
Tuesday 5 February 2013

First Night In Hostel

Except for the few 8th semester guys, the entire hostel was empty. There were totally 4 blocks in the hostel and the seniors accommodated us in a room in the 3rd block. The room was actually allotted to me, Mehboob and Surajit. We waited for Nair, as he had to visit one of his relatives and was supposed to come to the hostel by evening. When Nair came that evening, the seniors arranged a room for him in the 2nd block. We settled our luggage’s and went to explore the college campus a bit.We were pretty much aware of the kind of ragging that used to happen in various engineering colleges. My elder brother was in his final year in one of the regional engineering colleges, that time and I heard so many ragging stuffs from him. Some of my friends had already completed one year in different engineering colleges and all of them used to discuss their ragging experiences during the vacations. So, basically we were,  kind of prepared for the big battle. We expected some hard core mental, as well as physical torture. But the few seniors we encountered, seemed to be so decent. Also we expected the hostel food to be very horrible but we were so much delighted to have some very delicious chicken meal, in the hostel mess that night. Everything seemed to happen quite contrary to our expectation. One of the senior asked us “how is the hostel food?”

We said “wow! it’s really delicious. Actually we had a very different impression regarding hostel food and it was a nice surprise to have such a great food out here” 

The senior laughed and said “just wait for few more days and you guys will understand things much better”

We had a good time with the seniors in the mess that night and all of a sudden Surajit asked them “It would be really great if we could know all your names”

One of the seniors replied with a slightly harsh tone “you ass holes, how dare you ask for your papa’s name?”

We remained silent for a while and I wondered that things wouldn't be very pleasant in the coming days. After dinner we went to our room and as we all were very tired, so after sometime Nair also went to his room. We expected few more fresher’s in our first day at hostel, but unfortunately we four were the only guys. Nair had to sleep alone in his room in the 2nd block, as there was only one bed in his room and the size of the bed was not big enough to be shared. We were just about to sleep and all of a sudden Nair knocked our door. He sounded quite frightened and said that one 5th semester senior came to his room and created some kind of scene out there. Nair said to us that the senior shouted at him and broke his mosquito net stand and even took away his mosquito net. In Assam and especially in our hostel, one couldn’t imagine to survive without the mosquito net. 

We asked Nair to explain in detail, what exactly happened?

Nair said that in the evening after the seniors allotted the room to him, the same 5th semester senior was inside his room and they chatted for a while. Suddenly the hostel warden came to his room, just to check everything was fine. Nair said to the warden that everything was just fine, but there was a small problem. There was only one mosquito net stand in his room and Nair said to the warden that it would be really great, if he could get one more stand. The warden asked the 5th semester senior to arrange one more stand for him. That moment the senior seemed to be so polite and replied to the warden “don’t worry Sir, I would make sure that this guy get one more stand tonight” I wondered “so, gradually things are turning out the way we expected.” We discussed that as soon as the rest of seniors start to come back after their vacation, we would definitely face some real kind of music out there. Nair was very disturbed and he slept the night in our room. 


  1. Waiting to hear the real music by your senior.

    1. Hehe Neo, fortunately it was some light kind of music :)

  2. Even though I did not do engineering, I was fortunate enough to do my master's from an IIT. I know the trepidation and fear of what seniors will do that one feels on the first night spent in the hostel!

    1. Wow! Nice to know that U are an IITian. Yeah, U are right, there was a huge fear of ragging but we also knew the fact that, it was mostly for fun,in order to mix up with the seniors well.

  3. It is indeed a horrible occasion. I had also done my engineering and was fortunate enough not to get troubled by raging somehow.

    1. Yeah, it was kind of horrible but fortunately it was not that hard core, in fact it was kind of fun :)

  4. This ragging thing is quite scary, waiting for the next part.

  5. Your post stirs my engineering days memories in me..
    The food use to be always good on first day but only with the passing days we could have the real mess food taste :)
    Good work :)

    1. Thanks Sonia. You are so correct regarding the real mess food taste :)

  6. Hi Jahid,


    Your Blog just won Liebster Blog Award! Your blog has been chosen among the other few for this award.

    More details on my blog at -

    My best wishes to you. Happy Blogging..!!!!

    Farzad Minoo Damania

    1. Congratulations Mr Farzad, for Ur Liebster award. I am so delighted and honored that U have nominated my blog for the award. Thank U so much.

      Wish U All the Best!

  7. It is like a horror film with loud music announcing the coming surprize ragging session! :)

    1. Hehe Sunil Sir :) It wasn't that scary though!

  8. i still remember the way he dragged me towards the bathroom to give me the mosquito stand :O
    i finally slept without the net but i recollect no mosquito bites tht night. perhaps they too felt tht i am already screwed up and had pity on me.

    Two more funny things i remember abt tht day was 1. me going and requesting for hostel 8 instead of 3 for us under pressure of seniors.. maamu ban gaya. and 2. ur father taking away almost half of ur monthly pocket money back with him under the honest influence of Nag sir :-)

    1. Hehe Nair,I almost forgot the two funny incidents U mentioned. Thanks for reminding. 2nd one was really funny and I got so irritated :)

  9. Oh my!! Looks like you had a lot of action in the initial days... waiting for more!

    1. Yes, hell lot of action in the initial days :)

  10. fantastic....well written. Even though my hostel was different but you took me 8 years back.

    1. Hey! Anand,good to see Ur comment :) Thanks for visiting!

  11. Hostel life for juniors is quite fearsome & first night is a horrible feeling even if you have some company.
    Waiting for the next post.

    P.S.- Can you pls enable the Name/URL option for commenting ?

    Below is my URL.
    Nisha - Le Monde-A Poetic Travail

    1. Yeah, initial days were quite fearsome.Thanks for visiting Nisha!

  12. Hi Jahid, I've nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award! Congrats! Please find the details on my blog

    1. Thank U so much Guspazha. I am really glad and honored with your nomination. Congratulation to you for ur Leibster award.

  13. Like your writing :) Waiting for the next episode

    1. Thank U so much dude :) would try to write some more on it!

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