
Tuesday 30 September 2014

A Hectic Day

Today was something different, a little hectic though. I had to meet someone somewhere in Mysore Road, which is at a distance of twelve to fifteen km from my house; about 30 - 45 minutes drive. For people like me who are born with extremely horrible sense of remembering roads, GPS came as a blessing. I always rely on GPS if I have to drive in little unfamiliar roads. So today morning also I obediently followed the beautiful voice coming out of my mobile, directing me the way. But after an hour drive I realized that I was in a totally unexplored territory, and then guess what? My mobile battery went dead. One gentleman laughed at me and said that my destination is about 20 km from there. The man was kind enough and he explained me a shortcut route. It was a narrow road which passes through a wholesale market. Trucks were getting loaded and different types of horn were creating melody. 

Already half an hour passed and my car didn’t move even a single inch, and then a gentleman came and revealed the truth that there’s no way we could make that way. He asked us to move back and take a different route. It was another 15 to 20 minutes of fun. It was ultimate thrill to drive the car in reverse through such a narrow road as two-wheelers passed, kissing my car every now and then. The AC was full on but I was sweating like a pig. Ultimately I reached my destination at around 12:30 pm. I was there till 3 pm and then left from there. 

Actually, today I also had an appointment with Passport Authority at 4 pm. My passport got expired a few months back and I filed for a reissue. It was already 4 pm and I was still struggling to locate the passport office. I knew I was somewhere near; I parked the car somewhere, took an auto and reached the office. I had to stand in the queue for half an hour. When it was my turn, the lady in charge told me that she needed my marriage certificate as well.

"It was not mentioned in the list of required documents," I said.

"No Sir, you are married now, so we will require your marriage certificate"

Well, she gave me a different date. I came out and realized it was raining all the while. The traffic was at peak and I tried to find my car. I was in a hurry and wasn’t concerned much about the place where I parked the car. I struggled for almost half an hour, walked through muddy roads with my soaking wet shoes. Hell, where I parked my car? I started to panic a bit. I shared my misery with an auto wala. Fortunately he was a nice man and he seemed to be equally tensed like me. Finally I found my car and felt a wave of relief passed through me. The auto guy was also happy and gave me a good enough gyaan


  1. My my was a hectic day indeed!!!

    1. Yes Bhavani, t was indeed a very hectic day. Thanks a lot for dropping by!!

  2. What a hectic day it was, enjoyed reading .. ;)

    1. Hehe.. it was indeed a very hectic day. Glad you enjoyed reading the post :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Rajeev, glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by!!

  4. There are days when everything seems to go wrong, right? :)

    1. Yes, it so ture, there are days when everything seems to go wrong :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  5. Now I dont want to be in your shoes...SIGH!!!!!
    Btw....passport authorities r such pain.

    1. Hehe.. :) Yes, passport authorities are real pain. Thanks for dropping by!!

  6. I'm bowled by the posing Kitty.

    1. Hehe.. Uppal Ji :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  7. Wow I really enjoyed it n feeling good bcoz I found someone who's day goes hectic just like mine :p

    1. Hehe Vikram, nice to know that your day also goes hectic :) Thanks for dropping by,dude!!

  8. A real real hectic day.....nothing can be worse than being stuck in a just test ur patience!

    1. Yes, getting stuck in traffic is real pain, it test our patience. Thanks for dropping by, dear!!

  9. Even my husband is bad in remembering roads

    1. Nice to know that your husband is also bad in remembering roads. So what about you? Do you help him by remembering roads or irritate him because he doesn't remember? :) just kidding, my wife also do the 2nd thing :) Thanks for dropping by, Farah !!

  10. Now a tech-challenged person like me feels better--even GPS and mobile can fail .

    1. Haha.. Indu Ji, on a bad day, everything fails :) Thanks for dropping by!!

  11. i know GPS comes in handy but realized now not on a bad day :P
    Enjoyed your writing, Jahid. :)

    1. Hehe Meera :) on a bad day nothing can save us. Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for dropping by!!

  12. Marriage certificate, that is another pain .. you need to get the spouse's name entered or will face issues when applying for the passport for your minor child.

    1. Such things are always pain. Thanks for the info, Puru :) and thanks a lot for dropping by!!
