
Wednesday 3 April 2013

The Memorable Shillong Trip, Part-2

It seemed, Bhushan didn’t have any prior, zigzag kind of road experience and unfortunately he had to puke all throughout the journey.  We reached Shillong by 1 PM and to be honest, the weather was not up to my expectation, as the sun was out and I couldn’t feel the need of either jacket or a sweater that moment. We booked our hotel rooms at a place called Police Bazar and we noticed that there was no fan in any of the rooms. One of my friends who visited Shillong many times had a mild laugh and said “Dude, you wouldn't find even a single fan in Shillong” But some of my Shillong friends used to say that now a day’s some people already started to keep fans.

After a heavy lunch in a nearby restaurant we went back to our rooms and after some rest, slowly and leisurely everyone started to consume the fluids that Tunga bought on the way. After a while, the weather became very pleasant and by 4 PM, the weather was beyond pleasing and all of us were inside the blankets. The same friend burst into laughter and said "Do you guys need a fan?"

Shillong is a famous tourist place and there are hell lots of attractive spots to visit. Few of us thought that if we had come that far then we must visit a few places, instead of lying down inside the rooms. As that was my first visit to Shillong, so I was very much excited to explore, but some guys were not at all interested to go out. At last, few of us decided to visit Shillong Peak that time and we had to move fast, as it was already started to get little darker. As soon as we came out of the hotel, we were very much delighted to feel the typical Shillong kind of weather, we used to hear from others. It was drizzling and the weather was pleasantly cold outside. 

We took a taxi to Shillong Peak and the driver was a cool and friendly kind of guy. On the way we discussed about the weather out there, how it changed all of a sudden, as it was quite sunny and hot about an hour back.The taxi driver tried to take part in our discussion and said "Bro, Shillong weather is like a mystery, just like the girls out here. One can never predict, how they would turn out the very next hour."

 It's OK, I think it was just a joke. 

Shillong Peak is quite fascinating, as it was cloudy and the weather out there, was so pleasing that moment. We enjoyed some burned corn and spent almost an hour there. Later we went to our hotel and had a blast that night.

Next morning we woke up little late and after breakfast we checked out from hotel. We visited the great Elephanta Falls and the Golf Course.

After lunch, some of us did little shopping and I was very much interested in some good metal collection. Those days internet was not easily available, like now a days and it was a pain to get good music collection.

Shillong is a kind of heaven for Rock/Metal music lovers and one could find literally any kind of collection out there. In the evening we took cab to Guwahati and as soon as we reached Paltan Bazar at 9 PM, we already started to sweat.


  1. Guess what I am headed to Shillong at the end of April but for work :D

    1. Wow! It seems Ur work is damn interesting :) All the Best for ur upcoming trip!

  2. Nice account Jahid:) and how do they survive without ceiling fan during summer?!

    1. Hehe Maliny :) Shillong weather used to be more pleasant in summer. But, I think unfortunately now a days it changing, as some of my friends out there used to say.

  3. i can't stop telling this again... how do u remember details to this minute level 10yrs after!!! swear and tell me... did u take notes???he he he..
    u remember we had also bought some exotic looking bottles of fluids on our way back.. was it from shilong or gangtok?

    1. Hehe Nair, except useful things related to study, I usually remember all other interesting stuffs :) But, can't recollect the exotic looking bottles of fluids :) could be our way back from Gangtok.

  4. Yeah, Shillong's weather was famous for its unpredictability. And they do joke about its girls too. Nice to know you had a great time there.

    1. Yes Sir, we had a wonderful time out there. You must have enjoyed ur days there. Shillong is such a nice and cool place.

  5. That is very nice description of Shillong blend with your trip

    1. Thank U so much dear. I am glad U liked the description.

  6. Thanks Akhil, I am glad U liked my blog. Thanks for sharing your blog, it looks very informative.

  7. This region is definitely on my travel radar. Thank you for sharing your awesome experience and keeping me motivated.

    1. Nice to know that the place is on your travel radar, you must visit once. Thanks for visiting dude!

  8. Replies
    1. Yeah Indu Ji, it's really nice place and you must visit once :)

  9. Nice one! Shillong has been on my travel wishlist for long...

    1. Thanks Shaivi! You should visit soon :)

  10. Nice...being from North East i have been to the place many times....

    1. Nice to know that U R from NE :) Ghy-Shillong drive is awesome.

  11. Cool post. I enjoy reading about people's real experiences...where the heck is Shilong? :)

    1. It's in India. A beautiful place in North East part of India.
      Thanks for visiting my space :)

  12. I love the way you narrate stories. :)

    Not only Shillong but entire N-E has been on my travel wishlist for long. :(

    1. Thank U so much dear :) The entire NE is exotic!

  13. shillong indeed is a beautiful place ....lovely post :)

    1. Yeah, Shillong is damn beautiful and every time U visit there, it would always fascinate U :) Thanks for visiting out here.

  14. It was nice trip. Shillong is such a nice place to visit. Shillong is called the Scotland of the East because of the rolling hills and meadows which are quite reminiscent of Scotland. It retains its old world colonial charm, while offering ample modern amenities. Explore best 26 hotels in Shillong also.

    1. Thanks for dropping by and sharing the information, Dimpy :)

  15. places you should visit in shillong

  16. Thank you for the informative post on Shillong trip. Shillong is known as "The Abode of Clouds"and is a famous tourist destination. Check places to visit in Shillong for detailed information.

    1. Thanks for dropping by and sharing the information, Debosmita :)

  17. shillong is really beautiful! great pics cheers! Maybe three days i will get there..
    Shillong Tour Planner

  18. Shillong is a lovely place. Loved reading this blog. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post in this blog. It is my favourite place. Visit those places by booking Bus Tickets in advance to enjoy your trip.

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  20. Truly amazing information about Shillong. I have been there for many time. Loved the place and specially the archery based game Teer of Shillong

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