
Thursday 23 May 2013

The Classy Heaven

Quite often we notice examples of bench marking all around us. Standards exist in every sphere of life and they are pretty much used as reference points. Let’s say a college going guy, also let us consider that he use to play good cricket, but his batting style is quite defensive. His friends might say that he's their "Rahul Dravid". If any girl is extremely bold, fearless and could literally take on any damn person, people might say "she’s our Jhansi Ki Rani". Presently in Bollywood there’s some kind of a benchmark and nobody is anywhere near to him. Excuse me, it’s certainly not the so called King,  I am talking about Aamir Khan. 

During my school days, we used to have a few "Shakuntala Devi’s" among us. Reference points could be either local or global and people use then accordingly, depending upon the gravity of the situation. Few days back, I got to read a fabulous story "Bill gates of Small Town" by Saru. Well, there would be countless, similar kind of examples and people across the globe, literally use them quite often. People have set standards for tourist places as well. In fact, there are different reference points for different kind of places. For rain forests, Amazon is the classic benchmark and Switzerland is often used as a point of reference for some some of the exotic hill station across the world.

There are so many fascinating hill stations and each of them would certainly feel a glow of pride, whenever people use to compare them with the mother of all hill stations and usually refer them as say, "Switzerland of India, Switzerland of the East, etc" As I have never been to Switzerland, so I sometimes wonder "what’s so special about that place?" Well, we have our very own Ladakh, out here in India. But whenever I use to view Switzerland in one of those Travel channels, or whenever I have the opportunity to see it's photographs, I simply remain silent and wonder "how could there be a such a place on this planet?"

Many of my friends visited Switzerland and whenever they upload their Swiss photographs in social networking sites, I use to feel little jealous :), yet so mesmerizing. Next month, one of my friend is getting married and he already planned his Honeymoon in Switzerland.

Wow! Switzerland Honeymoonit would certainly be a dream come true for both of them and they could cherish the wonderful Swiss moments for their entire life.There's no doubt that Switzerland is the most hottest honeymoon destination.

The way tourism industry evolved globally over the last decade, gone are the days when Switzerland Tourism was considered only for the rich and the famous. In this pretty competitive market, travel giants like MakeMyTrip, usually come up with attractive packages year after year. Switzerland is quite an adventure tourist destination and MakeMyTrip have some exciting, as well as affordable and adventurous kind of Switzerland packages. Now a days, even the middle class people could very well experience the genuine heaven, it just require little bit of planning and determination.

Switzerland is one of my dream destinations. Let Jia grow up a bit and we would definitely visit this Classy Heaven one day.


  1. Replies
    1. I am glad U liked the post. Thanks for visiting out here!

  2. yes of course the swiss alps are worth the travel any day. A wonderful and beautiful post :)


    1. It seems u already visited Swiss. I am glad U enjoyed the post :) Also congratulation for the Leibster award!

  3. Someday I am also planning a Visit there. . . :)

    1. Nice to that:) It's a dream destination for many of us. Thanks for visiting out here!

  4. I didn't know that Switzerland was a favoured honeymoon destination for Indians. In Australia, most people go to Thailand or Bali for their honeymoon. I guess they want somewhere hot and tropical.

    1. Yes Carlyn, Switzerland is quite popular honeymoon destination out here. Gr8 to know that the Aussies hot and tropical. Thailand and Bali is really exotic!

  5. It is indeed a great place. They should thank Yash Chopra for popularizing their country here in India. :)

    1. Haha :) very true, They should thank Yash Chopra for that!

  6. was wondering if MakeMyTrip offered you a Swiss package for this post of yours...

    1. Haha.. Meghana :) That would have been so nice. I wish they give me such reward!

  7. Yes my dream is visiting the Swiss alps too, apart from Paris, Venice and Rome :)

    1. U have a long list :) Thanks for visiting out here!

  8. And some classy pictures with a good write! :-)

    1. Thank U so much Mr Rakesh. I am so glad that u found it interesting!

  9. Love your blog. Have an award to pass on to you. Please collect it here Happy blogging!

    1. Thank U so much Sakshi :) I am so glad u like my blog. Congratulation for Ur Leibster award. It's a pleasure and an honor to receive such an award. I am extremely delighted that U nominated my blog for the award. Thank U so much!

  10. Seems like u ll tempt millions to head to Switzerland and burn a whole in the pocket...Ha ha . Good one bro !

    1. U are correct Neo, Switzerland trip would burn ur pocket :) I am glad U liked the post bro !

  11. We Indians are enamored by anything foreign. See them gobbling up heartattack-in-a-burger from mcdonalds that everyone everywhere is moving away from!
    Switzerland sure looks like a great place and even I want to go there once. But the Himalayas a gorgeous as well. I went there as a 13 yr old, and I still remember every sight vividly after more than 15 years! There are many pristine spots in India, but tourism needs to make them more available.

    1. Very correct Chaitanyavs, We enamored by anything foreign. Be it heartattack-in-a-burger from mcdonalds or KFC, although we already have hell lot of heartattack-in desi stuffs. Or be it Hollywood movies, in spite of having Bollywood. Himalayas is too gorgeous and exotic, it attracts tourists across the world. Don't forget the exotic North East. Yes, tourism needs to make them more available. But Swiss also look so fascinating :)

  12. Yes, SWISS is one of most beautiful and romantic places to be... Longing to visit it soon. :)

    1. Very true Hetal. It's one of those dream destinations. Me too longing to visit it soon. :)

  13. Switzerland is one of the places I long to visit, lovely post :D

    1. Switzerland attracts tourist across the globe. Wish to visit some day :) I am glad U liked the post. Thanks for visiting out here!

  14. Lovely post Jahid :) I wish to go there. As you said I have heard much about Switzerland and my friends too keep on speaking about it. Awesome pictures. Thanks for mentioning my favorite cricketer (Rahul Dravid) name here ;)

    1. Thank U so much Sushmitha :) It's one of those dream destinations. Don't worry U would visit there very soon :) Good to see such a die hard fan of the great wall!

  15. Interesting one :) Your post reminds me of my visit to a place called 'Khajiar' in Himachal. I was surprised to know that it is called 'The Mini Switzerland of India'.They say that Khajiar is one of those locations in the world that bear topographical resemblance with Switzerland.Believe me it is beautiful indeed!

    1. Thank a lot Shwets :) HP is such a nice place to visit. There are many mini Switzerland's across the world :) Nice to know about Khajiar, seems to be a fascinating place to visit. Thanks for visiting out here and for ur beautiful comment!

  16. Hey! I am following you now, can you follow me too?

    Xs, Neja

    1. Thanks Neja for Ur friendly gesture.I would definitely do that!

  17. Well written Post Jahid!

    1. Thank U so much Swati. I am glad U liked the post. Thanks for visiting out here!

  18. It has a timeless charm aftr all.....well written....nice pics

    1. Thanks Ritesh. I am so glad U liked the post. Well, pictures are from google images :)

  19. I have lived in Switzerland for a year and after a while the beauty that I fell in love with in my initial days there appeared clinical. The trees, the snow and the sun rays all appear to be so well mannered and in their place compared to the wild beauty of the Himalayan ranges in India.

    1. You have an interesting ID :) U are extremely fortunate to live in the Heaven for a whole year. U are correct, the Himalayan ranges are very exotic and connectivity is not there every where. Also people turned some of the Himalayan ranges in hell. Thanks for visiting out here!

  20. Yes i agree with you, recently i visited a place called panchgani (Ravine Hotel) in India and locals used to tell me this is Switzerland of Maharashtra, even i did not found any similarity, panchgani was Rain Forest ... lol.

    1. Haha Sofia :) Panchgani is beautiful and there are many such mini Switzerland's across the globe :) Thanks U so much for visiting out here!

  21. Its really nice blog..Thanks for sharing..

    2014 Switzerland Holidays

    1. Thanks Rebeka :) glad you liked this blog !!
