
Monday 18 November 2013

The Insusceptible

Everyone looks so happy and people are talking to each other in groups. It’s such a luxurious hotel and also so close to the beach. Well, Goa always fascinate tourists and people at the balcony could hear the soothing sea sounds. Dr Surekha Gupta is talking to some Europeans at the moment. Well, she’s a very renowned Indian scientist and a couple of years ago, she was hired by the world's largest Ayurvedic medicine & food manufacturing company. Presently she is working as the head of their R&D unit. She is also quite well known in abroad and even though the western world still doesn't believe much in the power of Ayurveda, but Dr Surekha always tries her best to spread her Ayurvedic knowledge world across. The world’s biggest conference on medicines and organic food products went very well. Most of the world's top companies in the concerned sector, participated in the two days conference. Aha! they have chosen such an exotic location for the conference and the participants must be wondering if it could have continued for few more days. But tomorrow morning everyone will just leave after their breakfast.

Most of them already had their dinner and they are now simply gossiping and enjoying their drink. I wonder if those are organic drinks? But the way people are talking, it doesn't seems like that. Some of the guest wants to go to the beach, but Dr. Surekha is very tired and asks them to carry on. She then goes inside her room and prepares for some sleep. It's already midnight and the breeze is so magnificent. These guys are enjoying some wonderful time out there at the beach. All of a sudden they hear some unusual kind of sound and they could also see a small ball of fire up above the sky and in no time it touches the sea. It's no longer visible now, perhaps it went deep inside the sea. The guys are simply wondering and starring each other’s faces.

Someone asks "What the hell was that?"

Another guy replies "Might be a falling star"

"Falling star, are you nuts?"

They gossip for few more minutes and it’s already started to get little chill and they decide to go inside the hotel. 

After her shower, Dr Surekha is ready to go to sleep and switched off the lights. The big window is open and she's loving the cool breezes and the relaxing sea sounds. All of a sudden she hears something. Well, she could also see some sparks of light near the window. The sound and the sparks are becoming more horrific and Dr. Surekha immediately jumps out of her bed and screams “What the hell is that?” She’s about to go outside her room and then suddenly she notices something on the wall. It seems someone is projecting something on the wall and she reads “Please don’t panic Dr. Surekha, we are not here to harm you. We just came to know every details about your innovative immune product. It seems your product is the best immunity product the world has ever produced. We want to know about the ingredients, formula and the detailed manufacturing procedure of it"

Dr. Surekha totally loses her mind and simply asks "What is this? Who are U guys? Why I can’t see you people"

Again she hears some kind of un-tuned radio noise and also notices a glitter. It seems someone is trying to communicate with her. She thinks "Could it be ghosts or spirits? That’s crap, I shouldn’t think in that angle"

Again she's reading some texts on the wall "Dr. Surekha, we really don’t have much time to explain much. We don’t know how you will react and really don’t want to panic you. Believe it or not, but we came all the way from future, from the year 2093. The chemical food and medicines have taken over the entire world out there. The immune system of human beings is deteriorating day by day and particularly for children, the situation is much more pathetic. More than 50% of the kids couldn’t survive beyond 10 years. Well, it starts with simple cough and cold and then it gets chronic. Within a few years they start to suffer from severe asthma, pneumonia, anemia, tuberculosis, bronchiolitis and cancer, as well. We are on a mission to take the exact formula and about all the ingredient details of your Chyawanprash and our scientists would try to reproduce it."

Dr. Surekha is totally speechless and simply asks "But how I can give it to you guys? It’s in my laptop"

Again she reads some projections on the wall "Just keep your laptop on the bed"

She does exactly the same and immediately notices a bright light flashing on her bed. She reads yet another text on the wall "Thanks a lot Dr. Surekha, we’re done and we will have to leave now. We wish you a great life and take care"

Just like a thunder and with those typical cosmic sounds, something moved like a flash through the window. Dr Surekha is simply looking outside and could see a blurred vision of the sea. All of a sudden she notices a bright ball of light at the surface of the sea and it’s moving upwards now. Within no time, it already moved up in the sky and looks like a star now. She's continuously starring at that mysterious thing and in a few seconds it completely lost to her view. Dr Surekha is in a state of shock and is thinking "Was it a dream? No, it can’t be simply a dream. I just hope the future of our kids, I mean the future kids, OMG! 2093! was that damn incident real? Whatever, I just wish for their healthy and secure future"

Image courtesy: google images

This post is written for Indiblogger’s "An Immune India" contest, in association with Dabur Chyawanprash. But unfortunately couldn't submit my entry before the closing time.

Dabur Chyawanprash helps us in fighting against germs, viruses and helps protect against infections, making us free to take on the outdoors, unhygienic surroundings, weather changes, pollution etc.  It is prepared according to ancient Ayurvedic recipes. It includes 49 components, including gold and silver, herbs, honey, amla, pearls, minerals, fruits, etc. Since the immune system of children is still developing, they have much lower immunity and hence are more vulnerable to falling ill, as compared to adults. Chyawanprash, If used consistently, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, enhances immunity and improves digestion.

                                      Since ancient times, it is called the balm of immortality in India.



  1. that was an amazing take!! very well written!!

    1. Thank a lot. So glad U liked the post. thanks for dropping by !!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank U so much dear. glad U enjoyed the post :)

  3. A truly unique entry Jahid! A wonderful mixture of sci fi and Ayurveda. All the best for the contest :)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Khushboo Ji :) Thanks a lot for dropping by and also for Ur good luck !!

  4. Interesting take on the subject Jahid. All d best.

  5. Lovely post, nicely written :)

    1. Thank U so much Aunt Mary :) Glad U enjoyed the post !!

  6. Wah! Jahid an sci-fi post for Chyanprash. Well Done

    1. Hehe.. thanks dear. Glad U enjoyed the post !!

  7. Loved the alien concept! Just one question they were aliens right? That star was a space ship right?

    1. Hi Najm! they were not alien but human beings from future :) Even I'm also confused with the start like thing, it's a kind of mystery :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  8. Mr India , Krishh and immunity. Very creative sci fi tale, Jahid. Good luck.

    1. Hehe.. :) Thanks Alka Ji. So delighted U found the post creative enough. Thanks for Ur good luck !!

  9. Well constructed story..all the best jahid !

  10. Hehehe, it was something of a mix between extra terrestrials and and the future. liked it!

    1. Hehe.. Brendan. Glad U liked it. Just a thought :)

  11. nicely written. all the best for contest

    1. Thanks Amar :) Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  12. Jahid you have written is so Uniquely..I loved it..Good Luck for the Contest.. :D

    1. Thanks Harsha :) Glad U enjoyed the fiction !!

  13. Super cool... Dabur people can use it as an idea for their next add..!!:-)

    1. Hehe Anvi :) Glad U enjoyed the post. Yes, they can very well use the idea :)

  14. Very well written, you made it interesting to read. Couldn't keep my eyes away till the time I finished it:) All the best for the contest.

    1. Thanks Shweta :) Glad U enjoyed the fiction so much. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  15. Liked it .. unique concept and well written. all the best.

    1. Thanks Bhavana. Glad U liked the concept and also the writing. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  16. Wow, nice concept. Jahid, your writings are very interesting and creative as well.

    1. Thank U so much Bharati. Glad U liked the concept and really delighted to know that U like my writing and also find it creative !!

  17. Replies
    1. Hope U liked the Si-Fi :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  18. And your blog is back :D

    I loved your concept...ET...:D

    Best of luck! :)

    1. Thanks Namrota . Yes, it reappeared last night :) Glad U liked the concept !!

  19. A first timer at your blog and I am gonna come back soon....Its worth a second visit :)

    1. Hehe.. Thanks Soham :) Glad that U found it worth visit again. Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!

  20. Creative and smartly written post. :)
    Its nice to find a blog like yours. Thanks to Indiblogger :)

    1. Thanks Priyanka :) That's so nice of U. Glad U found the post creative enough. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  21. A very interesting and unique entry for the contest :) all the best :)

    1. Thanks Preethi :) Glad U found the post interesting !!
