
Wednesday 13 March 2013

Fake Experience, Part-1

Everyone is not fortunate enough to have a job in hand, before they pass out of college.  On-campus recruitment varies from college to college. There are many engineering colleges in India where the term "Campus Placement" is a kind of alien to the students, as well as for the faculty out there. Forget about such colleges, even many students from well known Engineering colleges also miss the campus recruitment drive and the situation gets little ugly during recession time. 

After passing out, many of the fresher’s usually would be little late, on their act of job hunt. Some of them would be confused about which career to choose? By the time they  ultimately decide to start their career in software field, the next fresher’s batch would almost be ready for the market. Some fortunate ones would manage to get a job within a few months, but many others would  simply have to keep on trying.  After few more months they realize that they are no longer fresher’s anymore and it could be quite difficult for them to get a job, as a fresher.

But no problem, the market is very huge and quite diverse.  There are some companies agencies which provide fake experience. They usually operate from a tiny office with 2-3 employees and they literally have all the “Jugaars” necessary formalities.  They have proper website and they provide their clients with  pay slip, employee ID card, relieving letter, experience certificate and even form 16, but I think one need to pay a little extra for that. 

Now, in order to show one or two years of fake experience is definitely not an easy job. One would have to work really hard and should prepare themselves day and night, for several months. To be honest, within a few months, they acquire much more knowledge than their friends, who already working in big MNC’s, doing their regular work in office and chilling out most of the time. After giving a few interviews as a lateral, the fake experience guys usually would be damn confident and in fact, they would usually be happy, as the selection procedure for laterals (1-2 years experience) is much easier than the fresher’s. Now, the HR have a tough job ahead, as they have to do some sort of background verification of the employees they recruit. For many companies, specially companies who outsource their employees, the HR doesn't bother much, as the candidate cleared all the technical rounds and The HR usually would have a good deal. I have few good friends, who went through such kind of phase.

I remember one incident, as narrated by my good friend. He had to show some fake experience that time and was getting hell lot of interview calls. He acquired an in depth knowledge in java language and even done few java certifications. He already started to clear few of the technical rounds, in most of the companies he went for interview. To be honest, he was just a step away from a challenging job in hand. One day he got a call from HR, of one of the top software company. The HR lady talked in general and asked him about his current project and about the organization, he worked for. Some company HR's usually treat such candidates with some kind of suspicion, as they are completely unaware of the company, the candidate works for.

I am simply putting some parts of the conversation between my friend and the HR lady.

HR:  "Tell me about your company? Do you have office only in India?"

My friend was little confused as said "Our head office is in US and we have a development center out here in Bangalore"

HR: "So, it’s an MNC?"

My friend said with full confidence "Yes, it’s an MNC"

HR:  "How many employees you have in India and in US?"

My friend replied "We have around 100 employees in India and in US, I think around 200 employees"

HR: "Aha! that’s great. I wouldn't take much of your time and would like to brief you about the job description. Are you at office now?"

Without much of thinking, my friend said "Yes, I am at office now".

My friend was actually at his house that time and as the HR was briefing him about the job description, all of a sudden my friend’s heart beats accelerated, when a fruit hawker passed nearby his house and he almost peeped through his open window and screamed "Aaapple Aaapple"

There was some kind of silence over the phone for a while. My friend realized his mistake and thought he shouldn't have told that he was at office that moment. After some time, the HR continued with her discussion and she tried to explain him about the interview procedure. Suddenly and almost like a nightmare, my friend’s pressure cooker started to whistle mercilessly. There was a pin drop silence over the phone and he instantly rushed to the kitchen and switched off the gas. My poor friend didn't have any words in his mouth, that moment and simply waited for her reply.

After a while she replied "OK then, I will send your CV to the technical panel and if it gets short listed,  I would get back to you" My friend thought "I don’t think she would ever get back to me"


  1. hey i have added you on google followers, add my site too......... thanks

    1. Thanks Mukhtiar Bhai :) I would surely do that!

  2. Replies
    1. Hehe Neo :) I am sorry but he never got a callback!

  3. Now I have to wait for the next installment :D

    1. Hehe Mridula :) Would like to write about few more such incidents.

  4. m sure ur friend went through much more fun.. :)

    1. Yes yes Ratul :) He went through much more fun :)

  5. That person is now in US working in MNC :-)

    1. Yes Dhiru :) In US since a long time and busy counting his dollars now a days :)

  6. Nice one :)

    Congratulations !!! Your blog has just won the Liebster award :) you are one among others :) For more details do check the link in my blog and follow the instructions :) Keep blogging !!

    1. Thanks Sushmitha. Congratulation for your Liebster award. Thanks U so much for nominating my blog for the award. I am really delighted and feel honored.

    2. Waiting for your answers !!!

    3. Sure Sushmitha :) Please give me some time.

  7. Nice story. We often put up fake info in interviews, even the interviewer knows about it. No one can be too honest. Nice read! :)

    1. You are absolutely correct Pradyumna. The interviewer also give interviews sometimes :)

  8. that got escalated very quickly,

    1. Hehe Utkarsh :) Thanks for visiting dude!

  9. good one Jahid , waiting for next one.

    Travel India

  10. hahaha..nice post :)

  11. Hahaha..that's funny! He could have simply told " I am at home today, down with fever". Would have added a bit of sympathy angle to it as well :)

    1. Yeah Arnab, he should have told like that. He must have thought that if he would say he's in office then she might not ask hell lot of questions :) I think he such said casually and was unaware of the consequences.

  12. He could have said he is working from home!

    1. That was the best option :) That moment he casually said that he'sis office. My friend acted smartly after that incident :)

  13. all that pain for nothing! and add to that the embarrassment, if there was any, i mean!

    1. Hehe :) in do or die kind of situation, one doesn't think of embarrassment and all :) Thanks for visiting!

  14. Enjoyed reading the post :))
    You have a nice blog, so glad I've visit.

    1. Thank U so much Ruprekha :) I am glad U liked my blog. Thanks for visiting!

  15. interesting and my question is the same as Saru singhal's did he get the job?

    1. Not that one Rajni :) Later he got much better job and since last 3-4 years he's in US.

  16. Interesting... let me continue with the 2nd episode now.. wonder is it going to be the continuity or another new episode of fake experience :-)

    1. Thanks. Hehe :) next one is a new episode

  17. Ask your friend (I think you are your friend) to buy an electric cooker .

  18. hahah.. merciless pressure cooker and vendor.. how will they understand the plight of a man lying so confidently?
    a must read one.. I enjoyed a lot reading this one..

    1. Thanks Swati :) Glad U enjoyed reading the post. Yes, merciless pressure cooker !!

  19. Well, when you are taking sides with lie, you have to more cunning than truth. I guess it wasn't his lucky day. :)

    1. Yes, U'r correct, with lie one have to be more cunning than truth :) That was definitely not one of his lucky day. Thanks a lot for visiting out here Namrata !!

  20. first of all you are managing your blog very well i appreciate that...
    i am 2012 passout still dint get any job ... so my question from u "If i go for fake experience letter to get a job what pros and cons it have" i will be thankful if you help me with that and...
    if you are not comfortable publicly then pls send me a mail to help me out ...
    my mail id is "" thanks a lot ...

    1. Thanks Rohit :) glad U liked my blog. U'r 2012 passout and I suggest you keep trying genuinely. It's not very late for you. Such steps should be the last resort I think :) I wish you all the best !!

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