
Monday 18 March 2013

Fake Experience, Part-2

Fake Experience, Part-1

I knew one HR quite well, through a common friend and he worked for a reputed software company that time. One weekend, we were simply enjoying the evening and at some  point, someone started a similar kind of topic and he asked the HR guy, how they usually deal with guys who used to show fake experience? He said that they don't verify much, other than some telephonic verification. From telephonic verification I remember one incident, this time it’s about a different friend and he had to show some fake experience in order to get his first job. Come on… it’s not that terrible thing, it's just like showing fake medical bills or fake HRA. For the first time when my friend visited one agency which provided fake experience, he was quite surprised to see how they managed such tremendous things from a tiny room, with 2 desktop computers and two land-line phones. There was one smart and attractive lady out there, who looked like a receptionist, but she was also the HR for the outside world. On the first visit itself, my friend was very much impressed with that lady, as he noticed how smartly she handled the verification calls. 

Now, the HR person I was talking about, played a simple but quite effective trick, on candidates who had experience from some unknown and doubtful companies. Just before typing the offer letter, he usually used to call them and casually used to ask "Actually, everything is finalized and in fact, I can send you the offer letter right now. But the requirement is very urgent and we need someone who could join immediately, within a week. If you can join within a week, just give me a call, latest by tomorrow and I would send you the offer letter"

That was an extremely difficult, tricky and emotional kind of situation for all such guys, kind of "Dharam Sankaat". Even though few of the candidates, might have doubted the HR's trick, but eventually most of them broke down and used to call him to confirm that they could join in a week’s time. The HR guy was very sure that  it's almost impossible for a genuinely experienced candidate to get relieved in a week’s time and he usually used to reject such candidates.

After struggling for a few months, my friend got a job in a company and they outsourced him to a well known company, but in a different city. He joined that company and initially he was not very confident but within a few days, he managed it quite well. After a couple of years he switched his job and joined a different company. Days passed by and after about a year, one day a new guy joined their team. My friend was one of the senior team members that time and he introduced himself to the new guy and asked him about his experience. My friend was totally amused to hear that the guy had 2 years of experience from a company which not only sounded familiar to him, but in fact, the name knocked bang on his head. 

My friend asked "Is your company in Bangalore?"

The guy replied "Yes, in Bangalore"

My friend: "Is it in Koramangala?"

The guy: "Yes, it’s in Koramangala"

My friend "Is it near one abandoned park?"

The guy looked little nervous and replied "Yes, Sir"

My friend: "Is the lady out there …"

The guy interrupted in between. He was extremely nervous, but still managed a sweet smile on his face and said "Please sir, please don’t ask me all these questions"

My friend understood his feelings and in fact, he could easily relate to that guy. He didn’t bother him any further and simply said "work hard dude and you need to perform well out here"


  1. When you have been through something, only then you can really understand what does it mean to others! :)

  2. Fake medical bills and fake HRA! i Swear do they do that too?! Nice post:)

  3. I too have a close friend who got in with fake experience but was later asked to leave as he got caught at the initial stage itself. But he has made it big now. Your post is also very helpful for needy job seekers who are just a good job away but for experience.

    1. Nice to know that Ur friend made it bigger now :) I am glad U found my post to be helpful for someone in any way :)

  4. Hmm.. This is a bit extreme fake(wrt HRA & Medical bills). But for jobs, well, all's fair in love and war! :)

    1. Very correct dude, all's fair in love and war! :)

  5. Jahid, i admire your simplicity and the way you write... Nice post on fake experience !

    1. Thank U so much dear. I am glad U liked the post!

  6. always love the way you make incidents so interesting and worth reading in a go

    very nice writeup Jahid

    1. Thanks Rajni Ji. U always encourage me to write more :)

  7. one more interesting read on fake experience.. good post Jahid.

    1. Thanks U so much dear. I am glad U enjoyed both the posts on Fake Experience :)

  8. Can you believe it that something similar happened to me in my first job. I had shown a fake experience and there was a guy who had said that he had worked previously in the same company. All the other guys in office that we were ex-colleagues. I have removed the fake experience now from my resume as it's too risky :)

    1. Wow! Prasanna, you are bold enough to talk about ur fake experience out here :) So, U could relate to the post quite well :) You have done the right thing by removing the fake part from ur resume.

  9. u really have got skills to write man... why the hell u never scribbled in our college magazine... but tell me one thing jahid which i too used to think in my early days... how to get experience if no one is ready to give u a job...

    1. Hehe Nair, bolte hai dhoondne se khuda bhi mil jata hai and you couldn't find how to get fake experience? :) Dil se dhoondo to sab kuch aakhoon ke saamne hoga :)

  10. Some of the best employees I have had over the years lied and totally fabricated their work experience! I remember one guy who dropped his tape measure from a two story building just so it would be used and I might think he had more experience than he had.

    1. Hello Sir, long time. Nice to see ur comment out here. How U doing? Yeah, fabricating work experience is pretty common :)

  11. Putting fake experience on resume can be a tricky business and a lot of pain for the project/team that gets stuck with the person for the next few months - especially if the person is not good at his work and the project is on a strict deadline. As for the person doing it, it's a risky move that could potentially end up messing the rest of the career because much as our population is booming, people are getting closer through social media like LinkedIn and stuff. Employers do also browse through Facebook and LinkedIn profiles so it's mucheasier now to review someone's professional history. And once an ethical issue is reported, word gets around. Interesting post.

    1. Yeah Deepa, it can be painful for critical project. In today's world of social media,I think HR wouldn't have to take much of a tension :) Thanks a lot for visiting.

  12. Never knew this goes on.But see it takes a fake to catch a fake & he is kind to him too!

    1. Yeah Indu Ji, it takes a fake to catch a fake :)

  13. That was a nice read. You have brought out the realities of the job scene today. However, the percentage of fake experience holders who do really well later must be miniscule. If they are that smart, they should have landed a job then and there right? Faking implies desperation.

    1. Thanks Malini. It is absolutely correct "Faking implies desperation" but some people say that desperation brings the real rock star out of U :) Thanks for visiting Malini!

    2. excellently put "desperation brings the real rock star out of U". I'll preserve the quote remember that for a long long time.

  14. And what is wrong with someone who can join an organization immediately? If the person is unemployed at the time, he can join the next day without a problem. That doesn't mean he doesn't have experience. Go ahead, make fun of people who are desperate for work. I can understand that people embellish their experience, in these difficult times it's the only way to get a job. Have you read some of the ridiculous demands organizations make? Two can play that game. If organizations were more genuine, applicant would be more honest. Shame on you for discrediting people who WANT to work. Would you prefer if the leaned on the state for unemployment or welfare?

    1. Hi Conny,

      Of course, if the person is unemployed at the time, he can join the next day without any problem. But usually HR doesn't prefer such candidates and I can't do anything on that :) I am totally confused on why you felt that I am discrediting people who want to work. Many of my good friends did the same, so how can I discredit my own friends? I usually write about some unforgettable moments which I and some people connected to me have experienced. I think you might have taken it a little more personally. Anyways thanks for visiting my space and really appreciate your comment.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I am actually looking for experience in SAP basis as consultant for 3 years of my gap.kindly guide me how to choose consultancy

  15. Is it really true that the HR won't hire people who can work immediately. Now I can tell why they didn't call me, but the job I applied didn't require any experience. fresh gradute also can apply and i didn't lie anything. But there's something on my mind, I learn accounting and if I don't have any experience, there is no way they hire me. I missed the chance to work as entry-level accountant when I just graduated 10 months ago because I had to help out my family. No experience, no work - but I want to work. I have once thought about giving them fake experiences because I beleive in my knowledge about accounting (I helped my friends when they had problems at work and I also join websites about accounting and answer questions the members asked there), but I didn't dare. Now, I don't know what to do, I have tried. or is it because the way I talked didn't make people have faith on me. Right now, I almost have doubt on my ability. I lost confident.

    1. Hey Dude, keep trying and please don't loose confidence. It's just a matter of time. In do or die kind of situation, I think, one can take certain steps, if it doesn't harm anybody. Thanks for visiting dear and wish you all the best.

  16.,you rock!..bangalore,kormangla=memorable days for me too there..still remember wandering around there to find a placed called "water tank".

    1. Glad U enjoyed the post Rohit and could refresh Ur good old memories. Thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!

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