
Friday 1 February 2013

How I met Anjali - 4

Even though I was quite happy, but was also little confused. Since it would have been a disaster for me, if I would have met Anjali within the college campus, so we decided to meet near the University post office, far enough from the college premises. The previous night I thought to discuss with someone, who was little experienced with girls. My intention was just to get some tips out of him. The immediate name that came to my head was Sabine, who was actually a veteran in the concerned field. By that time, Sabine already knew about my secret phone calls and I said to him casually that the next day I would meet her. Like some of my other friends who knew about that, Sabine was not very excited to hear that. It seemed, it was kind of normal thing for him and he said to me "Oh! that’s great, all the best and have fun dude"

I said to him "actually I am telling you so that you could give me some tips"

Sabine smiled and said “You don’t need any tips dude and on the contrary, you should give us some tips”

But I still remember, Sabine advised me on one thing and said "Since you are going to meet her for the first time, you shouldn't take any risk and be little cautious"

"What kind of risk are you talking about?"

Sabine said "Nothing yaar. You don't know, girls are really smart these days. You never know, she might come along with her gang and it could be a kind of enjoyment for them, as you would be waiting like a cow out there. They could even plan something more mischievous."

Sabine suggested me not to wait exactly at the same place, instead he advised me to wait somewhere nearby, so that I could watch her their moves. I was totally confused and wondered “Aisa bhi hota hai?" as such things were beyond my imagination, but considering his experience, I couldn't have completely neglected Sabine's advice.

I and Anjali, planned to meet in the afternoon and I went to that place a bit earlier. She was supposed to wear a blue shirt and as already discussed, I was wearing a black T-shirt with a big dragon printed on it. I didn't have lunch yet, as it was quite early for me to have lunch that time. I took Sabine's advice a little seriously and waited at a different place but close to the post office. I was on the other side of the main road and constantly looked for her. I was little nervous and already finished a couple of cigarettes. Finally the clock ticked but she was still not anywhere within my visibility range. I waited for another 10-15 minutes but I couldn't see any girl with a blue shirt, near the post office. I thought, she must be somewhere nearby and constantly starring at the post office gate, in the same way I was doing. I was so much thankful to Sabine that moment and wondered about the consequences, if  I wouldn't have discussed with him, the previous night.

I felt so bad but was little happy too and thought "at least I didn't fall into her trick" All that was going through my head and then all of a sudden I saw a girl with a blue shirt, in a rickshaw. The rickshaw stopped near the post office and the girl got down there. She waited there and I constantly watched her moves. After a few minutes, I crossed the main road and approached towards her. She was wearing specs, with a chain attached to it and she had braces fixed to her teeth. She looked pretty cute in her typical specs chain and I could breathe a little easily, as she didn't look taller than me.

I asked her "Anjali?"

She replied "Yes, you are Jahid?" 

I smiled and said "yes" She started to laugh and  screamed "where the hell were you?"

We talked for a while and I just wanted to disappear from that place, as I had noticed  few familiar faces out there. I asked her if we could go to the city, may be to a restaurant. She was OK with the idea and we entered inside a bus. Here I would like to write the Anjali's version of the incident and she narrated this to many of her, as well as my friends. She used to say that as soon as I entered that bus, I looked for a seat and when I noticed a window seat, I pushed her a bit to take the window seat for myself and then asked her to sit beside me. Even though, I always enjoyed window seat but I seriously doubt that I did something like that.

We headed towards the city , but unfortunately we entered the wrong kind of bus. It was the kind of bus where there was separate seating arrangement for ladies. Very soon the bus got crowded and the conductor asked Anjali to better occupy a lady's seat and all of a sudden, she changed her seat and was no longer seated beside me. After almost an hour, we reached Silpukhuri and we got down there. We went to a restaurant, but she said that she already had her lunch. Actually they used to have early lunch at their hostel. I ordered some food for me and a juice for her.She said to me "You talk so much over the phone, but now you seem to be little different" After food, we came out of the restaurant and I lighted a cigarette. Even now a days, Anjali used to say to my friends that I intentionally passed my cigarette smoke towards her, that moment. Now, why the hell I would do that? Poor smoke, would simply go wherever the mighty wind would take her to.

She said she is tired and would like to go back to her hostel. We took a bus from there and on the way we didn't talk much. After an hour, the bus stopped near her hostel and she got down. We didn't say anything special that moment, except for the usual goodbye.After sometime, I reached my hostel and went inside my room. I lied down in my bed and was very restless and kind of confused. I was happy and also quite upset, may be I had too much expectation for the day. I thought, she must have found me quite boring and would never meet me again. First time, she met me only because I wanted to meet her once. Why the hell she would meet me again? All that was going through my head and I had no idea when I went to sleep. In the evening when I woke up, I was not in a very good mood and was quite upset.

I called Anjali in the evening and said "It must be a real boring day for You?"

She said "No. In fact, it was quite interesting"

I said "You don't have to lie to me. It's OK"

She said "It's not like that, I am quite open and always speak the truth. You are a very interesting person"

Immediately I replied "OK, if I am so interesting, then definitely we can meet again"

She laughed on that and asked me not to play with her words, but some how she couldn't deny our next encounter. Everyone remember their first date or whatever we name it, but my second experience with Anjali is much more memorable.

Next Part


  1. Wow i have d privilege to comment first. Dude but second dates are the best dates i personally feel. First dates are more of an anxiety and speculative ones. Eager to read the next one.

    1. Thanks Neo. Yes, U are correct, 2nd encounter usually is much better :)

  2. This series is getting really interesting. keep it coming!

    1. Thanks U so much. I am so glad U are interested in the series!

  3. Wow....nice and quite interesting...:)


  4. Replies
    1. Will try to write it soon :) Thanks for visiting!

  5. im kind of liking this story :)

    1. Very much delighted to know that :) Thanks for reading dude!

  6. quite an engrossing series.. looking forward to more episodes.. :-)

    1. Thank U so much. I am very much delighted :)

  7. Hi Jahid,

    Ahh, I see, phone and in-person can be totally different situations altogether. I can imagine how tongue tied you must have been. Did she notice any sweat developing on your brow? :) :)

    Lovely, sweet experiences with Anjali :) :) :)


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    1. Hehe Jay:) U are correct, phone and in-person are totally different situations altogether.

  8. Very interesting-i will go back to the first one.

    1. Thanks Indu. I am so glad for ur interest in the story!

  9. Haha, very nice. You pen down everything with a tinge of innocence, :) I thoroughly enjoyed this pat. Waiting for the next date with Anjali :D

    1. Thanks Tanya. I am so glad U enjoyed the entire series so far :)

  10. Nice ! That's a lovely post.
    I have nominated your blog for the Libester Blog award friend, kinldy take a look at the link below :

    1. Oh! Thank U so much. I feel really honored to receive the award from an awesome blogger like U. All the very best for ur exams :)

  11. Replies
    1. Hehe Sunil Sir, it all depend on the mood :) Sorry to keep u wait that long!

  12. Hi Jahid!
    Read all the four ones at a stretch !
    Truly good and romantic and realistic!
    Loved it!
    Waiting for the next one!
    BTW, do you mind if I ask how long are you married ill now? :)

    1. Thanks Akash. Already completed 7 years dude :)

  13. The smoke part was funny :D It's kinda relief to find a girl shorter than you, you are lucky. Well!!! It's so true that whenever you go out with someone special, familiar faces start appearing from nowhere and you feel like " Why they have to roam this day only??" Lol :D And apparently all your gossips and talks vanish in air when you meet in person. It's quite easy to chat on phone or Fb :P

    I'm having a query, Is this a true love story???
    If so, then waiting for the second rendezvous.
    Silly Smiles... Take you miles :)

    1. Yeah U are correct, it's easy to chat in phone/FB ll and your gossips and talks vanish in air when you meet in person. It's true story :) would try to write some more. Thanks for reading.

  14. I m wating for the ending part, nice interesting episode wise post. plz make an pdf of this story nd name it. thanx dear

    1. Thanks Shuvendu! Would try to write the ending part soon :) Nice idea to make a pdf of it!

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks Farah for reminding :) would try to write the next part soon!

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