
Saturday 25 April 2015

For The Sake of Humanity

life was different then; loud music escaped from almost every room, guys desperately looked for a matchbox late in the night, holding cigarettes in their hands; those blistering laughter and the frequent booze. If one would take a stroll around the hostel in the evening, he could have possibly got a taste of all form of music including folks songs, Bollywood numbers, modern/classic Regional songs, Pop, Rock and Metal music amongst others. There were quite a few Metal freaks including my room-mate, Nair. We worshiped Metal songs regularly those days. Well, this is the kind of music which can be enjoyed best at a little roaring sound. Our room had two big speakers attached to our music system.

We had a senior named Houkib. I hope I've spelled the name correctly. Houkib was from Manipur and he was a true Christian. He was a guy of cool temperament and during our stay in hostel we had never witnessed a moment when Houkib drifted away from his coolness. Quite often he was occupied in his room reading or singing Gospel songs together with his friends. His room was a couple of rooms away from ours. Houkib was among the guys who sleep early and wake up early. After dinner, it happened quite a few times that I and Nair were inside our room, enjoying some metal songs, relaxing. Houkib would enter with his usual smile, but also with a little bit of discomfort on his face, this time. I and Nair were little curious as he wasn’t a frequent visitor. Houkib would stand near the music system, pick a few audio cassettes one after another and had a close look at them. After a few moments he would reduce the volume, smile and say "For the sake of humanity!"

Grab a copy of my debut book Story of Tublu from Amazon or Flipkart. It is a Contemporary Fiction novel, published by LiFi Publications Pvt Ltd. The book has its share of drama, that entertains; humor, that makes one reminisce; love, friendship and emotions that defines the amazing journey that is, life.


  1. I can sympathize with Houkib...I am too sleep early and get up early guy and don't like getting disturbed :)

    1. That is actually good Alok Sir :) Early to Bed Early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. You are a perfect example of this. Thanks for dropping by, dude!!

  2. Your post reminded me of my young days:) Loud music disturbs me now (something about ageing ear drums I am told) but I never object because I know I am guilty as accused

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post, Lata :) and could refresh your good old days. Yes, I can understand the ageing ear drums. Also, yes, we shouldn't object. Thanks a lot for dropping by!!

  3. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Murthy Sir :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  4. :) Such a college life story! Your friend Houkib seems to have a knack for being honest without being confrontational or displeasing, something a lot of people could learn from! Incidentally, I like to think I would be you or your friend Nair here, though with age I find myself unwillingly drawn towards being Houkib...

    PS: I read a review of Story of Tublu on someone's blog and it sounded so interesting, I'm going to pick it up soon. I'm sure it'll be a great read. :)

    1. Yes, Houkib had a very pleasing personality. Nice to know you are one of us :) Glad you found Story of Tublu interesting. Do read my book and share your review :) Thanks a lot for visiting out here!!

  5. :) for the sake of humanity! haha.. good one!

    1. Hehe glad you enjoyed the post, Meera :)

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