
Saturday 19 July 2014

One Creepy Journey

Vacation was over and it was time for Shilpa to return to her hostel. Her college lectures were supposed to start from the next day.  It was 9 pm; Shilpa’s parents went to drop her to the Bus terminal. Shilpa smiled at the elderly lady who was sitting next to her seat. She placed her luggage in the overhead bins and sat comfortably. It was a non AC bus. Well, those days, AC buses were not that common. Shilpa was happy to get the window seat as it was always her preference. She slid the window glass slightly and the sudden blast of cool air embraced her face at once. She was refreshed and looked outside the window. It was an over-night journey and Shilpa would reach the city by 6 am.

It was summer and she was in her casual jeans and t-shirt. Shilpa was enjoying the cool breeze, lost in her thoughts, trying to get some sleep. Suddenly, she sensed something unusual. She felt someone embarrassing her waist smoothly. Shilpa was very nervous and didn’t know what to do. She tried to catch hold of the unknown hand but it departed instantly.  After a few minutes Shilpa again felt someone fondling her waist. She remained still for a while, but it was getting embarrassing. She again tried to hold the hand tightly, but it escaped in no time. The lights were off and it was dark inside the bus. The lady sitting beside her was sleeping deeply. Shilpa knew it was someone from behind but she didn’t want to create any scene. She continued to bear the embarrassment for the next couple of hours and then, the bus stopped at a place for tea/snacks. The bus illuminated as the lights were switched on. People were slowly getting off the bus one by one. Shilpa stood up and looked behind. She saw two men sitting there. One of them seemed to be in his thirties and another one looked a little older. Shilpa was confused. She wasn’t sure who the culprit was.

Shilpa also went down and had tea in a tea stall. It was middle of the night. Shilpa noticed a small shop where people were buying cigarettes. She bought a chocolate for herself from there.

'Do you sell blades, brother?' Shilpa asked the shopkeeper guy.

'Yes, I’ve blades but we are not supposed to sell any sharp things during night time,' the guy replied. It took some effort but Shilpa was able to convince him and bought a packet of blade, for which she paid double the price. 

As expected, once again Shilpa felt the unknown hand embarrassing her waist. She was holding the sharp blade in his hand, still confused whether to go for the assault or not. Meanwhile, the mysterious hand grew in confidence and it was slowly moving upwards towards her breasts. Shilpa held the hand tightly with all her energy and attacked it with the sharp blade. 

“Ouch, ouch…” Shilpa was expecting sharp screaming but all she could hear was some mild and uncomfortable sounds from behind. She couldn’t hold the sick hand for long. Shilpa’s hand became wet and she could smell raw blood, but it wasn’t hers. She was prepared for another assault but the evil hand never bothered her anymore. Everything happened silently and except Shilpa and the mysterious man, no other passengers were aware of the incident.

PS: This is a true story that happened many years ago, one night, in the highways of Assam.


  1. well she did good and cut this persons hand .. hopefully he would not do it again to someone else ..

    but then you also said ghostly s onow i am confused


    1. Hehe.. Bikram, changed the word ghostly to evil. Sorry for the confusion :)

  2. very nice post...please join my blog- the pink dewdrops

    1. Thanks Sonali :) glad you liked the post. Thanks for dropping by!!

  3. really a creepy experience

    1. Yes, very creepy :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  4. Scary! Glad she was able to teach him a lesson though!

    1. Yes, very scary and really Gr8 that she taught the man a lesson. Thanks a lot for dropping by!!

  5. Spooky and right dose of eerieness

    1. Yes spooky but a brave act. Thanks for dropping by Chaitali !!

  6. Story with a good end , the man deserved a punishment .

    1. Yes, Aunt Mary, the man deserved a punishment !!

  7. Such true stories have to be read by maximum people. For one, it would serve as a warning. Secondly, it is a tip to all young girls out there! Superb! I am sharing this.

    1. Glad you liked the post and found it worth sharing. Thanks for dropping by Rangelz!!

  8. Awesome story. I am a bit confused. Was it a real hand or something else?

    1. Sorry for the confusion, Sunila :) It was indeed real. Thanks for dropping by!!

  9. god it is such a scary incident! Bold girl she is! Hats off to her!

    1. Yes, very scary incident. She was really a bold girl. Thanks for dropping by, Swarn Priya!!

  10. The girl taught the culprit a good lesson !! gr8 story :)

    1. Glad you liked the story :) Thanks for dropping by, Amruta !!

  11. Very nice! The brave girl did a favour to many girls who would have faced such assault from this creepy man.

    1. Yes, she was really a brave girl. Glad you liked the story, Ratna and thanks for dropping by!!

  12. Right move! And bravo for the girl!

    1. Yes kokila, very brave girl she was. Thanks for dropping by!!

  13. Whoa ! That's something.This is how these bastards must be treated really.Sometimes,they are annoying!

    1. Yes Ankita, nice way to teach a lesson :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  14. We know these assaults and i wish i could do what Shilpa did...when i commuted in those buses...or when i stood in those queues. But trust me Jahid i am reading ur post today and i am in my 50's today but i still didn't know how to deal with this bulky huge guy who was just behind me in Haldirams doing the most vulgur thing anything can ever imagine looking straight at the counter ordering his gujiyas while i could barely even speak out mine. And it was this last Diwali. It was crowded and the gujiyas were in limited supply and there was quite a mayhem there at the South Extension branch. i just scooted from there. The aftermath well my family and guests this Diwali suffered some homemade gujiyas of mine. Not as good as Haldirams but nevertheless it was well appreciated. Maybe out of sheer courtesy because i know it was not as good. But while the appreciations rained nobody would've noticed the few tears that were gathering in my eyes of that fear combined with the shame and embarrassment i felt because the guy who did it to me i have a son his age. And till this day i thought only guys in their senior ages are pervs. What's happening...why all this lust and all this perverseness i ask. Would it make a difference to guys if sex was made free i question. i needed to share my feelings because blogging is also a medium and i guess just like ur true story mine needed to be heard too. Somehow what i can't say openly i am able to do when i blog.
    Also thanks for promoting my posts and yes do stop by at my posts too. Although mine mostly talks about flowers and plants but sometimes i talk about my angst too. Like that post of mine titled Genuflection in which i have really vented out all that steam i had. Just want to know if like others you would also say if i was pining just because it was a grapes are sour scenario or am i justified in being angry if at all i was angry. Yeah later although nature finally has calmed me. Nature haha what can see it all in that same post. Please visit me sometime and leave behind some words so that i know ur perspective too. Remember what they say, learning comes from all sides. Cheers to that.
    All ladies and girls including myself are thankful for this post of yours. Great work. Grateful indeed.

    1. Thanks Shivani for sharing your story, it's really sad and disturbing. Glad you liked this post and felt a sense of relief. Your flowers and plants photographs are very refreshing. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!!

  15. I once did this. Some guy was poking my in the buss from the seat behind me. I then held his finger when he came to poke and pierced a safety pin straight into it. He screamed and a bus stop came and he jumped out. I never spoke of it to the passengers. It was just another gossip for them

    1. So you caught him Red Handed :) Nice to know you are also one of those brave girls !!

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks Goutami :) glad you liked the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  17. very good story.. and quiet a sharp climax

    1. Glad you liked the story. Thanks a lot for visiting out here, Neha !!

  18. Back in those days when we used to travel in local trains deranged men would come close to grope women any chance they would get. Other men (and women) used to watch and just leave it unnoticed....So my mother taught us to hold safety pin obscurely and prick the culprit...I guess blade would have been a better idea :) Great post coming from a man :) Kudos to Shilpa.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story :) Glad you liked the post, and thanks for dropping by, Vidhya !!
