
Friday 11 July 2014

Love, That Shit!

"Like a roller-coaster, relationships have their nauseating ups, downs, twists and turns… Sure, like a rollercoaster, relationships are also fun and exciting but what happens when the ride isn't as smooth as you thought it would be? What do you do when you want to get off the ride but disengaging the safety harness is a lot harder than you thought? Or simply, what if you’re finding it difficult to get on a ride in the first place, especially when there isn't a height restriction?
…Unfortunately, relationships don’t come with perforated edges and Love, That Shit! (LTS) hopes to help you through the process of getting into, dealing with and even the aftermath of relationships. What sets LTS apart is its contemporary approach, aimed at enlightening while simultaneously, entertaining.
Challenging norms and common thinking at times, LTS hopes to keep you chuckling, or at least smiling, as you embark on the journey and absorb its message"

I'm not a big fan of non-fiction books, particularly self-help kind of books. A self-help book on love, relationships and marriage is definitely not my cup of tea, but there’s something in the title that had grabbed my attention. I was sure that it would be an interesting read and I wasn’t wrong. The author had written the book with some good humor. He mentioned that there’s not much of a difference between online dating sites and arranged marriage. The main variance between them is that parents are the portals and they simply use more traditional means. The author described about many faces of Mother in laws (MIL). We have the L’Oreal MILs, who refuse to go silently into the night and continue to cling on to their youth. There are Status MILs. This breed of women is all about designer wear and making sure everyone knows about it. Some other categories are Yummy Mummy, Kitty Party, Owl MILs, Nosey, Google MILs, Hari-Om MILs. 

This book is all about different phases of relationship. Even though I enjoyed the book a lot, but I'm not sure how much knowledge I have gained. I think every relationship is unique and it's not easy to generalize the problems. Also, I felt that the author didn't give convincing solutions to the relationship issues. He suggested that it's always better to walk away from a relationship if it's not working and find a new one. Well, Chandru the author lived most of his life in abroad. Born in Africa, he was raised between Nigeria, India and the UK. After graduating with Masters in International Business and Management, he moved to New York where he worked for three years as a Business Development Manager. In 2002, Chandru returned to Nigeria where he currently resides and runs a trading company.
Title: Love, That Shit
Author: Chandru Bhojwani
Publisher: Om Books International
Genre: Non Fiction / Self help


  1. Lots of information to ponder upon

    1. Glad you found the post informative :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here, Chaitali !!

  2. Sounds interesting.. I guess I should pick one up soon :)

    1. Yeah Shruthi, it's really interesting :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  3. I have my own experiences in this field .. :) dont need book to tell me he he he


    1. Hehe.. Bikram Sir :) seems like you have enough experience to write your own book of your experiences:) Thanks for dropping by!!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Farah, glad your liked the post. Thanks for dropping by!!

  5. By the way...great way to arrange your post sections

  6. Nice and informative review..................

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    1. Thanks Debopam, glad you liked the review. Thanks for the invite, I will surely join Kenfolios !!

  7. I think relationship cannot be sustained based on someones advice. Everyone has to live on his own. The idea of move out is a western idea. In India, we make it work. May be we are old fashioned, may be we are cowards, may be we cannot take hard decision. From a different point of view, our lives are not nuclear like those in the West. Breaking two people may have lot of consequence. I am old fashioned. May be things are changing these days.

    1. Even I think the same Abhijit Sir, relationship cannot be sustained based on someones advice. I think it's in our culture to make it work. I won't say cowards, may be we are very emotions about our relationships and can't imagine to move out. It's not about old fashioned, moving out can't be considered as the latest fashion. Even modern people also want to continue with their relationship, but if it's not working they don't hesitate to move out. It's a matter of choice and advises usually won't help. Thanks for sharing your view Abhijit Sir!!

  8. Nice Read. Though I am not tempted to grab a copy :D as u rightly put up every relationship is unique. keep sharing & reading. Good wishes.

    1. Thanks Ruchi, glad you liked the post :) Nice to know that even you don't believe much in relationship advices. Thanks for dropping by and for your lovely wishes. Good wishes to you as well !!

  9. hi, we conduct Book review Program for bloggers, i loved your book reviews and would love to have you as a part of the same. Could you please email me at, for me to share the details with you?

    1. Hello Nimi, thanks for considering me as part of your book review process. Sent you an email :)

  10. hehehe I am still laughing at the categories :D Hari-Om MIL .. ROFL :P
    Nice Review.

    1. Hehe.. Rajlakshmi :) glad you liked the review. Thanks for dropping by!!

  11. Looks like it wasnt a self help book at all.. It was probably humor :)

    1. Even I felt the same :) Thanks a lot for dropping by!!

  12. every relationship is unique.. well said Jahid. can't help laughing at those tags for MILs :D I dono if I will pick this one out of all the books waiting in my bookshelf but still this seems a good read. Nicely reviewed. :)

  13. I think it is a good read, beautiful review Jahid :)
