
Monday 18 November 2013

I Love Guests

I very well remember how I used to get excited whenever any guest visited us, during my childhood days. Well technically, those were the days when landline phones were the only mode of communication. But majority of the people couldn’t afford such kind of luxury, as the call rates almost touched the sky. I think I was in my 8th standard when my father installed the landline phone for the very first time in our house. So, with very limited options available, guest usually used to visit without any prior intimation. Now, some people might wonder “What if there’s no one in the house and all of a sudden guest arrive?” Well, we have encountered such situations many times and those minor issues were easily sorted out. Wow! It was so much fun whenever cousins of our similar age group visited us. But, guests used to come only for few days and their departure was so much painful. For some special guests, I tried my best so that they could have stayed for few more days. I remember how I played an effective trick, when those special guests used to say “Sorry dear, we can’t stay more and tomorrow we will have to leave” Well, just before an hour of their departure, I used to put most of their cloths inside a bucket filled with water. As simple as that and the guest had to stay for another day. Well, I played that trick quite a few times.

Like many other things, my strong affection for guests, is also very convincingly inherited by our little angel Jia. She feels so happy whenever our door bell uses to ring and on every such occasion, she’s extremely delighted. Be it our maid or any delivery guy or any neighbor, she likes to play with each and every person who use to visit our house. Her excitement level is at peak whenever any of our close friends visit us and she loves to play with them till late midnight. About a couple of months ago, Edwin and Apee visited us and Jia loves them so much, particularly Edwin. That evening we ordered some food from outside. As we prepared ourselves to have our dinner, all of a sudden we heard something out of Jia’s mouth. Well, she was saying “Forty, Forty” in her own cute and sweet voice. She was also holding a piece of paper with her hand. It was actually the bill of those stuffs we ordered. Apee was little surprised and she immediately took the bill from her hand and had a look at it. Apee started to scream out of excitement "Aree! How could she recognize 40? She is not even 2 years old"

We asked "What happened?"

Apee showed the bill to us and said “Look here, its written 40 out here”

Actually, out of the few food items which we had ordered, price of one of the item was 40 and it was clearly mentioned in the bill. Apee’s excitement continued further and she praised Jia "Wow! Jia is such an intelligent baby" According to my knowledge, Jia could say one to ten continuously. Even though I had a little doubt about the 40 thing, but still I felt very proud that moment. After few minutes, I smelled something. Well, the smell was quite different from those yummy food in front of us. I immediately checked Jia’s pampers from her back side. Oh! She had done potty and it took us a while to understand the mystery. Well, forty and potty sounds so similar and especially from Jia’s mouth.  That moment, everyone had a good laugh.                         

                                                                  One recent video of Jia talking


  1. Replies
    1. Hehe..:) Thanks Sangeeta, glad U enjoyed the post !!

  2. Hahaha oh baby.... :)
    Very well usual i wud say :)
    All the best!

    1. Thanks Swarn Priya :) Glad U enjoyed the post !!

  3. Like always a delight to read Jahid. Looks like you got a little people person :).

    1. Haha.. Yes, we got cute little, people's person :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks for dropping by Yamini !!

  4. I guess the receipt was toilet paper? Lol. Jia is adorable.

    1. Haha.. LOL :) that was the actual bill. Thanks for visiting out here Cynthia !!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Bhavya :) glad U enjoyed the post !!

  6. Replies
    1. Glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  7. LOL...I imagine you must never get bored :P

    1. Haha.. Pankti... not much time to get bored actually :)

  8. Jahid sir, I guess nobody can beat you at humor. I felt so proud that a two year old could recognize forty and then loved the potty twist. I am still laughing, the problem with me is all these nice posts keep running in my head and then I end up laughing at the most unlikely situations.

    1. So glad U enjoy my posts :) Hmmm.. So U enjoyed the twist. Extremely delighted that I could bring smile and laughter on Ur face !!

  9. I guess the Gods were at work...They purposely fixed the amount at 40 so that you guys could have a hearty laugh. And Jia was the medium through whom God showcased his sense of humor :) Great stuff....

    1. Yes Soham, God must be crazy :) Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Sreesha, glad U enjoyed the post !!

  11. Ow! So cute... ^_^ :)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Namrata :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  12. Hahahaha..OMG Jahid..Potty and Forty..A Great Miscommunication I must Say.. :)
    And I must say Jia is really Cute---I loved the way she said E for Elephant.. :D

    1. Haha.. Harsha. Yes, it was a great miscommunication. Thanks for the compliment :)

  13. really gud one,, very cute moment u enjoyed!!

    1. Yes Kranti, that was a very cute moment. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for dropping by Kranti.

  14. So sweet. Kids are the ones who always entertain us a lot.

    1. Yes, U R very correct, kids always entertain us. Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here.

  15. Hahahaha....the last line was hilarious.....forty and potty :D

    1. Hehe.. Glad U enjoyed the post Akash :)

  16. Why do you have a doubt about the forty thing? Kids at that age are like sponge. They a-b-s-o-r-b info! She too is doing the same :D
    Lovely kid you have!

    1. Hehe.. I doubted as she's too immature to recognize 40 :) But U are very correct, kids are like sponge. thanks for the compliment !!

  17. OH NO!! read only half the thing, then commented, then went back to reading the rest!

    1. Aha! U missed the last part :) So glad U enjoyed the post and found it so hilarious !!

  18. Oh my god!! I am laughing like crazy out here hahahah! Even I have a 2 year old at home and now I will have to be careful about what he says. This is so funny, I must share this with others hahahha!!

    1. Hey Sangeeta! Nice to know about your kid. Yes, we need to be little careful about what they say :) So glad that U enjoyed the post so much. thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  19. Awwww!! She is adorable..

    you trick is pretty awesome..

    1. Haha.. that trick really worked :) Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here and also for ur compliments !!

  20. Haha that's a good one ;)
    Your daughter is so cute. My daughter too gets so excited whenever the door bell rings and if we ask her who is at the door, she loudly says "Appa Banda"(Daddy came) :-)

    1. Hehe.. Prasanna :) Glad U enjoyed the post. Nice to know about Ur daughter. Seems like she's also a Daddy's girl :)

  21. Replies
    1. Thank U so much dear. Glad U enjoyed the post and thanks for the complements :)

  22. hahahaha....she seems to be so cute :) While reading your post I could re-create the scene in my mind.
    a well written post.....
    and about the first half, I would say that now guests from the same city do not stay for a night and the guests from outer cities can not afford such pranks which you used to play, Thanks of IRCTC :) :)

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Pritesh :) Yes, guests are no longer like those days and not only in cities, but also in small towns I guess. people are really busy these days. that era is gone and have some good memories :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!

  23. Really nice true-story Jahid!
    Jia sure seems smart for her age! Will turn out to be a smart young lady for sure!
    Best wishes! :)

    1. Hehe.. Glad U liked the post :) Thank U so much for Ur good wishes Anita !!

  24. Lovely post jahid :) your daughter is really daughter is also 2 and is thrilled when anyone comes home.

    1. Aha! Ur daughter is also 2 years now. Nice to know that she's also get thrilled when any one visit Ur house. Glad U enjoyed the post Preethi and thanks for dropping by !!

  25. little kids are such a delight jahid-even those who indulge in naughty tricks to detain guests.

    1. So nice of U Indu Ji :) Even I also feel the same, little kids who play tricks to detain guests are also such a delight !!

  26. hahahah this was soooooooo cute and amazing. A great read and wow the humour

    1. Haha.. I very well recognize those red hands and your encounter with Mallu Porn :) So glad U enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  27. Replies
    1. Thanks Anjali, glad U liked the post. Thanks for dropping by !!

  28. LOL! She is so cute and she seems to like Pineapple a lot. Beautiful child. Anjali was asking the alphabets from somewhere far, true mother, always teaching her child.

    1. Haha.. Yes, mother always teach their child :) Thanks for all the compliments. Glad U enjoyed the post !!

  29. Hhahah well they say, people do get naughty at forty. Jia was just proving them right ! Forty potty hehehhe good advert for pampers, send this to them !

    1. Yes Shweta, people do get naughty at forty. Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  30. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks a lot fro dropping by, Nagendra :)
