing aid and when he slept he took it off and was therefore completely undisturbed!

    1. Haha.. wonderful combination, a Snorer and a person with hearing aid :) Thanks for visiting Meera!

  8. I used to tease my papa for snoring but of lately even i snore at times.... ha ha.

    1. Hehe.. Now Ur child will start to tease U very soon :)

  9. Hello Jahid. That's a good story about a common problem of mankind. Enjoyed the way you narrated it. Blistering explosion. Ha.. gud one brother. :)

    1. Hello Deepak, long time :) Yes, it's quite a common problem of mankind. I am glad that U enjoyed the post. Thanks for reading :)

  10. well.!! i had complaints with my father.. for his snoring legacies.. till i became .. like father like son :D ... no complains any more !! :D nice post as always Jahid !!

    1. Haha.. so, no more complains :) Thank U so much, I am glad U liked the post!!

  11. Please ask what happened? My maternal uncle is like him and mind you, you can't sleep in the next room. Thank God, he sleeps after 2 in the morning and hence everyone can have the first half of peaceful night.

    1.'s great that Ur uncle sleeps after 2 AM :) I would surely get the information of my father's successful snoring remedy :)

  12. Funny one...either he really stopped snoring or having.spent countless sleepless.nights with yr little one u did not notice!

    1. Hehe.. it seems he really stopped snoring :) even though we had lot of countless sleepless nights and still continuing :)

  13. Once we were on a trip where me n my 5 cousins supposed to share a room with an old aunt.. after all our chatting n gossiping session was over, we went to bed very late.. and not even half n hour we lwere there, we all came out of the room one by one and spent the entire night wide awake in the open hall cos she was a loud snorer.. we gave her a secret nick name.. snoring lady. oops.. :p

    Interesting write up.. thoroughly enjoyed..

    1. Haha.. you spent the entire night in the open hall :) Thanks for reading the post and I am really glad that U thoroughly enjoyed it..

  14. very funny!! my hubby snores and i know how incredibly impossible it is to tolerate people who snore!!!

    1. Hehe! I wish Ur hubby would stop snoring soon :) I think some breathing exercises might help.

  15. Good one Jahid. Well written :-) Snoring irritates indeed. Would be nice if it can be cured ever.

    1. Thanks Sushmita. Yes, snoring is quite irritating specially in the middle of the night :)

  16. An excellent account. But did you ever stop to ask your wife or child whether you have inherited your dad's snoring?!!!

    1. Thanks Vimala. glad U liked it. Haha.. I think I haven't inherited that from my father yet :)

  17. I laughed my head off! Very humorous article:)

    1. Thanks Yamuna :) Glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks for visiting out here!
