
Friday 24 January 2014

My First Pair of Reebok Shoes

During our school days most of us used to wear Bata Naughty Boy shoes. In fact, I’m not able to recollect any other name other than Naughty Boy. Oh yes, how can I forget those Action Shoes which I always used to wear outside school. But my bonding with action shoes soon died after I passed out of school.  During my college days I experimented with few different genres, but never tried any massive brand. When I got my first job out here in Bangalore, I remember that I brought a pair of Reebok Shoes, most probably with my second salary. Aha, it looked so trendy and was very light. For the first time when I wore those shoes I felt so damn proud and comfortable. Even though the price was around 4 to 5 times higher than the kind of shoes which I usually used to buy earlier, my wallet didn't feel very embarrassed about it.

After a couple of days, weekend arrived. During those days weekend was like a festival for us and usually lasted continuously for 2 days. That particular weekend I and Lami decided to visit our friends in R.T. Nagar. Well, initially we stayed at that place for almost 3 months and later shifted to other parts of Bangalore. Life in R.T. Nagar was really cool and we made some very good friends out there. Those guys used to stay in a house which was just beside the busy street. It was pretty much a commercial kind of place with all different kind of shops all around. All my friends inquired about my new shoes and complimented me in their own styles. I really felt proud that moment. I noticed a collection of shoes all placed in a linear fashion in the hall, pretty close to the main door. Well, I placed my shoes at the end. I mean along with the other shoes but at the farthest distance from the door. My shoes looked like Yuvraj out there with a bunch of old shoes. My ones were of white color with black stripes on them. They were shinning and with the magnificent Reebok logo they looked so damn attractive.

We met our friends after a long time and most probably that was our first visit after we shifted from that place. We had such a wonderful time with friends, Old Monk and those lovely/yummy chickens. We gossiped the entire night and as expected, everyone woke up late. It was already noon and we went to a nearby bakery to have tea and egg-puff out there. Well, egg-puffs are very popular in Bangalore and it’s kind of savior for the bachelors, pretty similar to Vada Pav in Mumbai.  One of our friends was inside the house as he already had his breakfast. He was busy with his desktop in a room adjacent to the hall. 

After having tea we returned within 10 to 15 minutes. The main door was slightly open and as soon as we entered my eyes tried to strike at my shoes. All the shoes were exactly at the same position as it was placed earlier. But I couldn’t find my shoes. I was not very much worried and thought someone might be enjoying little bit of fun. 

“Don’t panic, it must be somewhere here” one of my friends said.

I searched all over the house and it wasn't there. One more friend was not in the house that moment and they said that he must have worn my new shoes. A little later even he also arrived with his own pair of shoes. That time everyone started to get little worried. We asked the guy who was inside the house that tragic moment. We asked him whether he heard anyone entering the house. He replied that he didn’t hear anything and was busy with his computer. We went outside the house on the street. Everyone seemed to be so busy with their own life, the shopkeepers, the customers. Few kids were playing nearby and we were absolutely clueless about my brand new pair of Reebok shoes.  After sometime we went back inside the house. The whole day everyone just talked about my shoes and sometimes they even used to laugh a bit. It was already evening and I still couldn’t recover from the trauma yet. It was time to go home and I couldn’t have gone barefooted. The guys showed sympathy towards me and offered their shoes. They said I could return them by next weekend. But all their shoes looked as if they wouldn't have fitted me. I decided to wear a pair of Hawai Chappals. A little later I and Lami took an auto and left from there. 


  1. ohh that must have hurt :( I love sneakers and I am planning to get a converse all star from my first month salary :p I loved reading this :D :D Egg puff <3 <3

    1. Haha.. that actually had hurt :) nice to know about your first month salary. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here Suganya !!

  2. u reminded me of my frst REEBOK :) though i earnd sm brownie points by buying it at a good discount.
    Thankfully they r still wd me :)

    1. Glad to know that this post reminded you of your first Reebok and they are still with you as well :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  3. Replies
    1. So glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  4. we got attached to somethings,it hurts when they get separated from us but I am sure you now have many pairs of reebok shoes

    1. Yes Mr Shayar Ji, it really hurts when we get separated with our attached things. Well, I have a few of them now :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  5. Very sad... It is common in Bengaluru to lose your shoes... Can you believe, my brother-in-law's old pair of chappals were stolen! My husband's friend's new shoes were stolen from their own house in the SECOND floor it seems! Yes, from The SECOND FLOOR!

    Hope Blr gets better!

    The Arts & Me

    1. Hehe Sindhu, it's actually common across India, particularly from temples and mosques :) So you have a lot of chappal/shoe victims in Ur family :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  6. Aww :( That's so sad that you lost your shoes. Why do people steal shoes! Shoes get stolen from temples, doc's clinics, everywhere!

    1. Doctor's clinics also.. I was not very much aware of that :) temples and mosques I always knew. Thanks a lot for dropping by Sreesha !!

  7. Oops.. misfortune played in your life through a pair of Reebok... sad though but still enjoyed reading this jahid... :p

    1. Yes Meera, that was quite a Reebok misfortune :) Glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by !!

  8. That was really painful, but the mention of egg puffs has made me feel hungry.

    1. Haha Neo, egg puffs can really make U hungry :)

  9. People know a good thing's price & value when they see it. Wish there were no thieves....

    1. In that place it was actually a common thing. Shoes,mobiles,jeans pants etc were very vulnerable. Even my friends also lost their mobiles on few occasions at the same house. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Anita !!

  10. That's sad that your shoes were stolen. I would have been very disappointed too if that had happened to me.

    1. Yes Carlyn, that was really disappointing. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  11. Shoe stealing is a common thing in our country , that is bad :)

    1. Yeah, that's quite common across our country :) Thanks for dropping by Aunt Mary !!

  12. A great read Jahid, certainly reminded me of my first adidas.. i wore the soles out of them :)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post and could recollect your first adidas as well :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  13. Hahaha, I remember my first Bata shoes and the first nike sneakers. We were inseparable :)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post and could remember your first Bata and Nike as well. Thanks a lot fro dropping by Pallavi !!

  14. hahahaha... good story !!!
    If you lose your favorite pair of shoes, there is no more sad and sorry than this!! Same thing happened with me when I was in class 6th, I lost my brand new "Action Shoes" outside of temple... I narrated the story to my uncle then he gave me a trick and by using that I never lost a pair of sleeper even, shoes toh door ki baat hai :) The trick was, whenever you have to take off your shoes, just put both the shoe away to each other that at a time only one is visible, no one would steel a single shoe.... :) :)

    1. Hehe Pritesh, glad U enjoyed the post. That's a very wonderful advice from your uncle. That's seems to be very effective. Who the hell would steal only one piece of shoe or chappal? :) really great !!

  15. Good and interesting story. First time I heard shoes stolen from house in Big city. It is more common in village.

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Benella :) Actually shoe stealing is quite common out here in India and such people don't discriminate between villages and big cities out here :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  16. Ouch.. that must have hurt bad... -_-

    1. Yes, that had hurt :) Thanks for dropping by Namrota !!

  17. Who would have thought! Good story, Jahid!

    1. Haha.. glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Ilakshee !!

  18. ah.... poor thing. i feel the same way about sudden departure of my stuffs too, i once had a brand new Sumsang Tab (in the box) stolen... :'(

    1. Aha, so U lost Ur new Samsung Tab. Yeah, it's really irritating when our stuffs are stolen. Thanks for dropping by Cezandra !!

  19. Then, you still did not find those Reebok shoes or found out what happened to it? Somebody eyed it and snatched it away from you...

    1. Haha Uma, my relationship with my new pair of Reebok was quite short. I never found it and neither my friends out there. It was stolen, as the place was kind of a market area and many people used to gather just below the house. Thanks for dropping by !!

  20. Like reading your memoirs Jahid.They are written in a free flowing simple style,straight from the heart.

    1. Thanks Rajeev. So glad you like my memories and the writing as well. Thanks for visiting out here !!

  21. Great !Thank you so much for this post .i like to reading your post most reebok shoes online shopping

    1. Thanks Saira :) glad you enjoyed the post.
