
Sunday 14 July 2013

Bhushan, The Techie

When I was in my 3rd semester of Engineering, I somehow managed to convince my father to buy me a desktop computer and ultimately bought one with a Celeron processor. Being a Computer Science Student, I was under the assumption and expected to give enough quality time to the magic box in order to become a computer genius in the next 3 years. But other than programming, I learned hell lot of other useful stuffs. Like for instance, whenever I used to get information that some guy recently got a cool music collection, I usually used to remove the hard disk from my system and used to carry it to his room. Somehow I used to convince him to open up his box, connected my hard disk and stored all the songs in it. The pirated movie CD’s were of pathetic conditions that time, as they used to hang very frequently and most of the time we had to restart the system, Aaaah! that was damn irritating. But later we got to know about some software which was able to play those kinds of CD’s smoothly without the pain of restarting the system. I also had the knowledge about some software using which I was able to store any part of the movie instead of the entire movie. That turned out to be extremely useful, as disk space was very limited those days and most of the time it was a waste to copy the entire movie, especially those entertaining kind of movies. Similarly I learned many other useful things related to computers during my Engineering days.

In the initial 3rd semester days, few of the guys were quite serious about computers, including some of our immediate seniors and everyone wanted to learn a little bit of programming. Most of us didn't know the A,B,C,D of how that damn thing worked, so we decided to join one small and affordable computer institute. We asked the guys out there to teach us from scratch, including how to switch it on and off. We learned the basics out there, including some programming as well. We continued there for a month and I think some of us didn’t even paid the entire fees. On our first day in that institute, one of the guys gave us enough gyaan and encouraged us “It’s a silly damn thing, you guys would definitely pick up pretty fast”. It was a small institute and we were 8-10 guys from our hostel. There were 3-4 computers in a room and they were placed close to each other. Everyone was pretty much excited to press the keyboard and see some output on the screen. Some of us enjoyed the paint and brush game and tried hard to make some kind of cartoon. 

But Bhushan seemed to be little upset, as he typed something on the keyboard but that didn’t reflect on his monitor. He tried few more times and then commented "Bhaak Saala, Kharab Wala Keyboard Haame Mila, it seems we got the spoiled keyboard"

The very next moment Gullu Da, our immediate senior screamed "Abbe Bhushan, why the hell are you pressing my keyboard?" So Bhushan actually typed on a different keyboard and expected output on his monitor.

Within the next couple of months my room was glorified with a desktop and I used to protect it with password. One day I was not in my room and Bhushan was in mood to watch few glimpses of a movie which was stored in my system.  Bhushan asked Nair about my password and Nair replied that I never used to share password with him. Bhushan continued to bug him for a long time. Later when I came back to my room and as I typed my password, Bhushan tried really hard to concentrate. After successful authentication, Bhushan had his typical weird kind of smile on his face and he whispered on Nair ear "Abbe Nair, I got the password"

Nair was also excited and whispered "Wow! great Bhushan, so what is the password?"

Bhushan proudly and confidently replied "It’s very simple. His password is 5 star(*****)"

Bhushan was from Mechanical Branch and during those days non IT students usually didn't use to keep personal computers. But surprisingly during our 5th semester, Bhushan bought a desktop of his own. As expected, traffic to his room increased exponentially and Bhushan didn't like that much. One Sunday morning we were simply enjoying some kind of  chitchat at Bhushan’s room and Bhushan was getting ready, as he had to go somewhere. I asked for his password which he denied and asked us to leave, as he had to lock his room. I switched on his computer but couldn't log in. I tried few wild guesses but neither of them worked. I thought to have some fun and simply reduced the contrast and brightness of his monitor to minimum and the screen went totally dark and blank. Nair was also with me that time and I asked him not to tell Bhushan anything about it and came back to my room. 

After sometime, when Bhushan realized that there’s something wrong with his computer, he got very serious and immediately asked Nair "Abbe Madrasi, Kya kar diya mere computer ko? What the hell have you done to my computer?" 

Nair replied that he didn’t even touch his computer.

Bhushan replied "Zaroor us MC, Jahid ka kaam hoga, I'm sure Jahid would be behind this"

Bhushan came to my room and screamed "What have you done to my computer? I have to leave now, please rectify it immediately"

I replied "I haven’t done anything. You never shared your password and how could I do anything without logging into the system?"

Bhushan was not at all happy with my reply and went back to his room, murmuring something. Nair also had some good time with him and even suggested few bizarre  kind of reasons for the issue with his computer. Out of frustration, Bhushan came to my room for the second time and warned me about the dire consequences if I would have had done anything wrong with his system, but my reply was the same. The drama continued and after sometime I almost forgot about the incident and enjoyed some music in my room. After about almost two hours, Bhushan suddenly came to my room and he looked very happy and said "What you had thought? I’m not a Computer Engineer, so I wouldn’t be able to know what you did to my monitor."

I replied "So, ultimately you got to know. Who gave you the solution? It must be Nair?"

Bhushan gave his usual weird kind of smile and said "Samajhta kya hai be? Tereko kya lagta hai ki mujhe kuch nahi pata?  What you guys think? That Bhushan is an ass hole?"


  1. memories make up for Monday blues

    Sounds like fun days

    1. Thanks Sugandha, glad U liked the post. Yups, those were fun days :)

  2. college times are always fun... Infact m remembering my days in college on my blog. :))

    1. Yes dude, college days are always fun. Gone through Ur blog and found some interesting stuffs.

  3. Brought a lot of old memories back - those were some days!

    1. Glad this post refreshed Ur good old memories. Thanks for visiting out here Abhra!

  4. A very nice post

    1. Thanks Swathi :) Glad U liked the post. Thanks for visiting out here!

  5. hope Bhushan dn't read this post........... :))

    1. Haha I wish Bhushan read this post :)

  6. Funny one Jahid :) College days are unforgettable. Can you pls translate the last quote said by Bhushan ? I don't know hindi :(

    1. Thanks Sushmitha :) Yes, college days are unforgettable. Glad U liked the post.
      The last quote by Bhushan "What U guys think about me? Do U guys think that I'M a duffer and don't know anything?" :) :)

    2. Ha ha :) fine. Thanks for the translation Jahid :)

  7. Glad to know this incident.....can you tell me from which college have you done your engineering and the year in which this incident took place?

    This incidents are always good to remember.

    Technology News

    1. Hi dude, I studies in Assam Engineering college, a state Engg college of Assam. The incident was in the year year 1999-2000. Glad U liked the post. Thanks for visiting out here!

  8. A typical college saga, reminds you of Chetan Bhagat's book.

    1. Haha Vimala :) U are mentioning a big name. Thanks for visiting out here!

  9. Good one! Loved every bit of it. :)

    1. Thanks dude :) Glad U enjoyed the post!

  10. college days are great. the best time of our life.

    1. Absolutely correct, college days were the best time of our life. Thanks for visiting out here Bharati!

  11. Nice post and Bhushan looks an interesting charector

    1. Bhushan was the most interesting character of our hostel and lot more Bhushan posts to come in this blog :) Glad U liked the post!

  12. Bhushan seems a crazy delightful character!

    1. Yes Rachna Ji :) He was the most entertaining character during our college days. Thanks for visiting out here!

  13. What I an really keen is knowing if the Bhaak Saala guy Bushan belongs to my own native place Bihar. some imaginary Bon homie gets established instantaneously with local words like these. One confession though...pressing the wrong keyboard and expecting results...this sounds familiar to me...I am facing lots of these with my new gizmos...hahaha
    U see the connection now of the bonhomie...more to do with behaviour than anything else.

    1. Haha Shivani :) U R absolutely correct. Bhushan is originally from Bihar and did his schooling from a remote place in Bihar. He's an extremely hilarious and down to earth kind of person, the most interesting person of our hostel. Have many more Bhushan stories to tell :)

  14. I too have Bhushan types of friends and I love them simply for their simplicity and ignorance. It was damn hilarious bro.

    1. Thanks Neo, glad U liked the post. Yes, we're blessed to have such kind of friends!

  15. It was quiet nostalgic... I went back to my engineering hostel memories,,, Cheers

    1. Hello Vijay!
      Glad U liked the post and could refresh Ur Engg hostel memories. Thanks for visiting out here dude!

  16. 'Abbe Madrasi, kya kar dya mere computer ko' Just like people here refer everyone else apart from their South Indian States as 'Narth Indians', we also used to refer every South Indian as 'Madrasi'.. Funny eh..

    1. Haha.. every South Indian is a Madrasi :) Glad U liked the post!
