
Saturday 23 February 2013

My Friend Mustaque, Part-1

My good friend Mustaque, wow!  he was quite a character in hostel. He was very funny, but his funny character was little known to him, as he pretended to be serious most of the time. Mustaque was basically from Manipur and was quite religious kind of person, in his own ways though. He was an extremely good cook and we witnessed him creating some kind of a miracle, literally out of nothing, except those potato and tomatoes   He was quite well known for his horrible concepts in mathematics. Prior to engineering, he was a student of humanity and was very much interested in literature, politics and enjoyed reading magazines. He joined engineering as his father wanted him to become an engineer. Usually, religious people don’t like me much because of my atheist kind of attitude. In my life I encountered many such people, who used to influence me to go for the Friday afternoon prayer and every time, it was quite difficult for me to deal with such a situation. 

But Mustaque was little different, but even he also used to challenge my atheism and my distrust in religion sometimes, usually when he used to have few extra pegs. To be honest, I was actually delighted to encounter such kind of  a religious guy. Out of curiosity I asked him on one occasion "Dude, what kind of religious person are you? I mean you are totally drunk and you are giving me religious funda’s."

Mustaque smiled and responded with his usual list of slang "Dude, you should worship from your heart and religion has nothing to do with consuming alcohol"

Mustaque was also quite well known for his typical pronunciation. Most of my hostel friends would definitely remember one incident during our initial first semester days. Mustaque’s branch was Mechanical and we had a huge mechanical gang in hostel. Usually guys from same hostel used to sit together in class room. The professor wanted to note down each and every student’s roll number in his register.  Mustaque patiently waited for his turn, to speak loudly his roll number. When it was his turn, Mustaque murmured "Chabban Chabban Chabban"

The professor couldn’t understand him and said "Please speak clearly, what is your roll number?"

That time Mustaque responded "Tippne Chabban"

The professor made some weird kind of expression and said "what the hell are you saying?"

Nair seated beside Mustaque and he clarified "Sir, it’s actually 777"

Nair was my roommate and his roll number was 786 and Mustaque was extremely excited with Nair’s roll number. Mustaque used to say that Nair got God’s own number and nobody could stop him from becoming topper. He used to say Nair "You don’t have to study hard dude, you have God’s number with you and you would do well in all the exams"


  1. I agree with your friend that religion comes from the heart and has little to do with alcohol...

  2. Replies
    1. Nair was always a topper :) He may not topped officially but he was extraordinarily talented!

  3. you must really have loved your college days --that is why you can narrate such incidents so interestingly and with so much affection

    1. You are absolutely correct. College days were the golden days and we enjoyed so much. Thanks for ur lovely comment :)

  4. Nice read :-D What does 'chabban' mean? :\

  5. It took me a while to understand Tippne Chabban... :)
    Mustaque reads your blog?

    1. I wish Mustaque read my blog :) Not sure, not in contact since a long time.

  6. Can we smoke while praying - Answer: No

    Can we pray while smoking - Answer: You can pray all the time no matter what you are doing
    Moral: It all depends on perspective, Religion truly comes from heart.

    1. Yeah, religion truly comes from heart. But, what to do? "Ye dil hai ki maanta nahi" :)

  7. Good post! but what does tipne chabban mean?

  8. It was awesme reading.. Loved Mustaque. I love manipuri guys. They r always so jovial

    1. Yeah, they are very jovial. I am glad U liked the post and loved Mustaque :)

  9. Lovely post- brought back memories of my own engineering days- unforgettable days and even more unforgettable friends! Your friend Mushtaque sounds too sweet!

    1. Thank U so much. I am so glad that this post reminded of ur golden engineering days. Yeah, Mustaque was really sweet :)

  10. nicely narrated, like I know Mustaque in person. Also, I love the way his name is spelled. Usually its a little different. And 786 roll number? dude Nair really was lucky!

    Defiant Princess

    1. Thank U so much Princess. I am glad U liked the post. Yeah, Nair was really lucky to have such a roll number :)

  11. Its nice to read you...some moments of life are really school and college days...

    1. Thank U so much dear. Yeah, some moments are quite unforgettable!

  12. He he.. an interesting character indeed.

  13. :) he seems like a jolly good fellow..hope he doesnt mind :P

    Padmapriya T S

    1. Hehe... I don't think Mustaque would mind that :)

  14. college days..for sure unforgettable..your friend seems to be a sweet person..keep sharing..

    1. Yeah, those days are so unforgettable. Thanks for visiting!

  15. tipne chabban.. haha.. what a pronunciation :D lovely read jahid.

  16. he he he.. i was like the amitabh bachan in Dewar.. billa no. 786..

    1. Haha Nair :) Did billa no. 786 ever helped you in any way?

  17. i don't know.. but somehow i scored a distinction.. so i don't want to break mustaque's belief as well. he he he

    1. Hehe that's gr8. What is distinction by the way? :)

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