6th semester exams was over and everyone was pretty much prepared for their Industrial training. Well, the training was mandatory for all the traditional branches, but for some new ones it wasn't. As far as Computer Science was concerned, the training was not compulsory for us. One reason could be because there wasn't any software company in Assam those days and the authorities didn’t want to put too much pressure on the students. Most of the students usually used to do their Industrial training in one of the refineries and Oil companies out there. Some fortunate ones used to have their own kind of jugaar(source) and they could manage to do their training in big companies, in different other cities. Some of our hostel mates, most of them were from mechanical branch, could manage to do their training in a reputed company in Chhattisgarh. The guys were so much excited for their adventure. Few of us preferred to remain at the hostel itself. Well, anything related to study and education was always my last priority, and on top of that the training wasn't mandatory for us. But to be honest, we were little jealous of those guys and we knew that they would have a hell lot of fun for the next couple of months.
A gang of 10 to 12 mechanical goons boarded a train to Chhattisgarh and they had some great fun out there. Our friend Jeet was also part of the company. Jeet’s elder brother recently cleared his IAS that time and was posted out there in Raipur. Well, he only did all the jugaars for those guys and they stayed there for almost 3 weeks and then they had a short Delhi visit. Well, the visit was part of their training program and after a week they again returned to Raipur. On their way back, they couldn’t manage to get all their railway tickets on the same compartment. In fact, their berths were scattered in two to three different compartments. Now our friend Sab was always a Rangeela(fun loving) kind of guy. He's blessed with his sensational talents, that could impress the girls so well. His performance was not only limited to our college boundaries, but was extremely magical quite far and wide as well. He's tall, slightly dark and extremely handsome. He's just the perfect kind of dream boy for most of the girls. Sab’s greatest advantage was his flattering tongue. How could he managed to be so over sweet and also remained quite dignified at the same time? It’s such an art and with time he mastered it to such a great extent.
Fortunately for Sab, one cute and extremely smart looking girl seated just next to him. Sab noticed the guy who came to see off her at the railway platform. From their conversation and their touchy kind of activities, Sab was almost sure that the guy was her boy friend. As the train started to move, passengers were quite busy to adjust their luggages. After sometime, few of our friends came to Sab’s compartment and were pretty much delighted to enjoy some kind of an eye candy. As usual, everyone started to pull Sab’s leg a bit for the enchanting train journey he’s about to enjoy. Gradually everyone opened up a bit and had an informal kind of introductions. The pretty lady was also an engineering student and went to Delhi for her Industrial training. Everyone was having a wonderful time and at lunch, guys went back to their respective compartments.
After lunch most of them went to sleep and my friend Sab asked the lady "Don’t you like to have some sleep?"
She had a cute smile on her face and replied "No, not really. By the way, you can sleep if you would like to"
Sab replied "No, I usually don’t sleep at day time"
She again smiled and said "That’s nice, that thing should be left for the night I guess"
So, gradually they opened up a bit and chatted for hours. In the evening again few friends came to Sab’s compartment and everyone enjoyed tea and some snacks together. Time simply flied that particular day and it was already 8 PM. It seemed, as if only a couple of hours had passed since they boarded the train in the morning. Group of friends and a lovely evening, along with cool train breezes. It was such a fascinating moment and Sab simply waited for some kind of a free space all around. It was dinner time and guys again went back to their respective compartments. Fortunately for Sab, he got the side lower berth that day and on top of that, the lady occupied the upper berth, just above his one. The train was supposed to have reached Raipur by early morning, but the girl was supposed to have reached her destination at midnight, by 2:30 AM. She was not in any mood to have slept that night and my friend Sab already started to get, kind of intoxicated and the effects was much more than those heavenly fluids, which he was so much used to that time. He was getting lost into her magnificent blue eyes.
They continued to chat on their lower side berth and they kept both the windows open. The cool breezes and the deep blue eyes close by, just created some kind of a hypnotizing environment for my friend. They talked about hell lot of things, right from Engineering to Bollywood, from music to feminism and a little bit of atheism as well. All the passengers were sleeping and Sab was simply enjoying the moment. All of a sudden he asked her about the guy who came in the morning to see her off. She didn’t hesitate and said that he was her boy friend. Sab was little hurt with her response, but they continued to chat. From her conversation Sab assumed that her relationship with her boy friend was not very serious and felt a little good about that. It was already 1 AM and the girl said that her destination would arrive within an hour. The train slowed down a little and she was quite excited and wanted to have a glimpse of a temple. She said that there’s a famous temple nearby and GOD fulfills everyone’s wishes, if they wish from their heart in that temple. Sab asked her whether GOD would fulfill his wish, if he would have wished from his heart right that time, from inside the train. She had a cute smile and replied "Yes of course, GOD would fulfill your wish"
All of a sudden she almost screamed "Here it is, the temple"
Sab couldn’t notice anything, but she's being a local girl, she might have recognized the place. She asked "So, what did you wish?"
Sab was little shy, but in a mischievous way he replied "Well, I wished if I could have kissed you"
It seemed the girl didn’t like the joke at all and looked quite serious. She didn’t talk with him and simply looked outside the window. Sab felt very bad and thought he shouldn’t have said like that. He didn’t even asked sorry and might have waited for her response. After a while she collected her luggage and placed it nearby. Well, she already prepared herself to get down from that train. Sab asked "So, you will get down now?"
She replied "Yes, very soon"
Sab asked for her email id and she replied "What you would do with my email id?"
Sab preferred to remain silent that moment. After a while the train got little slower and Sab could see a hell lot of tiny lights far across, through the window. The lady struggled a bit with her heavy luggage, as she moved towards the door. Sab immediately went to help her and said “Please allow me”
They both went near the door and Sab opened it little wider. It seemed to be a small town outside and the platform didn’t arrive yet. They both were quite close and they had an eye contact and the intimate kind of stares continued for a while. All of a sudden the girl approached much closer and pressed her lips against his. There was complete silence all around, as if suddenly everything else stopped. Their breathing accelerated and it was quite louder as well. Slowly and passionately, as her tongue entered inside his mouth, it got filled with some kind of an ecstasy. Sab’s blood pressure increased exponentially like hell and his eyes busted with few teardrops as well. Some unusual kind of chemical reactions occurred inside his body, that produced some kind of exceptional emotions. That was the best moment of his life, but then all of a sudden the train stopped and she whispered her email id into his ears. She got down and Sab helped with her luggage. Within no time the train started to move all over again and they both kept looking at each others faces. Sab even continued to stare at her, even after she's completely lost to his view. Later, Sab couldn’t sleep the remaining night.
Well, that was for the first and last time, Sab had any sort of communication with that lady. Even though, after he came back to hostel, he emailed her on many occasions, but he never received any reply.