
Thursday 27 December 2012

It Happened One Cold Early Morning

We used to enjoy hell lot of corridor cricket at hostel during our engineering days, specially in winter. In fact, some of the laziest guys also enjoyed in the afternoon, a little bit of corridor cricket encouraged us to have bath in those cold days. Almost all the doors in our hostel used to have 4 square shaped glass panes. It was a hard time for some of the guys whose rooms were very close to the corridor as quite often someone or other used to break those glasses.Unfortunately Bhushan’s room was closest to the corridor where we used to play cricket. Bhushan was one of the most entertaining guys in entire hostel. He was quite popular for his amusing activities. He was very down to earth, emotional and extremely funny guy. If you have watched “Bheja Fry” movie, you must remember Mr Bharat Bhushan. For the first time when I watched the movie I was so much delighted to see our very own Bhushan kind of character and surprisingly they even had similar names.  If we ignore the singing talent of Mr Bharat Bhushan in the movie then there wouldn't be much difference between them. Initially whenever one of the glass panes of his door used to break, Bhushan brought a new one and somehow managed to fix it. But after 3-4 occasions he was fed up and instead of glass he used to fix chart paper on the broken pane. But cruel world didn’t  show any sort of mercy to those papers either and eventually Bhushan left his broken pane just like that.

In almost all engineering colleges, guys used to study only during exam. In our days most of us started to study only after we filled the examination forms. We had to finish 6 subjects in just 10-15 days and those days were really horrific. Some of us even had to run after the professors for our clearance, as we didn't have enough attendance.  Some of my unlucky friends even had to visit the University to fill the examination form, as by the time they managed to get the clearance, the due date was already over. Many of us didn't have any idea regarding the syllabus till that time and used to collect all the class notes, specially from our female class mates. After settling everything,  finally we concentrated on how to finish the syllabus? Some of us felt that it would be impossible to finish all the 6 subjects and we prepared only for 4-5 subjects.  In our days if anyone couldn't clear any of the subjects then they had to clear it next year.  There was literally  pin drop silence in the  entire hostel for the next few weeks.

During the exams many of us studied whole night and used to wake up late. Most of us used to do combined study (may be because there was no other option left for us) and everyone had enough stocks of cigarette. But there were a few exceptions, as some of us used to wake up early morning to study and without  much surprise, Bhushan was among them. Bikram studied the whole night in someone’s room and finally decided to sleep. It was a cold morning and I think it was 5 AM when Bikram was on his way to his room. As he passed through the corridor he was little stunned to see a moving hand out of Bhushan’s door. Bikram went a little closer and saw that the door was locked from inside and one entire hand was out  through the broken pane. Bikram waited for some time and out of curiosity he knocked the door.  

Bhushan opened the door and Bikram asked him “What the hell was that? I just saw a moving hand out  of your broken pane and it was moving for quite some time”

Bhushan replied with a smile “It was my hand dude! Actually I just woke up and was trying to check the temperature outside"

Bikram said "Kela ! ki boki aaso? What the hell are you saying?"

Bhushan tried to justify his point and said "I was just checking how cold it is outside. If it’s very cold then I thought of sleeping for another one hour."


  1. Intriguing post. Engeneering days are always fun. I' m currently experiencing. :)

    1. Enjoy ur days dude, U will surely miss them later :)

  2. This brought memories .. lecture shortage oh boy I had them every year and it was during the exams time the professors got all the attention :)


    1. Yeah dude, the professors used to screw us harder for the clearance and that time we realized that we can't trust everyone for those precious proxies :)

  3. I can't control my laugh..., thnx for the post :)

    1. Hehe.. Sinha, hope Bhushan is also reading this :)

  4. interesting little story and I learned a little about a career I'd never thought of !

    1. Thanks a lot Sandra. Unfortunately it's quite common here in India :)

  5. When you started with Bhusan and broken window..I knew it has to be this framed it really well dude.. lotz to follow I guess with Bhusan the protagonist..

    1. Hehe... Dipankar, thanks a lot. I think few of the H-3 boarders were able to guess the incident by looking at the image. Yeah, a lotz to follow :)

  6. Hey Jahid , looks like there is another Deb in your member list ..
    By the way , very well portrayed . Folks may not be aware , another electrifying concept Bhushan learnt during his stay in hotel was "Never ever smile/laugh while you are in your room in hostel, this could attract people in your room" :). I could say Bhushan is an individualist.

    1. Hai Sinha, I was little confused with the name :) Hell lot of Bhushan stories. Wish to write them all :) Bhushan to "Purush hi nahi? wo ........" :)

  7. This post took me back to my hostel days :) Engineering days r always fun.. those are the treasures that we preserve close to the heart through out our life:)

    1. Thanks Sonia :) Those were the best days and just trying to preserve them through my blog :)

  8. hostel and college days are always fun and a thing to remember ---but engineering college days are unique as discovered when in conversation with hubby :)----nice blog loved reading it

    1. Thanks a lot Rajni for visiting. Yes, engineering college days are really unique :) I am glad that U liked my blog :)

  9. What happy memories you've revived here!
    My college days were such fun (in spite of all that hard studying!) and I would love to be able to return to those carefree days, if only for the occasional hour or two!

    Thank you so much for raising my spirits today:)

    1. Thank U so much Ygraine :) yeah, those care free days were the best. I am extremely delighted that this post was able to raise your spirit today :)

  10. Quite an entertaining post. Though I've never lived in hostels, I can imagine the fun that you had.

    1. Thanks a lot for visiting. Yeah, hostel life was so much fun :)

  11. Luvd ur experience. I m presently experiencing these luvly engineering days

    1. Thanks a lot dude :) Enjoy your most wonderful days. U will surely miss them later :)

  12. interesting post keep posting
    i stated following your blog....

    Tips Via Blogging

    1. Thanks a lot Umesh :) I am glad U found it interesting. thanks for the encouragement :)

  13. Bhusan Thermogauge -what an invention, OMG :)

    Once again a nice story-telling Jahid ! Enjoyed every bit of it.

    But tell me one thing how did you pass engineering and became a successful engineer with just 8x15=120 days rigorous study -amazing brother!!

    May be I was a bit dull and kept my promise to do well in the next sem by crashing the course in advance!

    1. Thanks a lot Mrinmoy Da. Lot of Bhushan stories to share :)
      Actually, there were many guys like me who some how managed to get our engineering degree :) Those 15 days of each semester was quite hectic, but some how we managed. May be because our intention was just to pass the exams :)

  14. That was nicely told, why did you end it so abruptly?
    Despite having the whole year to prepare, even I used to only slog in last 2 months, in some ways it used to be better, for everything learnt remained fresh for the exams.

    1. Thanks a lot Rama, I am glad U liked the story. Also thanks for your feedback and will definitely take care in my next posts. Yes, u are correct, slogging b4 the exams is very important. For everything learnt remained fresh (at least few of the things) for the exams :)

  15. Forgot to wish you.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank U so much. Wishing U and UR family a Very Happy New Year!

  16. Your friend was brave enough to knock the door and ask.. I would have simply gone away and would have asked when a lo of ppl were aroung..probably in the Mess .. scary the incident was!

    1. Yeah, it was some what scary. Actually the hostel was our den and the ghosts wouldn't have dared to step into our premises :)
      Thanks for visiting

  17. College days are the best! :) And most of us used to study only a few days before exams. Keep blogging!

    1. Thanks Harsha for visiting. Yeah, without any doubt, those were the best days!

  18. You know smthing, when i read your blogs, i can start seeing those good old days in my mind fresh as yesterday.. I really want to thank you for writing these blogs and linking us once again to those nostalgic memories.

    I too hope that Bhushan is reading this :-) And sinha brought out one of the best ideas of Bhushan that i too remember... I think Sinha was the one who asked bhushan once when we were planning to gossip in bhushan's room just after dinner " why are u giving this serious looks just for nothing?" And bhushan replied very brilliantly "if u smile at these guys then they will interpret it as an invitation gesture and no one will leave"

    But I should also say that those 4 yrs wouldn't have been so nice without Bhushan..

    1. Good to see UR comments Nair :) Those were the best days. Forget about 4 years, sometimes when Bhushan was not there in hostel for one or two days, it was so boring!

  19. Ya ya very true.. One anotger incident tht i remember was bhushan spying on ur computer pswd. When u had newly brought ur computer to our hostel evryone was trying hard to crack ur pswd. And bhushan was successful. even after several request bhushan was not ready to reveal it to us. He wantrd to key in himself whn u were not around. On repeated pestering he finally gave up and revealed it to us.. Ur pswd comprised of 5 stars i.e. *****

    1. Hehe..that was funny. "kapra dhoo raha hu yaaar" wala yaad hai ki nahi?

  20. Ha ha ha... Yaad hai.. I am now in office while reading this and am laughing like mad. My colleagues r thinking tht i've gone crazy :-)

  21. Hahaahaaahaahaahaaa! Trust me, while reading this, I could never have guessed that he was checking the temperature! :D

    1. Haha.. Bhushan is very unpredictable :) thanks for dropping by !!
