
Monday 8 July 2013


Momo’s might have traces of its originality in Tibetan regions, but it’s one of the most popular dish in the entire North East India. Steamed momos are extremely delicious and one can fill them with any minced meat of their choice. Even though Veg momos are also available and some people do eat them, but frankly speaking they really sucks. Momos are intensely magical with minced pork, but the meat could be quite controversial for many of us. But one don't have to worry much, as even with chicken also it’s quite yummy.  

Momos were more than just a food for many of us. I think it was more of a kind of addiction, as during our college days we didn't have to think beyond momos, whenever we used to go to the city, specially for some evening snacks. In Guwahati one would find Momo restaurants in almost every corner and in any part of the city. We can compare Momo with Dosa out here in Bangalore, well only in terms of availability. Even though there are few highly recommended Momo restaurants in Guwahati, but now a days whenever I use to visit that place, I just go to any random restaurant and totally rejoice at every place.

Our hostel was at outskirt of the city and the college bus used to go to the city after every hour. The evening bus was mostly very overcrowded and on the way we usually used to ask our friends from different hostels "Hey Dude! Where are you going?"

Most of the time the reply used to be "Nothing, just want to have some Momos"

Some of the guys were too lazy to give a long reply and they usually used to smile and simply replied "Momo" Short and sweet, isn't it?

Momos are usually served with a fiery chili and tomato chutney. Some restaurants even used to give complimentary soup and that almost felt like a Diwali bonus. We usually used to have momo at the famous "Momo Ghor", but some of my friends say that the place has lost its reputation now a days. During our college days they used to charge Rs 18 per plate and most of us used to have one plate and 2 extra pieces and the total bill used to be Rs 25. After having one plate and 2 pieces, we usually used to skip dinner at hostel. But some of my friends used to have 2 full plates and some even three plates. 

Momo is highly addictive, just like Old Monk. If you try Old Monk for few successive sessions, no other brand would be able to satisfy your quench. Similarly if you try Momo as an evening snack for few days, definitely you wouldn't be attracted to any other snacks after that. But you have to be little careful, as gulping excessive momos on a regular basis, that too for a prolonged time, would yourself make you look like a momo.


  1. Yummy! Old Monk with momos - super combo!!

  2. Momo's....I used to eat like 3-4 plates of Momo's at a time when I was in Guwahati..I so love them...and tried Old Monk in Engg and yes they are irreplaceable.. :-)

    1. 4 plates is little too much Harsha :) Good that U tried Old Monk at Engg College. Good old days :)

  3. Momos is indeed an addiction and i love to gorge on them often. So many momo eateries coming up in Delhi but the best ones I had were at an eatery in Darjeeling.

    1. Absolutely correct Shaivi, Momos are indeed very addictive :) Nice to know that so many momo eateries came up in Delhi. I've tasted Momos in many places but didn't find anything like those Guwahati Momos :)

  4. "Momo is highly addictive, just like Old Monk." - All your posts have this beautiful ability to take me back to college, or times when I was younger. Simple yet so powerful. :) I agree. Momo is soul food! :)

    1. Aha! so nice of U :) Glad that my posts reminds U of Ur good old days. Yes, Momo is very addictive!

  5. I know! They are highly addictive!
    Had to stop eating them... Was getting fat on those things! :D

    1. Haha Brendan :) U can have once a while or U are afraid of the addiction?:)

  6. Well Momo is a just so soft, yummy and juicy ... those raw steam feels with stuffed goodie ... its hard to resist every-time you see or even think of it ... Nice read Jahid Bhai ...

    1. Wow! Aziz Bhai, U description is so tempting and my mouth already filled with water :) Glad U liked the post!

  7. Haha...I am a vegetarian and I cook veggie momos at home. They don't suck :P Also, they are non-fatty one with only cabbage, carrot and capsicum. Try those. You won't get fat :P

    1. Haha Pankti Ji :) would have to try Ur home made Veggie momo. Thanks for visiting out here!

  8. I've been having momo's almost everyday at my work place.. Love it.. :)Loved reading about it here..!!

    1. Where U work Kavya? U must be working in a heaven :)

  9. i don't like but my son is a huge fan

    1. U should try Mukhtiar Bhai. It would take some time but eventually U would also become a fan :)

  10. Momos...I came in contact with Momos in Delhi. Thankfully i was having momos made by migrated Tibetians. They gave me d first n best experience on this elite delicacy.

    1. Yes, Tibetians prepare them really well. Nice to know U R also a momo fan :)

  11. I can have plain momos, love them.

    1. Plain means Veggie? or without chutney? Nice to know that U luv momo!

  12. Love momos! And in fact,I had them today :D

    1. Wow! U had momo today. Nice to know that U R also a momo fan. Thanks Jaseema for visiting out here!

  13. i fell in love with momos about 15 years back when it was just known to north-eastern frequenters and was not a fashion food and although original is buff momo they say in Nepal .. I would love chicken momos .. and now that I have become veggie - veg momos serve me the best .
    Your post reminded me of days , we friends used to spent in Darj , Gangtok and Kalimpong with Momos ( me only chicken and they almost any momo on earth :D ) and our Rum brand used to be Mc Dowell - less money and moreover Eastern India prefers McDowell rum over Old Monk !! :)

    1. Wow! U spend so much time in Darj , Gangtok and Kalimpong. U R basically from which place Jack? Yes, McDowell is a tough competitor of Old Monk :) Nice to know that U were also a momo as well as Rum fan :) Khub jamega rang jab milenge kabhi :)

  14. well soups are mandatory with momos !! thats how they are supposed to be served :)

    1. Haha Jack :) soups should be mandatory with momos. But it would be a luxury and only few selected restaurants could afford it or else need to loose Ur pocket a bit :)

  15. Just had momos on my way home from office today! I guess, old habits die hard ;) Although, have to be satisfied with the chickeny ones now-a-days. But, nothing can beat pork momos (controversial meat?? who cares when the momo is in front!!)

    1. Hehe Sandeepan, where did U had momo today? Yes, no controversy when u feel the mesmerizing smell of the momo in front of U :)

    2. Just near my house :) A new momo man is in town! He has set shop near my house :) But, the tragedy is that he sells only chicken momos. I asked him one day about pork momos but, unfortunately, he doesn't prepare them.

    3. Wow! great. So would definitely try them out next time when we visit u guys :)

  16. One plate and 3 pieces jahid.. U remember tht shop in paltan bazar where they serve soup with momo.. And usually it was a bottle of beer and momo thr.. I really miss that taste.. Never got tht taste after i left guwahati..

    1. Was it 3 pieces? still little confused as I was sure that the total bill was Rs 25 per head :) So, according to the price it should have been 2 pieces :) Yes, the Paltan Bazar episode was too good and U guys were expert to gulp the entire beer at one go, kind of "Bottoms Up" :)

  17. delicious post jahid

    you have an award waiting at

    1. Thank U so much.Glad U liked the post. Congrats for Ur Leibster award and thanks a lot for nominating my blog for the award!

  18. Oh you got me craving for some momos now!! It finally rained, no actually poured in Delhi and this is just a perfect weather for spice n steam!! Used to be our staple diet in college too...thanks for taking me down the memory lane :)

    1. Haha.. better have momos tomorrow evening :) Good to hear about good weather in Delhi. Glad U liked the post and it reminded U of Ur good college days. Thanks for visiting out here Aditi!

  19. I remember having momos during my first trek. Unforgettable experience it was and this article brought back the taste on my taste buds.. :)

    1. Momos would be really great during trek. Glad this post refreshed Ur trek memories :)

  20. hahha :) Old Monk and Momos..ultimate comparison jahid :) your comparison itseld told how much you love momos :D

    I remeber my hostel days in BIT, Ranchi. There is a famous momo wala in the main market area which was some 30 kms away from our college hostel. Every sat, when we used to have half day classes, we used to catch college bus, come to that market and hogged atleast two plates of momos. We wanted to satiate ourselves till next sat :P even this momo wala used to give complimentary veg sweetcorn soup. Also this guy sold "Litti-Chokha" which was yummyliscious. In short travelling 30 kms for those delicious momos and litti chokha was worth it.:)

    very nice post. "Muh mai pani aa gaya :D "

    1. Haha Jiggyasa :) I think U'r totally amused with my wild comparisons. So U'r a product if BIT,Ranchi. I can visualize Ur momo experience a bit from Ur description :) Had "Litti-Chokha" only few times. I think U guys gad enough during ur college days. "Litti-Chokha" is so yummy but too heavy :) Glad U liked the post Jiggyasa!

  21. never tasted them jahid...somehow their colorless bland look does not tempt me.

    1. Haha Indu Ji.. "dikhave pe mat jao apni akal lagao" :) :) As soon as U would take the very first bite, the juicy stuffs would flatter Ur tongue and the taste as well as the smell would mesmerize U :) U could never forget Ur first momo experience and would want them more and more :)

  22. I had my first momo experience last year...and since then i relish each experience....i love it....

    1. Nice to know U are also a momo fan Ritesh :) I think U are into Veg momo? or sab chalta hai:)

  23. I don't like momos,but I always enjoy reading your flashbacks

    1. Aha! U don't like momos. Extremely delighted that U like reading my flashbacks :)

  24. Thanks for you lovely flashback..really remembering my day in guwahati and momo ghar.I often eat momo.but only thing i m missing is soup in Bangalore.

    1. Thanks Basanta. Glad u liked the post and it refreshed Ur good old Ghy days. In Bangalore we do get momos but only in few selected places and the taste is quite different. Thanks for visiting out here dude!

  25. hahaha...loved that last line. You know for a foodie like me i thought the momo has less calories...especially the steamed ones. Thanks for proving my notions wrong. Will be careful now...mad after momos and Delhi having those at every nook and corner it will be really tough though.

    1. Haha steamed momos usually have less calories compared to other junk foods but pork momo could be fatty :) Yeah, got to know that in Delhi many momo shops came up. U are correct, it's difficult to avoid such tempting stuffs "Dil Hai Ki Maanta Nahi" :) :)

  26. Momos are now everybody's fave snack not just in North east but also in North India. You could find a momo kiosk at every local bazaar. Momos and memories go together. Very nice post. Now even i feel like hitting the neighborhood Momo Shop. Yum yum yummy!

    1. Nice to know U R also a momo fan :) Very well said "Momos and memories go together" Glad u liked the post, even I also want some momo. It's been a long time :) To be honest I don't like the momos out here in Bangalore. They are nothing as compared to Guwahati Momos :) Thanks for visiting out here Bushra!

  27. Complimentary soup felt like a Diwali bonus!! ROFL! What a comparison! The way you narrate the story I could actually visualize everything...I have never tried Momos, we don't get them here. But recently a new food joint has come up near my college.. I heard they serve Momos..I gottta try! :D

    A really nice post!

    1. Thanks Manju :) Glad U liked the post and the narration as well. U should definitely try out momo. Thanks for visiting out here Manju!

  28. You will find momo huts in every 100 meters of distance in ghy :)

    1. Very true Dhiru and almost every where acceptable taste :)

  29. Momos have become a popular snack all over India!

    1. Yes Anupama, momo is gaining popularity all over India!

  30. You do not have to accept but I would like to nominate you for the “Shine On” award. Hope to hear from you. If you choose not to just give me a “I’d Like to Pass on it” Thank you. It is a challenge I know. Here is my blog of the rules and my process I completed for accepting,

    1. Hey! Thank U so much for the award. I am really glad and it's an honor for me. Would definitely go through the rules. I'M so glad U read my blog :)

  31. Replies
    1. Haha :) I'M missing them since a long time :( Thanks for visiting out here Aativas !

  32. I continued relishing momos for atleast 10 days as my dinner after i first tasted it. Thanx 2 the momo wala :) but he shifted soon after :( These days i am a deprived soul

    1. Haha.. nice toknow Ur obsession with momo :) U should try at some other place, there would be many momo wala's now a days :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here dear!

  33. jahid Bhai, I hope u've tried momos in Shillong too.

    1. Yes dude :) I've tried momo in all places i traveled,including Shillong. But we're so much addicted to Guwahati momo, couldn't find anything like that any where else till now :)

  34. been eating momos since forever and given a choice between tea+ cigarette or momos... i will take the momos... :P it's very addictive and filling. the buff steamed ones are really the best esp with the timur chutney... i'm already drooling... think i might be having momos for dinner tonight

    1. Hehe.. Cezandra :) seems U are a true momo addict. We had so much momos all throughout our colege days. We couldn't think of anything else whenever we used to go out of hostel. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Cezandra !!

  35. Had never tried Momo's..but now that you compared it with Old Monk, am sure gonna make it a point to taste them soon..!!

    1. Aha! U never tried momo yet. But extremely delighted to know that U R an Old Monk fan. At least found someone of Ur kind, who could think and enjoy beyond wine and vodka :) :)

  36. I have had momos once but now have forgotten the taste. Will try making them but mine will be with a veggie filling.

    1. U should try it out Archana Ji. I don't like veg momos, but my veg friends really enjoys them :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here !!

  37. i did have momos at Momo Ghar... still remember the thrill of it..and first dig at pork momos.. it was around Rs 15 i guess.... and my favourite was at Chinese Hut ( near guwahati stadium) they would serve a bowl of soup .. and the prok momo plate was Rs 20 and chicken Rs 25 i think... so we used to settle for pork one and share it and shyly would ask for two bowls of soup... :-)

    1. Nice to know that U are an old momo player :) I also had at Chinese Hut few times but only after we passed out of college. During college days it was only Momo Ghor and one in Paltan Bazar, forgot the name. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Soma !!

  38. Perfect Momos !
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  39. First time here..u have a wonderful space with mouthwatering recipes and pics...Happy to follow you Visit mine as time permits...
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    1. Thanks Mona :) you got a nice space out there.

  40. Momos are real addictions! Though I prefer veg; its definitely some non-veg momos that lead to cravings!! Nice Post.
    Do drop by at CREATIKAA and checkout my posts on my Love (FOOD) -

    1. Yes, Momo is highly addictive. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot for dropping by, Divya :)

  41. Oh boy,this post reminded me of so many things! My sister has been a momo lover since childhood, God knows where she first had them (I suspect,in a school friend's lunch box :D). Ever since she started going to college and we would make any plan to go out,she would make sure to choose a restaurant where we would get momos. NOW, after 5 years of stuffing momos with her,I have ALSO become addicted :D Just great,isn't it.

    1. Nice to know both the sisters are momo fans :) so your sister inspired you with the momo. Yes, Momo is highly addictive. Thanks a lot for dropping by, Richa !!

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