
Tuesday 1 January 2013

How I Met Anjali - 2

How I Met Anjali - 1

Next day I again dialed  her hostel number, but someone else received the call. I asked her "can you please call Poonam?"

She replied "Poonam is not at hostel, she already left for home"

I asked "oh, she must have left today itself?"

She replied "No, she went 3 days back"

I said "But last night she was there, as I talked to her over the phone for quite some time"  

She replied "You must have talked to someone else then"

I asked "Is there any girl from Shillong out there,  now?"

She asked me to wait and after sometime my ear could perceive some familiar kind of voice. She told me "Oh! Rajiv, you have called again? Actually I have many friends from your engineering college, so I named  myself as Poonam. By the way, I am Anjali and please keep it only to yourself. I know your engineering guys, they really  enjoy blowing things a little out of proportion."

I laughed a bit and said "By the way, I am Jahid and not Rajiv" She also started to laugh and requested me to introduce myself as Rajiv, in case anyone else would have received my call at her hostel.

The holidays were nearly over and one by one, my friends started to come back to hostel, but still most of the guys were yet to come. One afternoon, I was in my room and all of a sudden I heard Nair, shouting at me "Jahid, Phone, phone, you have a phone call' As soon as I opened the door, Nair was in front of my eyes. I asked him "Who's on the phone, dude?"

Nair was little confused and replied "It's a girl and her name is Poonam. "abbe ye Poonam kaun hai?" Who's this Poonam yaar?"

That time, My parents recently shifted to Chandrapur, a place situated at the outskirts of Guwahati and I replied to Nair that she might be my parent's new neighbor.  But Nair had hell lot of doubt, as her voice over the phone sounded little familiar to him. As he was my room mate and also one of my closest buddy, he knew me quite well. A phone call from an unknown girl  for me, was so confusing for him and his confusion was pretty clear on his expression. I felt very happy that moment, as I never expected any  call back from Anjali. We talked for a while and she said that they went for a movie. They had to wait for half an hour before their show supposed to start, so she thought of calling me from a PCO.

I said to her "cool, you went for movie! must be lot of fun. You are with your friends or with your boy friend?"

She replied "You stupid, If I would be with my boy friend, I would have called you or what? "

After talking to her I came back to my room. As soon as I entered the room, Nair asked me "Who was she?" I replied "As I said earlier, she's my parents's neighbor. Our home phone is not working and she just called to give some information" Even though Nair was not satisfied with my reply, he remained silent that moment.

The kind of guy I was at hostel, or the kind of image I had, or the kind of guy I always pretended to be, I was quite sure that it could be a kind of shocker for some of my friends,  if I would have told them the actual fact that time. I never wanted to reveal that to anyone, as unnecessarily it would have given my friends an opportunity  to make fun of me. To be honest during my college days I had a very different impression for guys who used to mingle around with girls. I thought their mindset was completely different from us. We were quite busy, doing literally nothing other than those usual  "chill out, hang out, meaningless gossips, listening to those heavy metal songs and the frequent booze." I was totally on a different world. But then, something very unusual and quite exciting started to happen with me. It was becoming almost some kind of addiction for me to call her and I used to call her almost daily.


  1. Awww.. How cute..Its so true that love happens when we least expect it :)

  2. I am impatiently waiting for the remaining part of the story :)

  3. Nice narration. Waiting for the next part

    1. Thanks a lot Mr. Easwar. I am glad U liked the narration!

  4. Ohhh ! Wow, it was so cute :D I am so eagerly waiting for the next part of your blooming love :) Yes, as I mentioned before my Mother is a muslim & my father a punjabi. They fell in love while they were in college :) So, I find such love stories really romantic & pure :) I have a love story of my own, yet to be completed in two years (when I will get married) :D Just praying that all love stories have a beautiful way ahead :) :) Take care ! Please write the next part soon :)

    1. Thanks a lot Tanya. I wish a very happy ending of ur story :)
      Wish U and ur family a very Happy New Year!

    2. A very Happy New year :) Thanks !

  5. u can write a book on this...

  6. All love stories stem from a common ground but each is unique, waiting for the next part!

    1. Thanks Meenakshi. Will definitely try to write the subsequent parts :)

  7. Interesting. A story i can also relate to. Cant wait to read the next chapter.. Perhaps you should try this with the Get published contest. :-) Happy New Year.

    1. Thanks a lot dear. I am glad that U could relate to it. Will definitely try to write the subsequent parts :) Wishing U and UR family a Very Happy New Year!

  8. Love at first call -interesting :) Will like to hear Anjali's version for completeness!

    1. Thanks Mrinmoy Da :) To hear Anjali's version, I think we will have to meet sometime :) What about ur Bangalore trip?

  9. cool.
    pls include the first link here. so the new readers can easily read all

    1. Thanks a lot Jose. I have included the first link at the top, as suggested by you!

  10. billa u dont know we always doubted u wer a double intellect

  11. Very touching, Jahid!!:)...waiting to hear the next part.!...and a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you, Anjali and Jia!

    1. Thanks Kaushik :)
      Wishing U and ur family a very Happy New Year!

  12. fir aage kya hua sir jiiiiiiiiiiii :)


  13. Hi Jahid,

    I see, you've played the tactics quite well. Indeed, one can get torn into pieces once engineering guys come to know of a hookup. It spreads like wildfire and there is no escaping the wrath of the public after that, they literally make you run every time you can encounter them. Cool, waiting for the next part now. :)


    My Blog | My FB Page

    1. Thanks a lot Jay. It seems all engineering colleges/guys are same :)

  14. Well, one thing is common, you guys were intelligent enough not to reveal your name to strangers over phone. :)

    Looking ahead for the next part...Btw, love is an addiction!

    1. Hehe Saru :) yeah, we were intelligent enough not to reveal our names initially. You are correct, love is almost an addiction!

  15. Eagerly waiting for the rest of the story. Nice read. :)

    1. Thanks a lot for visiting. Will definitely try to write the rest of the story :) Wishing U and UR family a Very Happy New Year!

  16. Interesting convey my wishes to your poonam/Anjali and wish u guys a very happy new year.

    1. Thank U so much Janani.
      Wishing U and UR family a very Happy New Year!

  17. eagerly waiting for "what happened then"...:)

    1. Thanks a lo Arish. I have posted the next part today :)

  18. Very interesting !!!!!! i am subscribed :)Gonna read the 3rd part nowwwww :)
    checkme out @

    1. Thanks a lot Medha. I would definitely check that out!

  19. continuing this from version1... bro your nair is very smart guy!..just like' sarine '..u'r post is straight from heart!

    1. U are very correct Rohit, Nair is too smart and could have very well competed Sabine :) Glad U liked the post and thanks a lot for visiting out here dude !!
