Saturday 26 July 2014

One Pomeranian Puppy

Anjali was fond of doggies. Her father Mr Prasad was equally crazy for them. They lived in Shillong, a beautiful hill station located in the North eastern part of India. Shillong is at a distance of 100 km from Guwahati and situated at an altitude of 5000 feet above sea level. Guwahati is the major city and the commercial hub of the North East India. People from neighboring states have to visit the city frequently for official as well as for other unofficial purposes. One day Mr Prasad visited Guwahati for a couple of days. When he returned home he had a surprise for Anjali. He brought an extremely cute Pomeranian puppy from the city. Anjali was quite amazed and her heart filled with delight.

'Where did you get this cute little puppy?' asked Anjali.

'I bought it from a pet shop in the city; I paid 4000 rupees for it,' her father replied.

'Wow!  So nice. It will be so much fun to play with the doggy,' both Anjali and her mother expressed with delighted.

'But please don’t tell others that I’ve purchased this puppy from a pet shot. Better tell them that one of my friends in the city had given me this,' Mr Prasad suggested.

'But why we have to tell a lie?' Anjali and her mother asked, confused.

'You don’t know the neighbors; they are very complicated people and I don’t know what they would feel about us if they come to know we have purchased a puppy,' replied Mr Prasad.

Even though the ladies found it a little weird but they were aware of their neighbors. Anjali and her mother knew that their neighbors looked for opportunities to speculate on every minor things. So they also felt it would be wiser to tell others that one of their family friends in the city had given the puppy to them. 

As usual, one of the neighbor families visited them in the evening. Mr Prasad was not at home that moment. 

‘Wow! Such a cute puppy! Where did you get this from?’ asked the neighbors

Anjali and her mother eyed each other for a while and then they simultaneously replied, 'Actually, one of papa’s friends in the city gave him this. They already have two-three puppies and since father is very fond of dogs so they gifted him the puppy'

Everyone was having a wonderful time, slurping their tea and biting the hot and yummy onion pakodas. Suddenly Mr Prasad popped in and joined the party.

‘Wow! Mr Prasad, you have got such a cute puppy,’ expressed one of the neighbors.

Mr Prasad's face brightened up with pride and he had a big smile on his face. 

‘Yeah, it’s one of the cutest breeds; it is called Pomeranian. I visited four to five per shops yesterday in Guwahati and finally got this one. It’s very costly and I paid Rs 4000 for this puppy,’ uttered Mr Prasad.

There was an awkward silence in the room and everybody started staring each other. Mr Prasad realized his blunder but the damage was already done.


  1. That is why it makes sense to always speak the truth!
    We'll tax our minds less :)
    Nice as usual, Jahid!

    1. Yes Anita, no tension if we always speak the truth :) Glad you liked the post; thanks for dropping by !!

  2. Honesty is the BEST policy !

    1. Yes Ananya, Honesty is the BEST policy :) thanks for dropping by !!

  3. It is difficult to remember lies. :) Better off with truth. Well written.

    1. Yes Kiran, quite difficult to remember lies; no tension if we speak truth all the time :) Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks a lot fro dropping by !!

  4. Haha.. what an awkward situation !

    1. Hehe.. Maniparna, very awkward situation :)

  5. ha ha! good one! :)

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post :) thanks for visiting out here !!

  6. LOL....... That was an awkward situation!!!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post :) thanks for visiting out here, Bhavani !!

  7. Your posts always make me relate to it instantly. I was caught in a similar situation few days back with my neighbor. Even now I feel awkward to meet their eyes. :(

    Nice write up as always...

    1. Hehe.. it's really awkward when you get caught red handed :) So better always speak the truth :) Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for dropping by, Sonia !!

  8. I love Pormeranians, they are the cutest dog breed.

    1. Yes Carlyn, Pormeranians are very cute :) Thanks for dropping by !!

  9. was a blunder... :P. Nice post Jahid.... :)

    1. Hehe.. Priyashi :) it was really a blunder. Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  10. I rem my days when I was gifted a Pom by my Mummy to study hard :-) for board exams :-D Poms r cute.
    It's a wonderful read with gr8 message- Honesty is still the best policy.Good Wishes.

    1. Haha.. puppy to study hard :) Glad your liked the post and could refresh your good old memories. Thanks for the wishes and for visiting out here. Good wishes to you too, Ruchi !!

  11. You always come with nice post. Fun to read. Keep writing.

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    1. Thanks Shilpa :) Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for dropping by!!

  12. The situation sure was awkward. Therefore Honesty is the best policy!

    1. Yes, honesty is always the best policy, as we don't have to take any tension. Thanks a lot for visiting out here, Datta Ghosh !!

  13. Lol that's awkward.. nice read as usual jahid :)
    Btw, I think in one place you had mistakenly written Mr.Sharma instead of Mr. Prasad.

    1. Yes Meera, very awkward situation. Glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, just now realized that I had written Mr.Sharma instead of Mr. Prasad at one place. Thanks for the correction. Well, Mr Sharma is one of the characters of my first novel, yet to be published :) I've used the name so many times recently, so... !!

  14. LOL ! Its an art to lie too. Not many people can do it properly :)

    1. Very correct :) telling lie is an art. Thanks a lot for dropping by !!

  15. Haha, poor Mr. Prasad and the curse of truthfulness!
    On another note, I am one of those people who frowns upon buying puppies, when there are thousands of dogs being euthanized in shelters. The puppy mills that produce 'buyable' puppies aren't very kind either, and there is a high death rate among fertile dogs due to over breeding.

    1. Haha.. that was an awkward situation :) You have a nice thought, Chaitanyavs, but the puppy market is huge across the world. Thanks a lot for visiting out here!!

  16. Okay that must be pretty awkward :).

    1. Yes, Rachna Ji, very awkward :) Thanks for dropping by !!

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