
Wednesday 15 January 2014

My Cautious Father

Right from my childhood, I always observed my father to be very watchful in almost every thing. I still remember how he used to fill our entrance examination forms. Once he filled the form, he used to cross-check it couple of times. Finally, he used to call me and asked to sit with him, so that we could have verified it together again for few more times. Quite often, I used to get irritate and wondered why he’s so damn cautious? Well, sometimes even I’m also little careful on certain things and particularly for any kind of payment related stuffs. I get little cautious whenever I do any online transaction and I’m extra careful, so that I don’t end up adding one extra zero while filling the amount. 

Unlike me, my elder brother was always very sincere and intelligent, right from his childhood. He always took his own decisions and never got influenced by others. He’s now settled out in Singapore since almost 15 years. Whenever he use to visit home with his family, they usually fly from Singapore to Kolkata and then take a flight to Guwahati. While returning also they take the same route. My brother always use to book an evening flight to Kolkata. Almost the entire night they have to wait at the airport and early morning they fly back to Singapore. Usually whenever they visit home, even we also plan our holidays accordingly. Few years ago we had a similar kind of wonderful family get-together. Our holidays were already over and we returned to Bangalore. In next few days my brother, sister in law and their cute daughter were also about to return to Singapore.

"What time is your flight tomorrow?" my father asked my brother.

"In the evening at around 7:30”

"Go and bring the ticket. I want to check" father asked.

"It’s OK. Now again please don’t start all these, I’m much more responsible. Any ways, I will check it after dinner"

After dinner everyone started to gossip in the hall. My brother went inside the bedroom. He opened his suitcase and picked up the ticket. He checked their departure time and returned to the hall.

"It’s at 7:40 in the evening" he said to my parents. 

The airport in Guwahati is quite far from the city. So next day they started little early by 4:30 PM. My parents also went along with them to the airport. They reached at around 6 PM and as usual, my parents were prepared to wait out there. Well, every time my parents go to drop them, they continue to wait till they view the particular flight, as it fly up towards the sky. 

But that day something quite unusual happened. The security didn’t allow them to go inside. They said that their flight already left in the morning. Only that moment my smart brother realized that their flight was actually at 7:40 in the morning. They always use 24 hour timing format and how could he be so stupid? My brother talked with the flight authorities and there’s no way they could have refunded his money. 

"Early morning we have our flight from Kolkata to Singapore" my brother said to them.

"The last flight for today to Kolkata will depart in an hour. If you want we can book your tickets"

The price for each ticket was almost 3 times higher as compared to the one he booked earlier. But they had to go and there was no other alternative. Somehow my brother digested all those praises and appreciations from his wife, as well as from our parents for his overconfidence. I think in certain situations, it’s always better to be cautious rather than being ignorant. 


  1. Well, maybe next time he will follow your example and be sure. Funny story Jahid!

    1. Hehe.. would be good for him if he could follow my dad's example :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  2. Replies
    1. Hehe.. glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  3. Your father sounds just like my father. And to be honest, like me too. :D I check and cross-check tickets, flight schedules, writing prompts, deadlines, forms and submissions on and on and on. I drive my family mad. I reach stations 1 hour in advance of the train. I make lists of to-do always. Just, get the point. :D
    Better cautious than sorry. :D

    1. Hmmm.. I always knew you are a very cautious kind of woman :) Nice to know about Ur father. So nice to see Ut comment out here after a long long time. "Der aye par durust aye" :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here Sakshi !!

  4. As a child, I remember my father herding us out of the house a good 4 hrs earlier. " Better sit there than be anxious and worried..." I get the jitters now when we get delayed.

    1. Haha.. it seems all fathers are same. Better to relax rather than been anxious... stat little early :) Thanks for dropping by Ilakshee !!

  5. Reading you after a long time Jahid-yes caution pays.
    I like to be in time for everything.

    1. Yes, cautious always pays. I like to be in exact time. It's a risky business, but gives me ultimate satisfaction :) Thanks a lot for dropping by Indu Ji !!

  6. That must have cost a tad more than a bruised ego! :D

    1. Hehe Brendan, more than ego it was carelessness :) Thanks for dropping by dude !!

  7. Actually that is the problem with our generation no attention to detail and on top of that laid back attitude ...God Bless us!!

    1. Haha.. U are accusing the entire generation :) There are many good people in our generation as well, without them life would have been so difficult :) Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  8. So you have Best Identity. of your Father, Mr.Perfect. Does not the understanding of Best Signs eliminate lot of issues?

  9. All our fathers are seems..:-D..

    1. Yes, all fathers are pretty much similar. I think when I will get little older even I would also become like that :) Thanks for dropping by Maniparna !!

  10. It's like reading about my parents... and not to mention I have same traits ...hehe :D

    1. Hehe.. all parents are pretty much similar. You seems to be a very obedient daughter :) Thanks for dropping by Namrota !!

  11. I was onw like your brother...But with time I am more like my father ( your father). After all we ought to be responsible now. They had better plannings.

    1. Yes Neo, with time we all have to become little responsible. Their planning were far better with limited resources. Thanks for dropping by dude !!

  12. son always remain smaller to his father,well written Jahid

    1. Yes, father will always be a father. Glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  13. Indeed Jahid. Better cautious than sorry. I'm one of those double/triple checkers myself. So I understand :D Nice little post

    1. Nice to know that U are a double/triple checker kind of person. Better cautious than sorry, so true. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  14. An experience for life!

    Reading your post almost after a month and feeling like meeting an old friend! Will try not to miss you post for any reason!

    The Arts & Me

    1. Yes, that's quite a memorable experience. Wow! that such a nice compliment. Thank u so much Sindhu and yes, keep visiting out here :)

  15. Ha ha...sometimes we get so gulped with confidence that we tend to ignore these small things..hope from next time your brother will be more conscious and you too, unless you want to pay the fatty airlines people unnecessarily. :)

    1. Yes Namrata, some times we are so confident and ignore minor things. We need to be little careful or else.. as U said. No I love my money :) Thanks for dropping by !!

  16. That was a funny story! And so well told:-) Yup - similar people in my family - (and in many others I should think?). .:-)

    1. Hehe.. Eli :) Nice to know that U have similar people in Ur family. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  17. my husband too is like that ---cautious all the time ----in fact you know what my daughters do ?? take out a photocopy of all documents ,tickets etc and hand them over to us :)

    nice one Jahid

    1. Wow! Ur daughters are so sincere. Also Ur hubby is so cautious. So, U don't have to take tension in the house I guess :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  18. That's true...being cautious is very good in any situation!

    1. Yes, to be cautious is always good. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  19. Beautiful one.... All fathers are cautious.. Mine father too is cautious just like yours!! :D :)

    1. Thanks Krishna, so glad U enjoyed the post. Yes, all fathers are kind of cautious and nice to know about Ur father. Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!

  20. Fathers are always right... Sons better understand that before it is too late..:p

    1. Hehe.. yes Preethi :) fathers are always correct. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  21. It's a great lesson indeed. May be next time he will not commit such mistakes. Also, this story is like an eyeopener for everyone to take things seriously so that someone doesn't need to repent later for the silly mistakes due to carelessness.

    1. Yes Bharati, people usually learn from their mistakes. Glad U found the post useful enough. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  22. Oh my god, that's like my worst nightmare - mistaking p.m. for a.m! I am always paranoid about missing my flight and reach airport much earlier than required. Your story re-affirms my belief :)

    1. Hehe Sangeeta :) Nice to know that U are paranoid about missing flight and this post could re-affirm your belief. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  23. haha, nice!
    many people are like this only, seems to be overconfident or better we should say that they ignore fine detailing about certain things. Now-a-days people have so much stress that they don't bother to be extra care full in each and every details.
    Even I have missed my trains a couple of times considering a later timing. Even one time I was late by one day, I caught today's train while having ticket of yesterday in hand, but now Usually I take extra care about dates and time and need not to say that this habit has grown after marriage only.

    1. Haha Pritesh, even U also missed your train couple of times and one time late than 24 hours. U seems to be a real dude :) Yes, sometime we all behave so overconfident and ignore small things. Glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  24. I enjoyed reading about this incident your brother experienced. Sometimes, a parent is right. It is hard to admit though. I chuckled a bit while reading this.


    1. Thanks Sharon. So glad U enjoyed the post. Yes, sometimes parents are right :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  25. Definitely good to be cautious & double-check! My mom has had us show up at the airport early several times, but not late, thank goodness. ..

    1. Yes, better to be cautious and double/triple check :) Nice that you guys always show up at the airport early. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Sonya !!

  26. That is a good lesson for very one and for your brother . I can relate to the post .
    Enjoyed reading the story :)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post :) Yeah, it's a good lesson for everyone, particularly for the careless ones. Thanks for dropping by !!

  27. thats an interesting read.....same thing happened with us also while our journey by train....:) yes in these cases extra cautiousness is must.....:)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post and nice to know same thing happened to you people also :) Yes, cautiousness is must in such cases. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Deepanshi !!

  28. Hahaha. Interesting it is. Love to read. Reminds me my father's extra cautiousness and seriously every time I make online payments and book tickets, his that vigilance forces me to cross check two-three times :)

    1. Hehe.. glad U enjoyed the post. Nice to know about Ur father and about Ur double-triple check for online payments :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here Tanwi !!

  29. So, we see that it's important to check everything before doing something. It's better to ask one more time, so to make sure you've understood everything right.

    1. Yes, it's always better to double check. For financial matters never mind to have triple check also :) Until and unless we properly understand everything we should keep on asking. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Tatiana !!
